How to make colored glass?

Since ancient times, people have experimented with various natural materials, trying to transform them into something new and more interesting. The technology for manufacturing colored glass has been known for several millennia. But in the computer game Minecraft, it appeared relatively recently, after the release of version 1.7.2. Of course, the real way is very different from the virtual one, but they have a lot in common. How to make stained glass in real life and on a computer? Let's talk about it.

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Play minecraft

Minecraft is a survival game. How is colored glass made in this small but comfortable computer world? This material is endowed with the property not to change the color of the light flux passing through it.

Important! Each shade is assigned its own ID - for white it is 95, for orange - 95/1, for black - 95/15.

Where is it used?

There are many application options, but all of them can be divided into three categories:

  • construction;
  • creation of decorative elements;
  • glass panel manufacturing.

We are looking for elements

To make colored glass in Minecraft, you need two things:

  • clear glass;
  • dye.

Important! As in real life, in Minecraft for the manufacture of such material you will need sand. It must be dug up, and the more the better. You also need a stove in which you will bake the material. Where to get sand? In ordinary places:

  • in desert;
  • near water or at the bottom.

Looking for pigments

You will have to paint the glass yourself. For this, of course, you need what you paint, that is, pigments. There are 15 types of dyes in the game. Among them you will find minerals - for example, lapis lazuli. But some strange item, such as an ink bag, can help deal with technology. Flowers grow in the meadow, from which pigment can also be obtained.


How to make white glass?

In Minecraft, you can make not only color, but also white glass. For this, as in all other cases, pigment is required. Where to get it? This is bone meal, which, like other materials for pigments, must be lived in a machine.

Let's paint

Next, you will need 8 transparent glasses and a workbench:

  1. Open the workbench.
  2. Put dye in the middle.
  3. Around it, arrange 8 glasses in a circle.
  4. You will still have the same 8 glasses, but they will be colored and are quite suitable for creating a panel.

Important! You can get more colored glasses if you expand the blanks not only in the upper row, but also in the middle and lower. Ready-made panels are suitable for creating more spectacular display cases and windows.

Glass subtleties

If you are carried away by Minecraft and decide whether to bother with glass or not, keep in mind that this material has a lot of useful functions in the game:

  • monsters really do not like this material and almost never come to its owners;
  • snow does not accumulate on glass surfaces;
  • windows and walls may be glass; the floor may not;
  • heavy objects, i.e. rails or stairs, cannot be placed on such fragile planes;
  • it is also prohibited to place lanterns or torches on them;
  • red stone can only be seen through glass;
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What about life?

Having learned how to make colored glass in a “craft” game, you can talk about how things were in real life. Archaeologists claim that stained glass was invented by the ancient Sumerians. To this day, this material remains very popular. How do they make it? There are several ways.

Option 1

The glass mass is painted when rolling or drawing. This view is called a pulled waybill.A colored layer consisting of stained glass or an oxide film is:

  • transparent
  • jammed.

By the nature of the distribution of the dye on the surface of the glass can be obtained:

  • smooth;
  • patterned;
  • marble;

For this method, metal oxides are used. Are used:

  • copper;
  • nickel;
  • chromium;
  • vanadium;
  • iron;
  • cobalt;
  • titanium;
  • manganese;
  • cerium.

Other substances are also used - sulfur and selenium, and some sulfur compounds (copper, cadmium, lead, iron). In this way, you can get different shades:

  • white;
  • green;
  • red;
  • purple and others.


Option 2

Double-layer glass is obtained in two ways:

  • using a colored oxide film that is applied to colorless glass;
  • by fusing colorless and colored glass layers.

This technology is more complicated than rolling and stretching. In particular, in production, they carefully monitor that the linear expansion coefficients of both layers are the same; otherwise, a layer with a higher index will quickly crack.

There is an advantage in making colored glass in this way - less dye is needed. The transparent layer is made in the same way as ordinary sheet glass, that is, by the method of vertical stretching. As in the first case, the color layer can be transparent and glossy.

Important! The brightness and color saturation with this manufacturing method depend on several conditions:

  • quality and concentration of the dye;
  • the thickness of the painted layer;
  • properties of the color itself.

Option 3

Coloring in bulk is similar to being obtained by rolling or drawing. This is the simplest method, which, moreover, allows you to mix shades directly during the process. One or more pigments are added during the melting of the semi-finished product. In this case, it is very important to strictly observe the temperature and gas conditions, as well as know the properties of each pigment.

Important! Colored glass crystallizes more easily than usual, and this must be borne in mind.

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From this article, you learned useful information on how to make colored glass not only in real life, but also in virtual. Regardless of what goals you set for yourself - to pass a new level of the game or to transform the interior with interesting objects, we hope you succeeded with our helpful tips. Good luck

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