How to make your own scales at home?

Often a lot of unnecessary things accumulate in a house that can be thrown away or made into something useful, such as scales. Many housewives have to measure out the necessary amount of ingredients for making some complicated dishes with improvised devices, which is not always convenient. If you like to cook, then this article will be useful to you, in which we will describe how to make your own scales at home.

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DIY homemade weights

Weighing devices can be shoulder, equal-arm, lever, and even electronic. The first three options for weights can be made from items that any housewife has:

  • clothes hanger;
  • a spoke from an umbrella;
  • ruler;
  • covers;
  • pencil.

Methods of manufacturing such devices, we will consider further.

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Equivalent home scales

Outwardly, they resemble a swing, so for their assembly you will need a straight bar for the construction of the shoulders. This role can be dealt with by a regular ruler, a straight stick or a needle from an old broken umbrella.

How to make scales at home from such items - even an ordinary layman will understand:

  1. It is necessary to attach bowls made of corks from drinks, metal lids for canning or measuring cups along the edges of the plank.
  2. In these containers, at the edges, three holes should be made equidistant from each other, to which we will then attach a fishing line, thread or a thin wire.
  3. Then another strip is glued perpendicularly to the center of the plank, only shorter. It is used as an arrow showing shoulder balancing. Even an ordinary needle can handle this.

Our scales are ready, it remains only to attach them to some kind of stand!

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Shoulder Weighing Devices

Such devices are good in that they can be used to measure not only any weight, but also measure the required amount of bulk compositions.

Important! They differ from equal-arm scales in that their bowls are able to move along the rail, they can be installed at any point relative to the suspension.

Assembly Features:

  • It is better to make a bar for them from a thin lath. It can optionally be hung on a hook.
  • If you have only a thin rail, then in the middle it is recommended to make not a hole, but a groove. An arrow needle is made here, indicating the deviation of the balance.
  • Then it is necessary to measure equal distances on both sides of the suspension point, making numbering as they are removed.
  • It is better to make notches at these points, so that when weighing the bowls do not slide on the bar.

Important! You can make bowls the same as we described earlier, only here they are not attached to the bar, but are suspended. Weighing on such scales is carried out using inverse proportionality.

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Lever scale

They are also quite simple in terms of execution. For work, you will need a minimum of materials at hand. They are made according to this scheme:

  • Check if you have a device that acts as a support, for example, a hammered nail or a hook on the wall.
  • Take a long straight cane, not less than 30 cm. You can use a ruler or wooden skewer. In this device, this part plays the role of a rocker.

Important! Consider the longer the shoulder, the more accurate the results you get when weighing.

  • On the skewer or ruler, mark the middle, measure exactly the same distance on both sides of it to install the bowl.
  • At the marked points, make holes with a drill or awl. Attach a nylon thread in the middle.
  • You can make bowls from an iron or nylon cover, just cut a paper or plastic cup just as well. In a circle of finished bowls, make 3-4 holes at the same distance, then thread the nylon thread through them, tie it. But first, knit the threads going from the bowl to the beam.
  • To determine the balance, make an arrow. It can be cut out of cardboard in the shape of a triangle, then glued in the middle of a ruler or wooden skewer in the place where the central thread is. It is important that the stretched thread runs right in the middle of our triangle.
  • Tie the balance with the center thread to a hook or nail.
  • Calibrate the product. It is necessary to attach at the bottom of each bowl the amount of plasticine so that the top of our triangle in a suspended state clearly coincides with the stretched thread.

Important! Weights for them can be bought or used with the most ordinary tablets, since they have a clear weight, which is indicated on the packages. Ordinary coins are also often used as weights.

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p> If you understand how to make the scales with your own hands at home, you will do everything according to the instructions, then from now on you can make any measurements without difficulty.

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