How to combine wallpaper in the bedroom?

The physical and mental state largely depend on the environment in which a person rests. That is why the interior of the bedroom must be given due attention - there should be a truly comfortable, cozy and relaxing atmosphere. You can achieve such a situation with the help of such a design technique as a combination of wallpapers - this is when different colors, textures and drawings are combined, emphasizing the originality of the situation, as well as hiding its flaws. In this article we will try to understand the question of how to combine wallpaper in the bedroom, so that in this room you can relax both soul and body.

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Why combining wallpaper?

If you want to complete the interior of a bedroom, as they say, for yourself, then there is no better way than to combine wallpaper and you can imagine. Using a variety of combinations makes it possible:

  • Emphasize the virtues and hide the flaws of the room. If you select one of the walls or its separate section with wallpaper of a different texture or shade, a focal point is formed. It will attract the eye, thereby diverting attention from some kind of lack of decor, for example, irregularities on the ceiling or other walls.
  • Select zones. Often, especially when it comes to urban apartments with small rooms, the bedroom combines the functions of other rooms - a living room, a nursery. To visually separate the various zones, you can use a combination of wallpaper paintings with variable patterns and shades.

Important! In multifunctional rooms, the most daring solutions can be used - the room design will benefit from this.

  • Create an accent zone. This technique is one of the easiest to combine wallpapers. The accent zone is created with the help of brighter or more saturated shades, making it possible to emphasize the advantages of the indoor environment - some kind of furniture, interior elements.
  • Realize original visual effects. Rectangular narrow rooms will seem more spacious if lighter wallpapers are pasted on long walls, and darker ones on short ones. Small rooms can be visually expanded with pastel colored wallpaper. And having enclosed a section of wallpaper in a frame or molding - you can create an original wall decor.

Important! To achieve the desired effect in the bedroom by combining wallpaper, it is necessary to take into account the features of electric and natural lighting, as well as the nuances of the placement of furniture and other interior elements.

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What are the wallpapers?

Before you figure out how to combine wallpaper in the bedroom, you need to choose them correctly. This is done both in appearance and in the material of manufacture. So, wall coverings are:

  • Paper. One of the main advantages of this type of wallpaper is its safety. But even this characteristic more than covers the shortcomings of paper paintings. This material can last only a few years - it is very impractical.

Important! Of course, this does not mean that all paper canvases are bad. For example, you can use glossy-coated wallpapers in the bedroom that can be treated with a moisture repellent.

  • Vinyl.This type of wallpaper is usually made on the basis of non-woven or paper. But since vinyl is an airtight material in its properties, such types of wallpaper canvases are more appropriate for a living room or other non-residential room. But if you still want to use vinyl wallpapers in the bedroom, then you can try perforated vinyl options - their manufacturers claim that such wallpapers pass air.
  • Non-woven. This type has a large number of advantages: they pass air, have high resistance to various kinds of mechanical influences. Another plus is that you can re-stick them as many times as you like.
  • Textile. Of course, wallpaper cloths from textiles look gorgeous. Despite their external wealth, they are very light, safe and not like other types of wall coverings. But even such beauty has drawbacks - they are expensive and it is extremely undesirable to glue such wallpaper if you have a dog or a cat.
  • Liquid. A modern and rather unusual option. Such a wall covering will provide excellent sound insulation, while it does not fade under the influence of sunlight.

Important! The seams on such wallpapers are practically invisible, which is very convenient if it becomes necessary to repair the damaged section of the wall.

  • Cork. It is an environmentally friendly wallcovering. These wallpapers, made from natural raw materials, often have a non-standard appearance. As a rule, wallpapers made of bamboo or cork wood are used, but options from thin wooden planks are no less popular. The disadvantage of this coating is their fragility and impracticality.
  • Linkrust. Finishing material, which is a dense base, which is sprinkled with chalk, flour or some other substances (for example, rosin or sawdust). This type of wallpaper has an unusual pattern that will add luxury and wealth to the decoration of the room.
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Vertical combination

Sometimes it happens that the bed area needs to be distinguished especially clearly (often this need arises in small rooms). In this case, you can combine the wallpaper in the bedroom by pasting them vertically. Let's look at a few options:

  • As a rule, they are glued closer to the head of the bed. It should be remembered that the width of the strip should be the same as the width of the head.
  • Depending on the preference of the owners, such a strip can pass not only along the wall, but also along the ceiling, creating the effect of reflection in the mirror, or to the chandelier on the ceiling. But the “wall to wall” option is also possible.
  • If we consider the issue of color selection, then here you can do everything the way you want. Can be used as wallpaper in a cage, and striped, or canvas with patterns.

