How to glue a bill?

Probably, everyone had a situation where they were discreetly given a torn note in the store for change. If it is of a small denomination, then this is not so scary. But what to do in the opposite case, because no one wants to take that kind of money back? In order for this trouble not to take you by surprise, we will tell you how to glue the bill so that it is not visible that it was previously torn.

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What to do with torn banknotes?

If you accidentally tear or find a torn note in your wallet, you should first contact the bank.

Important! According to generally accepted norms and legislative acts, banks are required to accept banknotes whose damage does not exceed 50% of the total area.

A bank employee should explain to you in detail what should be done next with the bill and whether it should be replaced. You should also take into account that such bills are solvent and in fact they must be accepted not only in the bank, but also in stores.

Important! When applying to the bank with a request for an exchange of money, you should always have a passport or other document proving your identity.

The most common way to exchange spoiled money is through cash in ATMs or quick self-service terminals. You just need to carefully glue the bill and transfer the money to your bank account.

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The main methods of gluing torn banknotes

In order to glue a torn bill, there are several simple, but quite effective ways.

Method number 1

In this situation, the most ordinary stationery tape will come to your aid. It should be used if the defect is small. In the opposite way, such a fix would look rather rude and catch your eye.

In order for the seam to look more neat, the following procedure must be observed:

  1. Lay the banknote on a flat surface.
  2. Measure the length of the gap.
  3. Cut a piece of tape equal to the length of the gap bill.
  4. Glue the adhesive tape on a torn place. This should be done very carefully so that creases do not form.

Important! Today, in office supplies, you can buy a special adhesive tape for mending banknotes.

Method number 2

In this case, you only need an adhesive pencil:

  • Take an adhesive pencil and draw it only at the ends of the gap.
  • Let it dry a little. After 2-4 minutes, this operation should be repeated again.
  • Put the two parts of the bill on paper. Gently connect them.

Important! Make sure that the upper and lower edges coincide, as well as the pattern on the front side.

  • Using a clerical brush or cotton swab, apply a little dust (talc, starch or chalk) to the bonding area.

Important! This is necessary so that the bill being in the wallet does not stick to its surface or other money.

  • Leave for half an hour to dry the glue. After the specified time, you can safely go make purchases, since the junction is almost invisible.

Important! You can use not only an adhesive pencil, but also an adhesive “Moment” or PVA.


Method number 3

Despite the fact that this method takes longer than the previous ones, thanks to it, the seam remains invisible. In order to glue a banknote in this way, you will need:

  • PVA glue;

Important! Always pay attention to the consistency of the glue. It should be quite thick, in no case liquid.

  • Glass bottle;
  • Iron.

How to act:

  • To begin with, glue should be applied to the torn end of the bill. This can be done with a match or a toothpick.

Important! If you accidentally went beyond the borders and smeared the bill with glue, you can always wipe it with a dry rag or cloth.

  • Put the bill on the bottle and connect the halves end to end to each other. Try to precisely match the pattern and avoid overlapping.

Important! Instead of a bottle, you can use wax paper.

  • Fix the joints and walk on them with the tip of a hot iron.
  • Wait a few minutes for it to cool.

That's all, the money is ready for you to spend it!

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Useful tips and tricks:

  • If a banknote has split up not into two, but into three parts, while its series and number were affected, unfortunately, it is no longer glued and loses its solvency.

Important! If the numbers are saved, then it is better not to glue such a bill, but immediately take it to the bank.

  • If the banknote has split into two parts: one large and one small, you can safely glue it or take it to the bank.

Important! In this case, you have the right to bring only one - a large part of the exchange note.

  • When gluing, try to do everything slowly and very carefully.
  • Drying a banknote after gluing is best in an upright position.
  • It is better to place large cash carriers for drying in the safe.
  • To avoid tearing, try to carry money in a wallet or purse.
  • Always check the money that you give on change.
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As you can see, gluing a bill is quite simple. And if you have such a nuisance, and negligent sellers refuse to accept it as payment, you will be able to "pay" it yourself without problems. The most important thing is to do everything carefully and slowly. Only in this case you will get an even seam that even a bank employee with experience will not be able to make out.

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