How to make a tank of socks?

As a rule, “traditional” gifts that do not differ in special originality are presented for a man's holiday. Everyone has long been accustomed to giving shaving foam, common socks, some perfume and something else like that. A banal, battered, uninteresting option, and you can present an original gift, with a sense of humor. Having included unlimited imagination, having shown creative abilities and realized creative ideas, you can independently arrange a gift, for example, in the form of a “knocker”. In this article we will look at how to make a tank from socks with your own hands.
to contents ↑How to make a tank of socks?
In order to design a tank from ordinary socks, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:
- socks in the amount of 4 pairs;
- satin ribbon, which can be of any color scale and any width;
- a handle which can be used a razor, electronic cigarette, screwdriver;
- the adhesive paper from which the flag is made.
Important! The gift item is universal. On the one hand, it looks like a hosiery, plus a branded pen or a new-fashioned razor acts as an application, in general, which is enough for your imagination. And if you also present it in an original way, then such an extravagant gift can completely surprise anyone.
Consider the independent process of making a tank from a sock:
- First of all, we prepare two pairs of socks.
- We lay them out on a horizontal surface so that the back is at the bottom, and the heel of the socks is also placed down.
- Now we start from the toe of our hosiery we turn off the tube.
- As a result of the procedure, we get four twisted tubules of two pairs of socks.
- After this, the tubes from the socks are required to be laid out on another sock, previously unfolded with the heel up.
- Then we turn the caterpillar from these socks. To do this, pull the main sock slightly and “insert” the second end part of the same sock into the gum. Thus, it is necessary to fix the manufactured tubes.
- The next step will be the design of the "tower". To do this, we prepare two more hosiery and in the same manner we turn them into “tubes”, only in this case we make them a little wider.
- At the end of the manufacture of the "tower" we turn into the last toe already folded.
Important! To fix the socks of the “tower” apply sock elastic, which in this case must be slightly turned out.
- Then you should connect the two parts - the track and the "tower". For fixation, a prepared satin ribbon is used, which fixes gift elements placed on top of each other.
- The final touch is the design of the "muzzle", for which a pen with a flag is used. The prepared handle must be inserted into the “tower” in the place where the toe gum is turned out. Then a pre-prepared paper flag is attached to the pen. Adhesive paper is very good for this purpose.
The hosiery in the form of a “tank” is ready! The following is a creative moment of presenting a gift.
to contents ↑Tanchik from socks and pants
You can also issue another version of the tank, the manufacture of which uses socks and underpants.
For such a presentation apply:
- socks in the amount of 2 pairs;
- 4 pieces of underpants;
- a small piece of cardboard paper;
- one Chinese wand;
- a small amount of tape;
- satin ribbon;
- bow;
- Gift wrapping.
How to make a tank from socks and pants:
- First you need to roll up the panties in the form of rollers. There should be four of them.
Important! In order for them not to unwind, they must be fastened with tape.
- After that, we wrap a satin ribbon on a Chinese wand.
- The next step is to cut out two cardboards. The width of the cardboard corresponds to the width of the roller, and the length is equal to the length of the 4 rollers that were created.
- Cardboard is inserted into the inside of different socks. These socks represent the tracks of our “tank”.
- We have one more pair of idle socks, which we wind in the form of a roller, and inside we put a stick wrapped in a ribbon.
- We fix the upper part with a gift bow.
Tanchik from socks and toilet water
You can also arrange a tank of socks with an additional application as toilet water. In this case, it is necessary to prepare the following components:
- socks in the amount of three pairs;
- any satin braid;
- bottle of male toilet water;
- two rubber bands that hold the money together;
- medal shaped chocolate bar.
Consider the creative process of manufacturing a new version of a hosiery:
- First of all, it is necessary to lay the socks on a horizontal surface so that the heel of the sock is located at the top.
- After that, of the five prepared socks, we make tight rolls, starting to fold them from the sock, we drag them with an elastic band to hold the money together.
- First you need to wind the gum on one toe, after which each subsequent convolution is necessary to remove the gum coil and fix the next one.
- As a result of the procedure, a whole string of “track wheels” of the tank is formed, which are interconnected by one elastic band.
- Next, we use the sixth sock, with which we wrap the created design, inserting the sock of the sock used in the designed version of the bootleg.
- After that, we use a satin ribbon, with which we wrap the tracks of the made tank and carefully fix it.
- The bottom of the tank is already assembled, then the “tower” should be designed. To do this, use a bottle of male toilet water.
- In addition, we will need to make a hatch - as it we use a chocolate having the shape of a round medal.
- We put all the prepared elements together, and then we drag them with a second rubber band for money, and we knit our assembled product on top with a satin ribbon.
Important! To design a turret with a barrel, you can apply various methods. For this purpose, you can pick up a lot of elements, for example, a company pen, shaving foam, sticks for sushi and the like. This is just the case when your limitless imagination is turned on.
A gift thus prepared in any case evokes a sincere smile and positive emotions.
to contents ↑Sock and beer bottle
A very original solution is to make a tank of socks and a bottle of beer. For this, it is necessary to prepare the following materials in advance:
- five pairs of good quality socks;
- a small bottle of beer with a capacity of 0.33 liters (you can pre-wrap it in “tank colors” using colored paper);
- two banking gum;
- a set of colored paper;
- double-sided tape;
- second glue;
- cork from a bottle of wine;
- traditional toothpick;
- two staples that were part of the same socks purchased;
- twine;
- elegant-festive ribbon in the amount of one piece.
Let's look at how to make a tank of socks and a bottle of beer step by step:
- First, we twist the socks according to the previous descriptions to get a caterpillar.
- Now we turn to the manufacture of the "tower". The tower is made out of a bottle of beer and an unused pair of socks.To do this, put our sock on the bottle, then wrap the sock up and lay the sock under the elastic.
Important! It is necessary to tighten it tightly so that as a result the bottle does not seem loosely wrapped and nothing hangs anywhere.
- After that, wrap the beer bottle across the unused toe. To do this, thread the sock gum into the hole. Then, along the toe, you need to wrap it around the beer bottle, while the heel should be inside, the toe should be wrapped inside. In this way he will hide.
Important! If necessary, the corners are pulled together with two brackets from the same socks.
- After that, a “tower” is installed on the manufactured rollers.
Important! To support our large cannon, a wine cork is used, which can be pre-wrapped in black colored paper. Otherwise, the gun may fail slightly. In order not to be noticeable, we seal the ends of the cork with black paper as well.
- At the end of the manufacturing process, it is necessary to straighten all the folds and correct where necessary.
- Using a toothpick and colored paper, we draw up the flag and fix it with second glue.
- After this, we tie the product with a gift elegant ribbon, and the tan is ready to delight others.
Making gifts is an important component, because even such banal things like socks and underpants, toilet water or a pen can be presented in such a way that this present will be remembered for a lifetime. Therefore, create, experiment, and you will succeed!
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