How to make a hood in the kitchen?

Hooding is a very important technique in the kitchen, as it draws odors, steam from the stove and thereby preserves the health of you and your family members. During the conversion or repair, such a problem may occur: the cooker hood does not fit the headset in size or does not fit into the design at all. Therefore, the question arises of how to make a hood in the kitchen with your own hands, so that it perfectly meets all the requirements.
to contents ↑The principle of operation of the hood
The very name “extractor hood” means drawing hot, polluted air from the kitchen and removing it from the room. Air is removed into the ventilation passages of the building, therefore, when buying or making an exhaust hood with your own hands, you need to take care of the proper ventilation condition of the whole house. The effectiveness of the system depends on traction.
Along with good ventilation, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient flow of air into the room. For example, if you have metal-plastic windows with a high level of tightness installed, then for efficient operation of the hood, experts recommend using the micro-ventilation function, or install supply air ventilation valves on the windows.
to contents ↑Types of cooker hoods
The modern technology market offers a large number of hood models. It is natural that before you make the hood in the kitchen with your own hands, you will familiarize yourself with what they generally are in order to choose the best design option.
Way of functioning
All devices for this purpose are divided into two large groups:
- Passive are hood type hoods. They remove air solely through upward traction. Inside such devices there are no electric motors and fans. A hood of this type will work only if the ventilation ducts of the house are in good condition or due to the high ventilation pipe.
- Active are hoods, the operation of which is ensured by an electric motor installed inside. These devices work stably, but they also consume a lot of electricity.
By type of mounting hoods distinguish:
- Hanging (flat) are mounted under the cabinet above the stove.
- Wall-mounted over the stove on the wall. Case design may vary.
- Built-in - fit into any design, as they are installed inside a wall cabinet or on a table.
- Corner - set to the corner.
- Island hoods. This type of device is designed for kitchens with an island. You can fix the device anywhere in the room by hanging it from the ceiling.
Tip: Installing a kitchen hood, regardless of type, above the hob should be at a height of 70 cm, above a gas stove - 80 cm.
Ventilation method
According to the ventilation mode, the devices are divided into:
- Flowing - they draw air from the kitchen into the ventilation shaft. This method of ventilation is called the exhaust mode. It is the most productive and efficient.
- Circulation hoods - pass air through carbon filters located in the housing. Fresh air is emitted at the outlet. For such a device, ventilation in the kitchen is not required, so installing it is much simpler, but the hood itself is less effective in terms of cleaning.The disadvantage of such hoods is the lack of fresh air, as as a result of processing by filters, the same, but purified air gets back to the kitchen. In addition, filters must be cleaned and periodically changed.
to contents ↑Tip: When choosing a do-it-yourself hood device, consider each of these points. Only in this case you will ensure comfortable cooking conditions and convenient operation of the equipment.
How to make a hood in the kitchen with your own hands?
The easiest way is to embed the corrugated tube with an electric fan in a kitchen cabinet located directly above the stove. You can’t name such an extract hood beautiful and exclusive, therefore we suggest you make a more complex passive hood type hood.
to contents ↑Passive drywall hood
If you already have certain skills in assembling various household items, do not be afraid of a new job. You will completely master this task and you will be able to make a quality hood for the kitchen with your own hands. To do this, follow the scheme below.
You will need:
- Moisture-resistant drywall. From this material we will make a box for placing the air duct, as well as the dome of the device.
- Galvanized metal profiles. This material will be needed for the frame of the dome itself and the box.
- Corrugated pipe. We will use this material as an air duct.
- Perforated metal corner - for the design of the corners of the fixture.
- Fasteners.
- Insulation material (for wrapping corrugated pipes).
- Paint and putty for finishing the dome.
- Set of tools:
- Hammer drill;
- Scissors for metal;
- Screwdriver;
- Level and tape measure;
- Brushes, spatulas.
Stage number 1. Room layout
You will need to place on the wall not only an exhaust hood, but also an air duct hidden in a drywall box, so find a ventilation hole in the kitchen:
- if the ventilation is located above the stove itself, then the marking is almost ready;
- if the hole is on the side, then it is necessary to mark the position of the duct duct box on the wall.
Tip: If the repair plans include a suspended plasterboard ceiling, then the duct can not be hidden, but let under the ceiling lining.
Stage number 2. Making a frame for the duct:
- Mark the bottom of the duct surface on the wall.
- Attach the starting profile of galvanized metal at the bottom level. Use an anchor with a 6 mm plastic sleeve for fastening.
- Fix the start profile to the ceiling according to the marked markings.
