How to make a drawer?

Everyone knows that a woman is a keeper of a hearth. We spend enough time cooking dishes for family and friends. Therefore, it should be comfortable, cozy and convenient. Many housewives are faced with such a problem as a catastrophic lack of space for dishes. Drawers will help to solve this problem. They greatly facilitate the work, thanks to their functionality and technology excellence. We want to live in comfort? You probably were interested in their cost and you know that such a pleasure is quite expensive. Do not try to be upset! We will tell you how to make a drawer with your own hands at home. This is a very beneficial thing in everyday life: quick access to dishes, everything you need at your fingertips, ease of use and many more other benefits, which we will talk about a little later.
to contents ↑Pros and cons of a drawer
Before you get such cabinet furniture, you must have a good knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages.
The main advantages of the drawer are:
- Without much effort you can find the thing we need.
- You do not need to get everything, for example, pans and pans standing in front in order to get the thing that is behind, and after that - put everything back in place.
- A huge saving of time and effort in order to get the necessary thing. You spend less energy on overcoming inconveniences - all this is already in a lightweight version.
- Preparing food for the family will be much nicer.
Many furniture has its pros and cons, and a drawer is no exception. The negative sides are relatively immaterial. However, you need to listen to them before you assemble the drawer into the cabinet.
For objectivity, we list the negative aspects of drawers:
- Great value. In the manufacture of such furniture, it is necessary to use additional fittings, and its cost is much higher than for ordinary kitchen cabinets.
- It takes a lot of time to make it. In order to make your kitchen more convenient and comfortable to use, you need to work hard, make an effort. The strength of the fastening during operation depends on the quality of the work you performed.
- If the base of the drawer is made, for example, of chipboard, then the storage area will slightly decrease due to the reduction of the space itself. As a result of this, weight restrictions on the intended box are possible.
to contents ↑Important! This problem can be fixed very simply. Just need to install a box of more durable materials - from metaboxes.
Types of Drawers
All drawers for the kitchen are distinguished by the type of structure and the position of the guides. The following are the main types of designs from which you can choose the option you want to make a drawer with your own hands.
An office desk is a typical example of furniture with such a guide element. It is able to withstand small and medium loads, is in great demand among users, as it is durable in use.
Important! Ideal for installing small drawers, for example, which are designed to store cutlery, spices, cereals and other small things.
Modern kitchen drawers often provide precisely with telescopic rails, since they, unlike roller guides, can pull the drawer far enough without fearing that it will fall to its feet. They are able to withstand a sufficiently large load, which is important for solving such a question as where to put bulky items and household appliances.
All guides are made up of four basic elements. Two of them are mounted on a drawer, and two - on the kitchen furniture. A distinctive and convenient feature of telescopic furniture rails is their versatility during operation. In their design, there are no right and left elements, unlike other types of guides. Therefore, it’s quite possible to make drawers for the kitchen with your own hands, by installing a durable telescopic mechanism. Just try it.
to contents ↑Important! In the ratio of price and quality, the telescopic type of direction of full extension is the ideal option. Here, as they say, the price corresponds to the quality.
The choice of drawers for the kitchen
So, you are faced with the question of how to assemble a drawer, and its initial choice. We will help you in this matter. Kitchen drawers are made of the same material as ordinary furniture, so when choosing colors and textures that will successfully fit into the interior, there will be no problems.
As you know, boxes are made in different shapes and purposes - for cutlery, dishes, spices and preserves, bread bins, cutting boards and even full-fledged kitchen tables. This does not need a lot of space, since the drawer, due to its design, can accommodate a large number of necessary cutlery, unlike a cabinet with shelves. Such furniture was called full-extendable, as its drawers can easily be pulled out, thereby everything will be in front of your eyes.
We recommend choosing a full retractable furniture system based on several important factors:
- The general layout of the kitchen. The quantity and arrangement of cabinets with drawers directly depends on it.
Important! No need to integrate drawers at 90 ° directly in the corner of the kitchen. In this case, you can do with ordinary shelves, covering with a facade, or just install corner boxes. They take up a lot of space, but look very interesting.
- Number and size of items for everyday use. The task of the drawers is to create a comfortable environment for working in the kitchen.
Important! Try not to overload such furniture to failure, for example, laying dishes on top of each other. This will only break the mechanism, and you will have to buy a new cabinet. Do-it-yourself pull-out cabinet requires careful handling. Keep only the necessary items in the drawers, thereby saving the total space of this interior item.
- Do not save on the quality of the guides - they are the key to the long service of your drawers. When buying ready-made boxes or accessories, it is necessary to check the thickness of the metal of these guides. The thickness should be approximately 1-1.2 mm. These models will last you quite a long time.
Important! You should also check the smoothness and silence of the movement of the boxes. To do this, push and push them a couple of times, periodically change the speed. During the course of the boxes there should be no creaks, knocks and crackles. Horizontal and vertical skews are simply unacceptable.
