How to remove a window sill from a plastic window?

A window is an excellent source of light, as well as reliable protection from heat or cold, rain or snow, wind and other atmospheric phenomena. And an integral part of each window is the windowsill. However, sometimes, due to an absurd accident, it may be damaged or simply not fit in size. In this case, you need to replace it with a new one - wider, or, conversely, already, or simply different in external execution. This is where the question arises, how to remove the window sill from a plastic window, and is it possible at home. The answer is simple - of course yes, but for this you need to clearly follow the instructions.
to contents ↑Dismantling preparation
Before proceeding directly to the dismantling, it is necessary to prepare the tools that are useful to us, and of course, the room itself. And also, be sure to determine the material of this part of the structure, since the dismantling method used will depend on this.
Important! Window sills can be made of plastic - the most common), as well as wood or concrete.
- Scrap.
- Normal and jackhammer.
- Hacksaw.
- Chisel.
- Chisel.
- Bulgarian (not always necessary).
Be extremely careful and careful, as repair is like a “jewelry” job that requires attention. Otherwise, you can destroy the walls or, even worse, remain fingerless. So, let's start solving the problem, namely, how to remove the plastic window sill.
If you need to replace a window sill made of wood, use a crowbar and a hacksaw. Check how the part is attached. If to a wall, then to remove a window sill from a plastic window:
- Try loosening the fasteners by knocking it slightly with a hammer from below.
- Then you need to get the windowsill.
- If this attempt is unsuccessful, use a chisel and a hammer.
Important! If you still cannot solve the problem, you can make cuts and then get parts that are unusable for use.
If you need to replace the concrete windowsill, be prepared for the fact that there will be a lot of dust. To remove it you will need a grinder and a hammer. However, if you do not have a grinder, you can replace it with a crowbar and a chisel. You need to remove it in exactly the same way as a structural element made of wood.
If you have a question on how to remove a plastic window sill, there are two ways. Both are quite effective, but the first method is more destructive than the second.
1 way:
- You need to peel the plaster and remove the slopes.
- Then cut the construction foam with a sharp knife or other object with a sharp blade.
- After these actions, it will be enough to pull the window sill a little, and it will be removed.
2 way:
The second method - on the contrary, is based on the preservation of the plaster and all the slopes, however, it will require more time and effort:
- You need to saw through the foam under the windowsill.
- Then remove the liquid plastic near the slopes.
- After that, as in the first version, you can easily get the windowsill.
Useful Tips
When deciding how to remove a window sill from a plastic window, it will be appropriate to remember that when installing it at home, it is necessary to take into account some important factors:
- The new product should be 10-20 centimeters longer than the width of the window unit. When installing, part of the plastic model will be in the wall, and the protrusion of the board itself should be no less than 50-70 centimeters.
- Fix the new surface during installation with mounting glue or special mortar.
- After a while, when everything dries up, put on special caps on the edges of the windowsill.
- If your windowsill is not plastic, for example, made of wood or cement, you can try to correct the situation without removing the part from the window unit. To do this, you will need a deep penetration primer diluted with putty powder. After applying the mortar, immediately level it with a spatula. This is a very reliable and effective tool, so in most cases the issue of removing defects can be solved without resorting to replacing the window sill.
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So, if you carefully studied this article on the topic of how to remove a window sill from a plastic window, you unequivocally gathered information for yourself on how to solve this problem at home, and also learned several options in which it is not necessary to spend money on a replacement, you can bring the old one back to life. We hope that you will take into account the above methods and recommendations, and henceforth, when you are faced with a similar task, you will not have a question how to remove the plastic window sill, because you already have enough knowledge. It remains only to learn how to correctly translate the information received into reality.
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