How to make cheese cakes in the oven?

Curd cheese cakes are, of course, one of the most beloved dishes of children and adults. Their delicate taste and pleasant aroma will not leave anyone indifferent. Each hostess must indulge their loved ones with such delicious pancakes. Cheesecakes are great for breakfast and as a dessert. Did you know that traditional frying dishes can be replaced by more useful and convenient baking in the oven? We advise you to definitely try this method of cooking curd pancakes. Next, we will tell in detail not only how to cook cottage cheese pancakes in the oven, but also give a variety of recipes. With their help you can surprise and please your family with new culinary delights.
to contents ↑Baking Methods
In general, there are a lot of methods for heat treatment of products. And the choice depends on your desires and capabilities. So, curd cheesecakes can be prepared by the following methods:
- Fry in a pan, which is the most standard way of cooking this dish.
- Cook in the microwave. It’s also a good method, especially relevant if for some reason there is no way to fry or bake a dish.
- Make pancakes for a couple using a double boiler.
- Modern manufacturers of household appliances are ready to provide you with a universal assistant in the form of a multicooker. With the help of this machine you can bake cheesecakes and fry, and cook for a couple.
- Baking cheesecakes in the oven.
It is about the last method of preparation that will be discussed.
to contents ↑Advantages of roasting technology
If you do not know how to make cheesecakes in the oven, then we will help you. But for starters, I would like to highlight the advantages of this production of pancakes in order to further convince you of the correct choice.
So, the advantages of such cooking are as follows:
- Perhaps the main and most important advantage of baking is that you do not have to stand by the stove and observe the process, controlling the degree of frying.
- Fritters in the oven warm up evenly.
- Baking does not contain harmful substances that are formed in the process of frying foods.
- The capacity of the oven makes it possible to cook a significantly larger number of cheesecakes at a time.
- The pancakes will be less greasy, since they will require very little vegetable oil to make them.
Important! Diet dessert will appeal to women who carefully monitor their weight.
- Dishes cooked in the oven are much healthier than fried foods. Therefore, such syrniki can be safely given to small children and people who follow a strict diet.
Such advantages are indisputable grounds for preparing cheese cakes in the oven. Do you agree? Then stock up on dishes in which you will bake pancakes. For these purposes, you can offer several options:
- Greased baking sheet with vegetable oil.
- Baking sheet covered with parchment or foil.
- If you do not have a suitable baking sheet, use the same pan in which the pancakes were going to fry. True, it will be a pity that the number of cheesecakes will be reduced.
- Silicone molds are also suitable.
to contents ↑Important! If you use bases of various shapes and patterns, then the appearance of cheesecakes will become very original.
Recipe list
Well, there are tons of recipes for making cheesecakes in the oven. We offer you the best of them.
Classic recipe
To prepare delicious and tender cottage cheese pancakes according to this recipe, you need to stock up on the following ingredients:
- High-quality and fresh cottage cheese about 200-250 g.
- Chicken eggs - 2 pieces.
- Wheat flour, only the highest grade - approximately 50-70 g. If you pour flour with tablespoons, then it is 3-4 tablespoons.
- Sugar - 100 g.
- A teaspoon of baking powder. It can be replaced with baking soda, slaked table vinegar.
Now we turn to the cooking process itself. First of all, prepare the dough of our cheesecakes. For this:
- Beat eggs with sugar.
- In the resulting composition, gradually introduce flour. Be surely sifted.
- The next step is to add baking powder.
- Stir the dough until it is completely homogeneous.
After you have prepared the dough, proceed to baking cheesecakes:
- Preheat the oven to a temperature of 160 degrees. Use heating mode lower.
- Form wet balls with wet hands and place them evenly on a baking sheet.
- Slightly flatten them.
Important! Cheesecakes are baked for about 20-25 minutes. 5 minutes before cooking, set the top heating mode in the oven so that the top of the pancakes is browned.
Cheesecakes with semolina
A common ingredient in syrniki is semolina, as it has a good binding effect, which is important for the dough. Plus, the grain structure is very nice. How to cook cheese cakes in the oven according to this recipe?
Prepare the following components:
- A pack of cottage cheese weighing about 250 g.
- Chicken egg, fresh - 1 piece.
- Sugar - 50 g.
- Wheat flour, premium - 3 tablespoons or 60 g.
- 1 tablespoon semolina.
We prepare the dough in this way:
- Mix all the ingredients except flour.
- Leave the dough for 20 minutes to swell semolina.
- Add the sifted flour and mix everything thoroughly again.
Baking remains:
- We heat the oven to 160 degrees.
- From the resulting test we make small balls.
- We spread them on a greased baking sheet and press them so that they acquire a flat shape.
- The cooking period is no more than 20 minutes.
Important! Cottage cheese pancakes using semolina have a granular consistency, and their taste becomes more juicy.
Cheesecakes without adding eggs
The absence of eggs in the dish makes it softer, more tender and crumbly. How to make cheesecakes in the oven without this seemingly important component? Pretty simple!
For this you will need these products:
- One pack of fresh cottage cheese about 200-250 g.
- Brown sugar - 1 teaspoon with a slide.
