How to take a water meter?

Sometimes people have difficulty reading water meter data. The reason is simple: until recently, these devices were not too popular, but for a couple of years almost every apartment owner has decided to install such a device, because the benefit is obvious. After reading the article, you will learn how to take a water meter. The knowledge gained will help you easily cope with this task.

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We consider the whole system

To begin, figure out: which riser is for cold, and which is for hot water. This is necessary in order to correctly read data and make payments during measurements.

Important! Typically, a riser is located above the cold.

After you figured out the risers, you can start reading:

  • On the front panel of the device there is an indicator that displays water consumption, a scale of water flow.
  • There is also an indicator of fluid movement, the model of the meter is indicated. As a rule, the indicator has eight digits.

Important! The last three digits are colored red, the first 5 are black.

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How to know the flow rates?

Now directly on how to take a water meter:

  • Red numbers indicate consumption in liters. When calculating the payment, they are unlikely to be useful to you.
  • Black numbers indicate flow in cubic meters. They apply for payment.

For example, a new water meter was installed for you, and within a month the device displayed 00006870. This means that during the month in question, the water consumption amounted to 6 cubic meters of 870 liters. For convenience, you can round up spending to 7 cubic meters.

Important! Do not forget to carefully monitor the device. If it gives out too much spending, look for leaks. Check for leaks from taps and batteries.

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Where and how to pay?

How to take a water meter, you know. Payment can be made via the Internet or at any point of payment in your locality. As a rule, payment is due at the end of the month. If you did not make the payment on time, the payment is made according to the average monthly water consumption.

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Make sure everything is very simple? Now you just have to remember to take the data in time and transfer it to the water utility. And literally right away you will notice the result of savings.

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