Tip: If you planned the duct box to be curved, then cut and bend the profile before mounting.
- Down from the start profile, lower some vertical fragments of the main profile.
- Using self-tapping screws, attach vertical pieces to the starting profile.
- Form the frame for the box: install another panel of the starting profile on the manufactured suspensions.
- Set the crossbars to the bottom of the resulting profile.
Stage number 3. Production of hood housing:
- Make the bottom hood frame from the start profile.
- Fix the frame to the kitchen wall.
Tip: If you are installing a kitchen hood in a niche, it is quite easy to fix it, and if in a different place, then fix the side parts of the frame to the box.
- Cut the frame elements of the future design from the main profile.
- Connect the frame parts to the bottom frame.
- Reinforce the side surfaces of the hood with cross bars from the profile. This will give the design reliability.
- Connect the air duct (corrugated pipe) to the ventilation hole.
Tip: To prevent the air duct from making noise during operation, wrap it with batting or prepared soundproofing material.
Stage number 4. Hood finish:
- Cover the body and duct duct with plasterboard.
- Protect the corners of the structure with a metal perforated corner.
- Treat the drywall construction with putty, mask the joints of the drywall sheets, as well as the fasteners.
- Paint the hood in any color you choose or decorate in any other way.
to contents ↑Tip: The hood manufacturing technology described above is suitable not only for a passive device, but also for manufacturing an active type hood. It is enough to install an electric motor inside the case at the entrance to the duct and connect it to the network.
Active plywood hood
Another way how to make a hood to the kitchen with your own hands from improvised means is also very simple in execution. Choose the option that is more convenient for you and act.
You will need:
- An old, but workable hood (you can purchase an inexpensive new model);
- Thin plywood for the walls of the dome;
- Glue;
- Putty;
- Paint, varnish;
- Electric motor;
- Clamps with soft nozzles made of plastic (or rubber);
- Brushes, spatula.
Assembly instruction
- Based on the old hood, we assemble the main elements: the lower frame with the exhaust grill, electric motor.
Tip: Do not bother with the appearance of the structure, since all details will be hidden behind the skin.
- Frame elements made of curly planks are installed on the base.
Tip: You can make an arbitrary shape of the frame, as long as the air duct fits inside the dome.
- Cut the walls of the hood dome out of thin plywood.
- Paste the frame with the manufactured elements.
Tip: To gently glue the dome, use clamps with nozzles.
- Allow the glue to cure completely.
- Fill the plywood canopy.
- Paint the cooked hood in your chosen color or varnish.
- Fasten the fixture to the wall.
Tip: If you used the old design, the wall mounts should have been preserved.
- Connect the duct to the device.
- Mask the duct with a decorative box. How to do it, we described above.
What you need to know for ventilation to work efficiently?
To make a kitchen hood made by yourself do-it-yourself and you do not have to worry about the problem of its optimization in the near future, carefully read the information below.
Required device power
First of all, the power depends on the dimensions of the kitchen - its area and height. If the hood has a curved shape, then the power of the air ducts is lost by a third. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the power and depending on the shape of the device.
Tip: Power is cleaning performance. It is measured in cubic meters per hour. According to established standards, the air in the room should be updated 12 times per hour. Calculate the required power using a simple formula:
Kitchen Area * Ceiling Height * 12
For example, if your kitchen has an area of 10 m2 and a ceiling height of 3 m, then the calculation looks like this:
10 * 3 * 12 * 1.3 = 468 m3
(If the shape of the hood is straight, then multiply by 1.3 is not necessary).
Electrical safety
During operation, grease and splashes that may cause a short circuit get into the hood. Moisture accumulates in the kitchen and, with constantly increased humidity, the chance of electric shock increases if the device is improperly connected to the network, so do-it-yourself exhaust hood must be connected to the network with three wires:
- Earth;
- phase;
- zero.
Grounding according to the standard should be painted yellow and have a green strip.
to contents ↑Tip: To make it easy for you to cope with the task, consider these recommendations:
- If the house has a ground loop, and there are euro sockets, then there is no problem: when connecting the device, connect the wire to the ground terminal, which is indicated by the word “ground” or strips of different lengths.
- If the equipment does not have a grounding connector, screw the wire to the metal case.
- If you do not have euro outlets, then do the do-it-yourself grounding: connect it to a dull neutral.
- Do not connect the neutral wire to pipes and batteries.
Stock footage
When making a hood, do not forget to follow safety rules, especially during electrical work. If the design process did not cause you any difficulty, and the installation process scares you, then invite a specialist for these works. We hope that a self-made device for air purification in the kitchen will delight you and maintain the health of all households.
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