- Take a close look at what the boxes are made of. Often materials such as chipboard or MDF are used for their manufacture. Least of all is natural wood, since the cost of such a box will be quite high. Open them to their full length and check for chips, cracks or signs of swelling in the material.
Materials and Tools
The assembly of furniture with a retractable mechanism must begin with the selection of materials and accessories.
So, to make a drawer we need:
- Particleboard (laminated).
- Fiberboard.
- Drill or screwdriver.
- The drill diameter is 4 mm.
- The drill diameter is 10 mm.
- Self-tapping screws.
- Guides.
- Roulette.
- Building angle.
- Confirmation key.
- Ruler and pencil.
to contents ↑Important! We recommend all wooden elements of the box to be connected with the help of self-tapping screws. They are convenient in operation and permanently connect parts to each other.
How to calculate box sizes?
Before starting production, it is necessary to calculate the housing of this box. This procedure is quite simple. The main thing here is attentiveness:
- The part on which you want to mount the guide (drawer depth), as a rule, is equal to the length of the guides themselves. They are produced, in turn, in multiples of 50 mm, that is, 250, 300 and ending with 600 mm.
- The part to be positioned across the width of the box is calculated as follows. Subtract 26 mm from the width of the opening (the standard for the clearance along the guides), subtract 32 mm (the thickness of the chipboard is standard 16 mm).
to contents ↑Important! For example, if the opening where the boxes will be located is 500 mm, then the part will turn out to be 442 mm. We consider this principle: 500-26-36 mm.
Drawer assembly
The manufacturing process of a drawer consists of several stages:
- Before you make drawers, you need to process the parts, that is, glue the edge. This procedure can be done with an iron and dry cloth. We apply an edge to the desired end, on top - we warm it well with an iron. After that, slightly press down the surface with a dry cloth and cut off the excess with a knife.
Important! In order for the self-tapping screws to not be able to get out and for the hole to be exactly in the middle of the part, before starting drilling, you need to mark out all the parts. Simply draw a strip with the help of a pencil along the width of the chipboard, thereby creating a border.
- Now we drill a detail. With a drill with a diameter of 4 mm, we make a through hole in the center between the strip and the edge. After - with a drill 10 mm, it is necessary to drill not very deep to hide the hat inside the screw. So we drill 4 holes on each part of the selected material.
Important! The box is assembled using 4x40 or 4x45 mm furniture screws. Screw the screws only perpendicular to the details.
- After assembling the box body and before attaching the bottom itself, you need to check the diagonal. If there is none, then this can lead to distortions and curvatures of the structure in motion, which will lead to the failure of the guide elements.
- We hammer the bottom of the box with nails and for the reliability of fastening we screw several screws.
As you can see, the process of assembling a drawer is quite simple. If you want, it can be done combined by installing ordinary shelves and movable elements. Now you know how to make a table with drawers with your own hands, without spending a lot of energy and energy.
to contents ↑Drawer Assembly Recommendations
In order to properly assemble the drawer with a sliding mechanism, you should adhere to such recommendations:
- Materials such as chipboard or MDF, it is best to buy in specialized furniture stores. There you can place an order for sawing all the elements and covering the cut points with a self-adhesive film or veneer.
- Buy ball-type guides, i.e. telescopic. They are made of thick metal, thereby ensuring their reliability and wear resistance during operation.
- Discard the mortise bottom made of fiberboard. It’s hard enough to work with, and the material itself is not strong enough. For these purposes, it is better to use chipboard or MDF, the thickness of which should converge with the main elements of the box.
- Pay attention to the adjustment of all guides. They should be at the same height and move equally.
Important! In order to soften one of the guides, use a special silicone grease designed for furniture fittings.
- The guides must be fastened at the same level in proportion to the bottom of the box, not protruding beyond the overall dimensions of the side parts.
Adjustment and troubleshooting
In the process of using drawers, problems may arise with the design of furniture, its equipment and with guide fittings. Agree, no one is safe from this. But these problems are completely solvable. Here is a list of the main causes of the failure of the guide mechanism:
- Exceeding the maximum allowable load. Damage occurs due to improper use of furniture. For example, the box is designed to store spices and small accessories, and you store large-sized objects in it.
- Initially poor quality guides - mechanical damage and deformation.
- Sinking the bottom of the box. This problem occurs due to the fault of the manufacturer. The fact is that in low-quality models, the bottom is made of chipboard and rests on small nails. At the very beginning, this design works well, but over time, the mount weakens and becomes loose. In this case, we recommend that you walk around the drawer with a construction stapler, additionally fix all the details.
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In this article, we taught you how to make a drawer at home without the help of specialists. Thanks to such cabinet furniture, now you will feel very comfortable and cozy in the kitchen, you will have quick access to everything you need. Do not hesitate, you made your choice correctly by focusing on a modern retractable mechanism. Surely, your kitchen already has a pull-out shelf for the kitchen with your own hands. We can say that you have created an ideal and ergonomic kitchen with your own hands. Keep it up!
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