How to make a toilet in the country?

Even the most ordinary cottage, which is a bare land without special buildings, needs a toilet. The need for it arises within a couple of hours after staying at the cottage. Many people know how this building should look, but this is not enough, because before you build it, you should study the site itself, decide which toilet is suitable in a particular case, because there are many of them. You will also have to decide where to install it, observing the current standards and sanitary rules. And only then you can start construction. Today we will learn how to make a toilet in the country on our own, because in this process there is nothing complicated.

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Varieties and features of country toilets

On a summer cottage, where there is a house in which you can even live, it is advisable to equip two toilets: one on the street, the second in the house. In bad weather or at night it is unlikely that anyone will want to run outside - the room is much more comfortable and warmer. Street buildings are used mainly during the day during gardening, so as not to carry all the dirt in the house.

You can build a cottage toilet with your own hands of any type from the following:

  1. Building with a cesspool. This construction is a shallow pit 1.5 m deep with a house on top. Sewage accumulates in it and decompose gradually. If the toilet is used too often, then it is filled quickly and what is inside just does not have time to ferment. Previously, this problem was solved easily - the house was removed and a hole was buried. But today it is customary to clean the pits either manually or with the help of a cesspool machine.
  2. Powder Closet. This is ideal for areas with close water locations. There is no pit here; instead, various containers are used that are installed directly under the toilet seat. At the same time, after each trip, sewage is sprinkled with dry peat, ash or sawdust so that their smell does not spread everywhere. After the container is completely filled, it is simply emptied.
  3. Backlash. This is a building with a sealed pit, which is cleaned with a scavenger. Basically, they are equipped right in the house near the outer wall, because the pit is located outside and sewage through the pipe enters it. The pit itself is made at a slope towards the house, so that it is more convenient to clean it.
  4. Dry closet. This booth is more familiar to urban residents. It is flooded with active microorganisms for waste processing. You don’t have to build it, it is just purchased ready-made and installed in a certain place.
  5. Chemical toilet. From the previous version, it differs in the means used for the treatment of sewage. Chemical reagents are used in it, so the processed contents cannot be used to fertilize the earth.
  6. Peat toilet. This is the home version of powder-closet, the so-called modernized achievement of our time. Outwardly, it looks like an ordinary toilet bowl, only dry peat is used instead of water, and a special container instead of sewer pipes. It can be safely installed in the house, the main thing is to equip ventilation to eliminate unpleasant odors.

Important! The choice depends on the level of groundwater:

  • If they are too far, deeper than 2.5 meters and do not rise above this mark even during spring floods or in the rainy season, then you can use any option proposed.
  • If the waters are too close to the surface, then it is not recommended to give preference to a construction with a cesspool.


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Basic recommendations and rules for the placement of a country toilet

There are a number of restrictions regarding the placement of street buildings of this type, so be sure to familiarize yourself with them before making a toilet in the country with your own hands. Basically they relate to options involving direct contact of sewage with groundwater and the soil itself.

These limitations and recommendations include the following:

  1. The distance from the toilet to the nearest water source should not be less than 25 m. It does not matter that it is a well, a well, a lake, a stream. If the land itself is located on a slope, then it is necessary to install the building slightly below the source of water supply. Due to this, effluents can be avoided in drinking water.
  2. The distance to the cellar and the house should not be less than 12 m.
  3. From the bathhouse or shower - at least 8 m.
  4. From the toilet to the building where animals are kept, should not be less than 4 m.
  5. From bushes - 1 m, from trees - 4 m.
  6. From the toilet to the fence not less than a meter.
  7. You should also take into account the wind rose when choosing a place for arranging the toilet, so as not to spoil the life of yourself and your neighbors with an unpleasant smell.
  8. It is important that the door of the building does not open towards the neighbors.

Important! When choosing the most suitable place for a toilet, consider objects located not only in your summer cottage, but also nearby people. It concerns everything, houses, sheds, trees, a fence.

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How to independently build a toilet with a pit in the country?

Now let's take a closer look at how to make a toilet yourself. Let us immediately dwell on this option, because it is considered the most successful for suburban areas. The only difficulty that arises is the arrangement of the pit. It’s quite simple to build a house, so it’s better to pay maximum attention to communications. First, you should mark the site, and only then proceed with the rest of the work.

Construction takes place according to the following scheme:

  • Dig a cesspool with a depth of 1.5 m with a slope so that it falls on the back of the toilet.
  • Tamp the walls and bottom of the pit with a layer of clay 15-25 cm. Also, the walls can be made of brick, wood or concrete.

Important! When groundwater is deep, the walls of the pit need not be completely sealed. Enough and clay fencing.

  • From a wooden beam measuring 100 by 100 mm, knock down the base of the toilet. You can also use paving curbs or concrete blocks, laying them directly on the ground.

Important! In the case of using a wooden beam, it must be treated with some kind of antiseptic.

  • Set up a boardwalk over the cesspool. First of all, knock the frame out of the bars. To make it convenient to clean, make a small distance between them.

Important! Doing the flooring should be outside the building, so that under it there is enough free space for sewage.

