How to make a chain?

If you want to wear an exclusive and original version of jewelry, then it is not necessary to buy them. It is quite possible to create such jewelry with your own hands. So, if you set out to make a chain yourself, then you will have to make some skill and use some skills to create a beautiful and original thing. In this article, we will look at how to make a chain of wire with our own hands.

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Viking knit technique

Viking knit is an ancient method of weaving a chain that does not require soldering links. In this case, the chain is made of a long piece of grooves, which can always be increased as needed.

Important! This name is translated into Russian as “Viking knots” or “Viking weaving”. This weaving technique got its name because of the first jewelry of this kind found in archaeological burials, which belonged to the ancient Vikings. After this find there were others that turned out to be even more ancient. However, it is currently believed that such a weaving technique was originally developed in the city of Trichipoli, which is located in India.

Such a chain can be made as an antique stylized jewelry. In this case, to create an old decoration, it is necessary to prepare the following items:

  • thin wire, as a rule, it is best to use copper;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • a ruler.

How to make a chain at home using the Viking knit technique:

  • First of all, it is necessary to prepare the basis on which the very beginning of the chain weaving will be superimposed. To do this, cut a piece of copper wire about 40 cm long and wrap it around the ruler 5-6 times.
  • After that, you need to remove the skein from the ruler, fix the hinges, while wrapping around them the end of the groove, which is free.
  • Next, open the fixed loops in the "flower". This procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to accidentally wrinkle our loops.
  • Then such a “flower” needs to be bent around the pencil.
  • Cut another piece of wire with a length of about 65-70 cm, and weaving can begin. To do this, leave a small free end of the wire, make a loop around one of the “petals”.
  • Then you need to make a second loop, while stepping back one “petal” to the right. In exactly the same way we continue from top to bottom.
  • Next, you need to make 4 more loops and return again to the first “petal”.
  • Now go to the next row. In this case, you need to make the next loop, catching on the first loop of the previous row.
  • We continue to knit, clinging each time to the loops of the previous row. We carry out this process until the remaining tip of the wire becomes about 10-15 cm.
  • Now you need to complete the procedure for building the gimp so that it is possible to knit further. To do this, cut another piece and place it under the vertical row of loops.

Important! When in the process of knitting we reach the section of the wire extension, we need to grab a new wire together with the loop of the previous row for tight fixation.

  • We knit another circle, again we approach the site with a new wire. Now you need to perform the correct procedure: for this, a new piece of wire must be brought up on the left side of the loop, and the old working wire should be hooked on the right side of the loop and take it to the lower direction.
  • We knit the old copper thread on several knitting circles together with the loop of the previous row for fixation, then we cut it off and continue weaving the chain from the wire with our own hands.
  • By this principle, we continue to knit. When, in your opinion, the thread appears to be of sufficient length, the knitted product must be removed from the pencil.

Important! To determine the length of the finished jewelry, one must not forget that the knitted product is capable of stretching approximately twice.

  • And now the most crucial moment: you need to grab your fingers by the ends, stretch the weave and see how it transforms.

Knitting is completed, decoration is ready! We disconnect it from the auxiliary loops and can be used as you wish.

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Recommendations on how to make a DIY chain

Consider the following recommendations for making antique jewelry with your own hands.

Tip 1

If you purchase an ordinary metal crochet hook and soft wire, then having shown certain skills and dexterity, you can knit a decent chain of the required length. It is important to match the thickness of the hook to the thickness of the gutter.

The technique of knitting a chain of wire is very simple:

  1. When the first loop is made, then the next one needs to be hooked and pulled through the previous loop.
  2. Pull the threaded loop to the required length.
  3. We repeat this procedure of pulling the loop from the loop so many times until the product is the desired length.

Important! The thickness of the hook must necessarily correspond to the thickness of the wire. Otherwise:

  • If the hook is much thicker than the wire used, then huge holes will be obtained.
  • If the hook is thinner than the wire used, the knitting process is complicated, since the hook will not be able to grab the loops normally.


Tip 2

How to make a chain with your own hands? If you want to make a chain of brass, steel or copper, then the wire must first be annealed to make the metal soft and pliable. For this:

  1. A template is made in advance and a wooden board is used with four carnations driven into it by four points.
  2. Nails, which are located in the form of a rhombus, determine the shape of the chain links.
  3. Using the template, you need to sequentially bend the S-shaped links, since the ends of the loops should have an elongated shape.
  4. The links of the chain are connected both directly with each other, and using rings that are performed as a winding of a pencil wire, with each turn it is necessary to bite off with wire cutters.

Important! Before connecting the chain links, they should be treated with a sandpaper and a file for safe use, as barbs can scratch the skin or leave puffs on clothing.

Tip 3

You can also make a chain of silver wire with your own hands. The manufacturing methodology is exactly the same as when creating jewelry from ordinary wire.

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Weaving of individual rings

How to make a chain of wire:

  • First you need to cut the prepared wire into several small pieces that are about 5 cm long.
  • Then bend the tips, forcefully press them with the flat part of the pliers. You should get a piece of wire in which the round ends have a curved shape.
  • Then we take the obtained piece of gimlet with pliers at the midpoint, bend it in half, while pressing one loop to the other.

Important! The pliers must be exactly in the center, otherwise the two loops will not be able to converge. As a result, uneven links are obtained and the chain looks ugly.

  • After the two loops came together and the flat part of the pliers was pressed, one link turned out to be ready.
  • After this, you need to pass a piece of wire into the loops of the first link and repeat this procedure.

Important! The number of links determines the length of the finished product. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the length in advance and thus decide how many links you need for this decoration.

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If nothing worked out the first time, then you can work out, and you will succeed. And then you will already begin to master more complex weaving techniques, creating more and more sophisticated and exquisite jewelry that will definitely attract attention, because there will simply not be any analogues. And everything that looks interesting causes genuine admiration.


