How to remove the baseboard?

If there is a need to disassemble the old skirting boards, it means - it's time to update the interior. Of course, the dismantling of skirting boards on the floor and (or) the ceiling can not be called too laborious work, but there are certain nuances. After reading this article, you will learn how to remove a skirting board made of different materials, and what tools will be needed for this.

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What tools will be required?

It all depends on the material of manufacture. For the manufacture of skirting boards, materials such as wood, PVC, gypsum, polystyrene can be used. The skirting board can be with or without corners, with or without decorative elements.

To dismantle a glued or nailed profile yourself, you will need:

  • Mallet.
  • Flattened screwdriver or chisel.
  • Thin spatula or scraper.
  • Wooden wedges.
  • Nail clipper.
  • Clerical or shoe knife.
  • Hammer.
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Dismantling plastic skirting boards does not cause any difficulties. As a rule, they are used to close the gap between the floor covering and the wall by screwing them on the dowels. How to remove a plastic baseboard from the floor?

  1. Remove a decorative level.
  2. Pull the wires out of the cable channel and unscrew the screws.
  3. At the end of the repair, simply install the baseboard in place.

Important! Now about how to remove the corner of the baseboard. After you dismantle the bar, it will be removed by itself.

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Stucco molding

Removing stucco without damaging it is virtually impossible. Remove the stucco decoration during the repair, when the decoration does not fit into the updated design. In all other cases, it is better not to touch the stucco.

You can try to remove it by drawing several times with a sharp knife at the joints, gradually pushing the blade deeper.

Important! If the mixture on which the decor rests is crumbling, then perhaps your attempts will succeed.

However, most often, tearing off the molded plinth without damaging it does not work, so it is simply beaten off using a chisel and a hammer.

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How to remove a plinth from a stretch ceiling (polystyrene, polystyrene)?

Foam and polystyrene trims are usually mounted on glue. To dismantle such products:

  1. Direct a stream of warm air at them to soften the adhesive.
  2. Swipe along the joint with a knife or trowel and, gently prying off the profile, remove it.

Important! Remove the ceiling skirting with maximum accuracy, without touching the front side, where the decor is applied. Under the influence of warm air, the material becomes malleable, and it can be damaged even by insignificant mechanical impact.

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For fastening a profile from MDF, special mounting fasteners or latches are used.

Important! When using fasteners, the profile is put on top of them. The latches are screwed to the wall. After that, the baseboard joins them.

For the dismantling of the structure from MDF, one spatula is enough:

  1. Drive it under the bottom and lift it slightly.
  2. If the profile remains in place, then it is fixed on latches.
  3. Move the trowel along the wall below and gently pull it towards you.

The profile is easy to detach.

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Difficult cases

Here we are talking, first of all, about wooden products, which are fastened with nails or strong adhesive structures. To successfully remove such a profile, you have to work hard. Start removing the baseboard from a corner or door.

Strong fixation putty and adhesive

Polyurethane and wooden profiles for floor and ceiling are removed with a mallet and a thin spatula:

  1. First, sweep the joint several times with a spatula, for a small gap.
  2. Now press yourself with a spatula from below, holding the handle close to the wall.
  3. Gently tap the spatula handle with a mallet so that the tip of the spatula fits between the wall and the plank.

The plinth turns out to be cut off from the wall.



  1. To begin with, before removing the baseboard, sew the seams at the junction of the profile to the floor and wall. As a rule, they are covered with varnish and paint.
  2. Insert the chisel into the gap formed, hammer it deeper.
  3. Now insert a corner of wood into the extended slot.
  4. Repeat all the manipulations after one meter, gradually tearing off the baseboard.

Important! If manipulations with a chisel did not end with success, use a nail clipper (crowbar). But do not overdo it so as not to damage the profile.

The effort with which you will act on the crowbar is quite large. Therefore, in order not to damage the flooring, use thin plywood as a substrate.

If the wooden profile is to be disposed of, then you can do it even easier: using the chisel, make a hole near the nail, and then equip the nail gun.


To dismantle the baseboard, fixed with self-tapping screws, it is important to find all their hats. Found it? So - then everything is simple: unscrew them with a screwdriver with a reverse or a screwdriver.

Chopik made of wood

Profile fixed by wooden choppers? Such a fastener as wooden hats with a rounded shape, located at the same distance from each other, looks like. Chopiks from wood can be removed with a chisel, or drilled.

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Thus, the dismantling of skirting boards from the floor and ceiling is not particularly difficult. A little patience, accuracy, and you will successfully cope with the task

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