How to remove the film from plastic windows, if it does not peel off?

The repair is over, brand new double-glazed windows are on the windows, builders tidied up the openings. It would seem that you can calmly wait for the winter to check whether the PVC windows are as good as they are said. But you think in vain that you got rid of all the problems. All windows are covered with a protective layer, and it is up to you to tear it off. We will talk about how to remove the film from a plastic window, if it does not peel off.

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Why is this film needed?

Why do the masters who install PVC windows do not peel off this film themselves? The fact is that the installation of double-glazed windows repair usually does not end, but only begins. After this follows the repair of the openings, and even the entire room. In addition, glass can be scratched during transport and during installation. To avoid all these troubles, stick protective material.

The instructions say that the protection needs to be removed from the plastic windows no later than ten days after installation. It is best to do so, because otherwise you will not have to remove it with a flick of the wrist, but to solve a much more complex issue - how to tear the film from plastic windows.

Important! It is necessary to remove not only the film, but also the adhesive layer, which always remains on the profile.

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What does the film consist of?

Before you think about how to remove the protective film from PVC windows, you need to find out what you have to deal with. Then it will be easier to pick up cleaning methods. The protective material has:

  • the outer layer, which is usually removed without difficulty;
  • the inner layer;
  • an adhesive strip that is tightly attached to the profile.

Important! The inner layer is so whimsical that it melts even from the spring sun.

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How to clean plastic windows from the old film mechanically?

For the mechanical cleaning method you will need:

  • blade;
  • knife;
  • hair dryer;
  • adhesive for glue;
  • soap solution;
  • brush;
  • ceramic scraper.

Option 1

You will have to act very carefully so as not to scratch the profile. Protective material peels off more easily if it is warmed up properly. For this you need a hairdryer - you can take a household one, but it is better if there is an industrial one, which is rented in some construction stores. Having prepared everything you need, proceed to work to remove the film from the plastic windows:

  1. Warm the surface with a hairdryer so that the protection swells. At the same time, a stream of hot air should not fall onto the PVC profile - it can be extremely sensitive to high temperature.
  2. Pry the edge of the film with a sharp object - it should separate easily.
  3. Remove the adhesive strip with solvent.

Important! It is necessary to remove with a knife or blade evenly and quickly so that the material does not have time to cool. Otherwise, the result may turn out to be the opposite, the film will not just not be removed, but will stick even more.

Option 2

This method is good if the windows face the shadow side. Make a soapy solution, dampen the brush, and wash off the protective coating one centimeter by one centimeter.

Important! A wire brush cannot be used for such work.

Option 3

Film from plastic windows can be removed using a regular school eraser.True, the process is time-consuming, so in this way it is better to remove small fragments remaining, for example, after removal with a knife.

Option 4

Perfectly removes such a protective material scraper for cleaning ceramic and glass surfaces. You can buy one at a hardware store.

Important! The advantage of this method is that the scraper does not scratch the plastic.

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How to remove the film chemically?

This method is more gentle than mechanical. The danger that you scratch your precious plastic is much less. In addition, even thoroughly adhered coating fragments can be removed with solvents. There are a lot of chemical ways to remove the film from plastic windows, if it does not peel off.

Suitable for the procedure:

  • “Cosmofen”;
  • White Spirit;
  • any other solvent.

Option 1

For removal of protection the special Cosmofen tool is just perfect. You can buy it in the same company that put you PVC windows. There are several varieties of this drug. It is best to buy it from those who installed windows, since a solid company selects related products for the material from which the main products are made.

Option 2

An excellent tool for cleaning PVC material is white spirit. But remember that he does not dissolve the film, but separates it from the window. Therefore, you will need some sharp object, such as a blade or knife:

  1. Pry off the edge of the protective coating.
  2. Pour white spirit into the resulting gap.
  3. Peel off the film.

Option 3

You can try using a solvent. The method is not very reliable, but sometimes it gives good results. Not every solvent is suitable, and it is better to pre-test it somewhere in an inconspicuous area.

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How to wash plastic windows?

After the protective coating is cleaned, it is best to wash the window. Mild detergents are suitable for cleaning the profile - do not forget to look at the markings in the hardware store. There are special products for washing such products, but those suitable for ceramic surfaces are also suitable.

Important! It is better to wash not with a rag, but with a foam sponge.

The order of the process:

  1. Wipe off the dust from the windowsill and window frames.
  2. Make a detergent solution.
  3. Wash the glass in zigzag movements.
  4. Wipe it with a soft cloth or pat it dry with paper.

Important! To give the glass shine, in the end, wash it with an aqueous solution of ammonia - a few drops per 1 liter are enough. If you wash the windows for the winter, then to prevent frost and snowy windows, wash it outside with saline.


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Now you have an idea of ​​several ways to remove the film from plastic windows, if it does not peel off. We hope you managed to find the best option and you coped with this task as quickly and conveniently for you as possible. Enjoy the comfort, warmth and silence in your home.

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