How to make tulips from corrugated paper?

Flowers are always an ornament, regardless of whether they are alive paper. Everyone can create a successful composition, using only their imagination, improvised means and our recommendations. The manufacturing process is quite painstaking and develops perseverance, accuracy and attentiveness. Consider several options for how to make tulips from corrugated paper and get aesthetic pleasure from the finished result.

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Choose paper for making flowers:

  • In the creation of bouquets, it is recommended to use corrugated paper. It has such properties as elasticity, texture and the ability to take the desired shape, so paper flowers will look as natural as possible.
  • If possible, it is better to buy floristic paper rather than plain paper, as it is much denser and holds its shape better. The options for its colors are striking in their range, but it is better to choose rich and bright colors.

Important! If you are new to this business, it is best to purchase just a couple of primary colors, for example, green and red. If you are an advanced master, buy rolls of the same color, but with different levels of saturation. This will create gradient floral bouquets.

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Manufacturing technology

A detailed workshop in this section will help answer the question of how to make tulips from corrugated paper in stages. It is better to start acquaintance with these flowers because of the simplicity of their manufacture. To make a bouquet is not at all difficult and even a child can do it.

Method 1

To work, you will need:

  • corrugated paper is preferably green and red;
  • special wire;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue.


  1. Cut the red paper into strips of 5x26 cm.
  2. Fold the segment two times in half. As a result, we get a 5x7 cm rectangle.
  3. From it, gently cut the petals of the desired shape, after drawing the contour. In this case, the bottom should be straight and have 2 angles.
  4. Separate the petals by twisting them at the base.
  5. We give them a concave shape, gently stretching over the edges.
  6. We form the bud, arranging the petals in a circle with the convex side out.
  7. We fix the twisted part at the base with glue.
  8. To make the stem, we attach one end of the wire to the bud.
  9. From green paper, cut out a leaf and a strip 2 cm wide.
  10. We wrap the wire in the prepared segment by gluing it at the end of the stem.
  11. We glue the leaf bent in half to the stem.
  12. Additionally we make stamens. To do this, wrap the yellow paper on thin pieces of wire and fix them in the center.


Method 2

Consider a more complicated option, namely, how to make tulips from sweets and corrugated paper with your own hands.

To make a bouquet of 9 flowers you need:

  • sweets in candy wrappers (Raffaello or chocolate);
  • crumpled paper of a suitable color (for example, pink, red or white for buds and light green for leaves);
  • skewers or wooden sticks;
  • decorative tape and wrapping paper;
  • stationery scissors;
  • Scotch.


  1. Glue the candies to the skewers with adhesive tape, floral tape or ordinary thread, wrapping them at the base. Sweets are best used oblong shape of a small size. It will be easier to work with them.
  2. From colored paper along the corrugation line, we cut 24 rectangles of about 6x17 cm (3 for each flower).
  3. We fold the segment, slightly shifting from the center, twist the paper according to the wrapper principle.
  4. Holding the edge, stretch the paper, giving it the shape of a petal.
  5. Repeat with each paper rectangle.
  6. To form a bud, attach 3 petals to each candy on scotch tape. You can attach them all together or each separately.
  7. For leaves, cut out 4x26 cm rectangles from green paper in the amount of 18 pieces (2 for each flower).
  8. Fold them in half, slightly folding at the bend, like a candy wrapper.
  9. For stems, cut into long 2-centimeter strips.
  10. Wrap a strip from the base of the bud to the end of the stem. Depending on the desired thickness, wrap in one or two layers.
  11. We fix the end of the stem with glue.
  12. Gently wrap the leaves around the resulting stem, after dropping glue on them.

Important! For the aesthetics of the bouquet, you can wrap it in felt, artificial mesh or other wrapping paper, beautifully dress it with prepared ribbons, forming a large bow.

Gift arrangement is ready! Now you know how to make tulips from corrugated paper with your own hands.

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Sunny heralds of spring will revive any interior. They can also be used as an element of a panel or applications, the basis of a bouquet or decoration of a card. Flowers are suitable for decorating a festive table or gift box. This is also an original gift idea. They do not require care, do not fade and will delight you for a long time. Use our ideas to create incredibly beautiful crafts with your own hands and enjoy the process and result.

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