- Salt is half a teaspoon.
- Premium wheat flour - 100 g.
Knead the dough for cheesecakes:
- Grind the cottage cheese with sugar, and pour the sifted flour in small batches to the resulting mass.
- Mix all the components well so that a homogeneous mass without lumps comes out.
- We form balls from the dough and roll them in flour.
- Spread on greased baking sheet.
Important! Cheesecakes are baked in a preheated oven at a temperature of 160 degrees. Cooking time is about 20 minutes.
Cheesecakes without flour
Diet pancakes do not differ in their taste from cheesecakes with flour. And how to make cheesecakes in the oven so that they are less high-calorie?
Take these components for the test:
- Fresh cottage cheese - a pack of about 250 g.
- Chicken fresh egg in quantity - 1 piece.
- Sugar - 50 g.
- Baking powder - one teaspoon.
- A small pinch of ordinary table salt.
- For vanilla flavor and aroma, add vanilla and cinnamon.
Getting to the dough kneading:
- Mash the cottage cheese thoroughly with a fork or wipe it through a sieve.
- We add all other products to the curd mass.
- Mix all the products thoroughly until smooth.
Important! In a preheated oven, bake cheesecakes at a temperature of 160-180 degrees. Cooking time approximately 20-25 minutes.
Yeast cottage cheese pancakes
You will definitely like this recipe for its magical aroma of muffin and pleasant taste. Prepare the following ingredients:
- Fresh pack of cottage cheese weighing 250 g.
- Two chicken fresh eggs.
- Wheat flour, take better the highest grade - 200 g or a standard glass with a slide.
- 3 tablespoons of sugar.
- Dry baker's yeast - 1 teaspoon.
- Milk of medium fat content - 100 ml.
- A pinch of salt.
How to cook cheese cakes in the oven using yeast? The dough is done like this:
- We combine in a bowl such components: cottage cheese, eggs, half flour, sugar 2 tablespoons, salt.
- Mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
- The remaining spoonful of sugar is added to warm milk, and the yeast is added there.
- We wait 15 minutes and add the yeast mixture to the dough. Mix.
- Pour the remains of the sifted flour into the mass and again thoroughly mix the dough.
Important! After this, the dough must be covered and left to infuse for about one hour in a warm place.
After this time, we start baking dishes:
- Preheat the oven in the bottom heating mode to 200 degrees.
- Form the curd balls, which put on a baking sheet. Flatten them with a little touch.
- Leave in this state for 10 minutes. This is necessary so that the kneaded dough rises.
- Bake pancakes for 20 minutes, and a few minutes before the end, turn on the top heat to brown the cheesecakes.
Important! Fluffy porous cheesecakes are perfect for impregnation with various compositions: jam, condensed milk, confiture.
Fruit cheesecakes
To diversify all of the above recipes, you can add delicious fruit ingredients.
Perfect for this:
- Apples
- Bananas
- Pears
- Strawberry.
- Citruses.
- Cherry.
In general, what to add is up to you. Choose your favorite fruits, mix them with each other and the dish will become even tastier.
There are several nuances of how to make cheesecakes in the fruit oven:
- The amount of fruit should be equal to half the mass of cottage cheese.
- Add some more flour. More juicy and wet fruits require more flour.
- Increase the time for baking cheese cakes with fruit by 5 minutes.
to contents ↑Important! Dried fruits can also be added to the composition of cheesecakes. Washed and ground ingredients are mixed with the dough. Dried apricots, various types of raisins, prunes, dates are perfect for these purposes.
Dessert serving
Your delicious dish will be complemented by his competent serving. From this, it will become even more appetizing and tasty.
As a sauce for sweet cheesecakes:
- Sour cream.
- Any jam or preserves.
- Melted Chocolate.
- Fragrant honey.
- Condensed milk.
to contents ↑Important! Fritters can not be watered, but sprinkled with powdered sugar.
Cooking secrets
We will tell you some more secrets on how to make cheesecakes in the oven:
- The flour must be sifted before preparing the dough.
- Add flour is best in small parts.
- If you run out of flour or it wasn’t enough according to the recipe, then replace it with semolina.
- Thick batter will give the pancakes stiffness, and batter will creep.
- Do not use ingredients cold. We recommend that you first get them out of the refrigerator so that they become room temperature.
- The baking powder gives the pancakes splendor.
- Before laying on a baking sheet, roll each cheesecake in flour or semolina.
- Dry raisins or roll in flour before adding raisins to the dough. Then this ingredient is distributed evenly over the curd mass.
- Wet curd before use will be advisable to recline on cheesecloth and allow the liquid to drain for an hour.
- It is optimal to acquire cottage cheese of a uniform consistency without grains. If this is not so, then mash it with a fork or wipe it through a sieve.
- A crisp can be made if you grease the top of the syrniki with beaten egg white with sugar, sour cream or a piece of butter. These manipulations must be done at the end of baking, turning on the top heating mode of the oven.
Stock footage
Knowing how to cook cheese cakes in the oven, you can diversify your family's menu. And cooking in this way will only enhance the taste and healthy qualities of the curd pancakes.In our article you will certainly find the very recipe that will become your signature dish.
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