How to make a tulip out of paper?

Flowers are considered an integral part of every interior, as they create comfort in the house. In addition, they are a great gift for any occasion. Living tulips, especially in the autumn-winter period, are very expensive, and they fade almost the next day. Therefore, in order to make spring notes in the general atmosphere, we will tell you how to make a tulip out of paper. This is a very original solution, and the manufacturing process will give you a lot of pleasure.

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We make origami tulips

Origami flower in Eastern countries symbolizes natural unity, since each bud or petal is made exclusively from a single sheet. Such flowers can simply be put in a vase in the form of a bouquet, or you can use them to decorate caskets or cards. In order to please yourself and your loved ones, you can make a tulip out of paper with your own hands, using the following methods.

Important! Do not forget that despite the seeming simplicity, the origami technique leaving Japan, respectively - is not so simple as it seems. Therefore, try not to tackle the heavy schemes right away, but to begin with the manufacture of the simplest and most basic crafts.

Method number 1. “I myself”:

  1. Take a square sheet and fold it diagonally, giving it the shape of a triangle. Mark the middle.
  2. Next - to the formed middle, it is necessary to attach the right and left petals so that a clove is formed. You should get a bud with three petals.
  3. Corner - the base located below must be bent, and after you expand the bud, hide it inside.
  4. Expand the bud, and in the resulting "pocket" place the stem leg.

Important! To make a leg, take a sheet of green paper, bend it diagonally and bend both sides of the square to the midline. Fold the blank in half so that you have a long triangle. Make a transverse fold so that a leaf forms. That's all, your stem can be attached to the bud.

Method number 2. "Diamond":

  1. Take a square sheet of paper and fold it into a triangle.
  2. Expand the triangle so that it returns to its original form of the square. After - fold again, only on the other side. You should get a cross.
  3. Turn the leaf over so that it looks like a pyramid. Bend it in half. Flip and expand. Bend from left to right again. You should have folds in the form of stripes and an asterisk on the leaflet.
  4. Make a triangle again, with the pressure on the center formed below. You will get a pyramid.
  5. Bend the corners of one triangle to the center, while smoothing it with your fingers.
  6. Turn the triangle with the sharp end toward you. The same procedure should be done with the other two. Bend the corners in the middle.
  7. Turn the craft over, do the same with the second lower triangle. As a result, you should get a rhombus.
  8. At the top of the rhombus, grab a small triangle, bend it to the center. Turn the workpiece over and do the same operation.
  9. Lay the product in front of you. The left corner must be stuck in the corner on the right. You should have a triangle on top of the rhombus. Turn the work over, do the same operation again.
  10. If you did everything right, then a miracle will happen. Just blow into the hole at the bottom of the flower so that the bud opens.

Important! The stalk can be made of green paper twisted into a tube or use a twig.


Method number 3. Delicate Tulip:

  1. You need to start it according to the same scheme as the “Diamond”. You should get a triangle with the folds folded inward.
  2. Bend the open corners of the triangle outward, thus turning them inside out.
  3. Bend sharp corners one by one to the middle of the workpiece and wrap it inward. You should get four petals. Secure them with side bends.
  4. Spread the petals and insert the stem.

Method number 4. Terry tulips:

  • Take a square piece of paper. Fold it on both diagonals, while turning the top up so that you end up with a rhombus.
  • Fold each corner to the center. You should get a square.
  • Bend each corner from the center outward.
  • Fold the workpiece so that all the teeth are evenly distributed.

Important! Make sure that the teeth are not distributed along the lines of the original diagonals.

  • Fold the workpiece with a cone, bend the base and straighten the petals.

Method number 5. “Baby”:

  1. In order to make a tulip out of paper, you need to fold a square sheet in such a way that you get a triangle with folds laid inside.
  2. Turn the bottom square, which turned out, to you.
  3. Bend both upper corners to the middle. You should get a blank in which each petal is bent outward.
  4. Expand the petals and insert the stem.

Method number 6. “The sun in the glass”:

  1. Take a square sheet of paper and fold it in half twice, and then - on the diagonals.
  2. Then it should be folded into a small square, with folds tucked inward.
  3. In the lower open part of the workpiece, it is necessary to roll both sides inward. Do the same with the inside corner.
  4. On the fold lines on both sides form a rhombus. You should have it with an elongated top.
  5. To round the tops, you need to bend the upper corner. This must be done on both sides.
  6. The lower sides need to be bent towards each other and fix the side bends of the petal.
  7. Spread the petals over the folds, thus forming roundings.
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We create volumetric flowers from corrugated paper

In order to make a tulip flower out of corrugated paper, you will need:

  • Corrugated paper in two colors;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Wire.

Operating procedure:

  1. First you need to make the petals. You need to cut strips measuring 18x3 cm from corrugated paper.
  2. Fold the strip until its width is 4 centimeters.
  3. Outline the future petal and cut it out.
  4. Give it the correct shape, narrowing down, and expanding up.
  5. Fold 8 petals and form a bud. Fix it with glue.
  6. Cut a strip of green paper and wrap the wire around it.
  7. Cut out pieces of paper.
  8. Attach the finished bud and leaves to the stalk. If desired, you can form the stamens and insert into the inside of the bud.

Important! You can make an original gift bouquet using the same scheme. To do this, during the collection of the buds, the petals must be fixed with glue to the candy, which will act as stamens. Believe me, such a gift will be appreciated!

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Useful Tips

If you are new to the origami technique, here are some valuable tips to help you make flowers:

  • Before you begin, you should make sure that the sheet you select meets the required format.
  • Always check the accuracy of cuts, angles and inconsistencies. The accuracy of the appearance of the future product directly depends on this.
  • When working unnecessarily, do not rotate the figure in different directions. This can bring you down, so you make mistakes.
  • Try to keep the warehouses as even and sharp as possible. Smooth them during the process with something heavy.
  • To get an even fold, always use a ruler.
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If you decide to make a tulip out of paper, you should expect that, most likely, the first time you will not succeed. But do not despair. The main thing is patience. And the use of the above tips will only help you in creating a fabulous bouquet that will only fill you with positive emotions at any time of the year.