Important! In such a variety, it is worth remembering that the color of the wallpaper should match the objects in the room, for example, pillows or curtains.

  • The vertical pattern on the wallpaper can end with a painting or something else. Some people like paintings with a vertical pattern to the floor. It also looks very beautiful.
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Horizontal combination

Another option to visually diversify the room is to combine the wallpaper in the bedroom horizontally. Let's take a closer look at options for how to do this:

  • The drawing looks very beautiful, which will be not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling (as a continuation). So, the ceiling can be made flooded in one color, like the upper part, and the bottom can be striped.
  • It is not necessary to combine wallpaper for each wall. For example, you can highlight the space around the chest of drawers or cabinet.
  • Another good idea is horizontal stripes in the middle of the room. They can be located both along the entire room, and in one of its zones.
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A good option to decorate the bedroom is to use wallpaper as an insert.The technology of this method is quite simple. Before using wallpaper inserts, the walls are prepared - painted, glued with paintings.

As for the design, when combining wallpapers with this method, you can take note of the following ideas:

  • The inserts can be of various shapes: square, oval, rectangle - just some of them.
  • If you would like to emphasize the seams, then you can place baguettes.

Important! Wallpaper with inserts are often placed near the bed or next to the table.

  • You can wallpaper a chest of drawers or a bedside table - such an interior will look more solid.
  • Quite often, the insert is made voluminous. For this, drywall of a certain form is used, it is plastered and pasted with wallpaper.
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Niche Design

Often in old apartments there are many ledges and niches that the owners are trying to disguise. However, such shortcomings can easily be turned into advantages by combining wallpaper in the bedroom. Often, designers specifically create such protrusions using plasterboard designs:

  • Often in these areas they place some kind of furniture, for example, a bedside table or ottoman, due to which it is possible to emphasize the individual design of the room.
  • Using these niches, you can create an original addition to the interior. The main thing is to correctly select them and make the existing interior play in a new way.

For example, if the room is decorated in white, then the niche can be pasted over with black and gray paintings. Gentle green shades are suitable for the pink room. The main thing here is to play correctly in contrasts.

Important! It looks good when, against the background of plain walls, the niche of the bedroom is covered with wallpaper with ornament.

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Patchwork Combination

If you have a rich imagination and need creative space, then you can combine wallpaper in the bedroom with shreds. This is a rather unusual option to decorate a room.

The main accent is any wallpaper shreds in various colors. Here, the same combinations of elements can be used, as well as chaotic pieces of wallpaper paintings of different textures. But you need to remember that your bedroom should be cozy and attractive.

Important! When gluing, problems should not arise, since the patches are glued using the “overlap” method.

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Wallpaper combination

An interesting design of the bedroom can be a combination with photo wallpaper. Thanks to various drawings and modern three-dimensional images, you can visually enlarge or reduce the room:

  • If you intend to use the insert in the form of a horizontal image, then the room visually decreases in height, and if it is vertical, on the contrary, it increases.
  • Wall murals are best used to design rooms decorated in cool colors.
  • Do not use a photo panel if the bedroom is covered with wallpaper with ornamental drawings - in this case, visual overload will occur in the interior.
  • It is best to carefully consider in advance the decorative design of the walls of the room, the arrangement of furniture, the organization of lighting, and most importantly - on which wall the photo wallpaper will be placed.
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Stock footage

In the end, I would like to say that if you decide to combine wallpaper in the bedroom, it is advisable to buy wallpaper in one place. This will allow you to choose the right texture and colors. It is also recommended to purchase wallpaper of the same type, manufacturer and release batch.

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