  • From the bottom, cover the flooring with some roll material or roofing material.
  • Immediately behind the toilet, make a hatch with a hinged lid. It is convenient to use it for cleaning. Top hatch is treated with an antiseptic.
  • Lay the ventilation pipe out of the pit. Install it from the back wall and extend 70-100 cm above the roof. An ordinary sewer pipe is suitable for this. A visor is mounted on top of it to prevent debris and water from getting inside.
  • Install a toilet house on top.
  • Blind and drain around rainwater around it, otherwise it will flood the pit.
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How to equip the country with powder-closet?

In this section, we will familiarize ourselves with another no less popular option, how to make a toilet in the country with your own hands. Drawings are the easiest way of self-construction, because according to them everything can be done clearly, efficiently, beautifully, even without special skills.

Important! Powder closure is good because there is no need to make a cesspool. This greatly facilitates the work. It can be located next to the house, the construction technology itself is lighter. In addition, groundwater is not polluted.

Construction takes place in several stages, each of them must be considered separately.


Work should begin precisely with the drawing - thanks to it, all the details and elements will be of the correct size, and then there will be no problems with them. Given that there is no pit in the powder closet, only the construction of the house is shown in the drawing. It is very important before you make a country toilet yourself, to decide on its dimensions, so that it is convenient for everyone to use it. The most common option:

  • height - 2.2 m;
  • depth - 1 m;
  • width - 1.5 m.

These parameters can be changed if necessary.

Important! You can make it from any material, more often the toilet itself is made of wood, and the walls are sheathed with slate or metal profile.

You can use both ready-made and home-made drawing. The main thing is strict adherence to all parameters.

Support and foundation

A heavy foundation is optional. If you want to build a toilet out of wood, then the support can be made in two most suitable ways:

  • lay concrete blocks or bricks around the perimeter;
  • dig pillars.

Important! Supports are made, as a rule, from logs or wooden beams. Concrete poles are considered more resilient.

Further, everything must be done according to this instruction:

  1. Mark the plot. At this stage, it is necessary to accurately determine all the angles of the building.
  2. Take four asbestos-cement pipes with a diameter of at least 150 mm, then treat them with bituminous mastic from the outside.
  3. Dig holes in the corners and deepen the pipes to a distance of 50-70 cm.
  4. Pour the pipes with concrete mortar to a third of their height. Seal the concrete so that all air bubbles escape.
  5. Insert support pillars made of wood or concrete into the pipes. Fix them with concrete mortar.


Frame manufacturing

If you are specifically interested in how to make a wooden toilet with your own hands, then prepare a wooden beam for making a frame measuring 50 by 50 or 80 by 80 mm.

Important! Do not take a more massive and thick timber. You can also use metal corners.

Externally, the frame should look like this:

  • Vertical support legs on four sides.
  • Roof binding. The longitudinal bars should protrude slightly outside the body by about 30-40 cm. In front, it will play the role of a visor, and behind it will help the water go beyond it.
  • Screed or harness at the level of the toilet seat. The tie rods are fastened to the strut to the vertical supports. The toilet seat should be located at least 40 cm above the floor.
  • Diagonal bevels that give strength to all structures.
  • Frame for mounting the door. These are two vertically standing supports up to 1.9 m high, with a horizontal bridge on top of the same height.

Housing and roof installation

At the next stage, the frame is sheathed. It is necessary to do this, because it is due to their external attractiveness that wooden toilets are so popular. In addition, thanks to this they are comfortable and convenient.

Features of the work:

  • Boards with a thickness of 15-25 mm are nailed to the frame, then they fit tightly to each other.
  • They should be located vertically, because the roof is installed at a slope to the rear wall. To do this, the upper part of the cladding boards is cut at an angle.
  • Behind it is necessary to make a door through which it is convenient to take out a container filled with sewage. They make it more often over the entire width of the back wall and to a height of 40 cm. They attach it to the hinges.
  • The roof is covered with the same material as the rest of the buildings in the country so that the toilet does not break out of the general composition. You can use metal tiles or decking. Wooden roofs must be covered with roofing material to protect them from getting wet.
  • A ventilation hole is made in the roof, which is then well sealed.

Door Installation:

  • Country toilets are closed, as a rule, with wooden doors hung on hinges, which can be 2 or 3 - it all depends on its massiveness and severity.
  • The closing mechanism can be selected at your discretion, for example, a hook, latch, wooden bolt or latch.
  • A latch is also recommended inside.
  • In its upper part, a window should be made so that daylight enters through it inside. It can be glazed.

Arrangement of a toilet seat:

  • A stool or a seat in such a toilet can be made of wooden boards, moisture-proof plywood or wall paneling. It is better to give preference to a natural tree.
  • A toilet seat is made even at the stage of manufacturing the frame, which is why it is enough to sheathe it with boards and paint it on top.
  • Then you need to make a hole in the middle and install a container for sewage.
  • The cover for the toilet seat is better to make hinged on hinges.
  • In the most convenient place on the wall, hang a container for storing peat.
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We got acquainted with the most popular ways how to make a street toilet with our own hands, which for many years are in justifiable demand. To make such buildings is not difficult even alone without the help of professionals, without special knowledge, skills and experience in the construction industry.

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