How to remove irritation after shaving 🥝 in the bikini area, on the pubis

Removing hair in the bikini area, the girls are guided by hygienic and aesthetic considerations. But tender and thin skin very often reacts poorly to depilation - redness, itching, pustules and pimples appear, the skin itches. This is especially true if unwanted vegetation is eliminated with a razor. In this article, we will consider how to remove irritation after shaving in the intimate area.

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Causes of irritation in the aftershave

The main cause of irritation in the intimate area after hair removal with a razor is damage to the upper layer of the skin. For its faster recovery, local blood flow increases, as a result, an inflammatory reaction appears.

The situation may be aggravated due to ingrown hairs. They can not break through the dense layer of the epidermis and begin to grow horizontally, leading to the appearance of unaesthetic tubercles.

Here are some factors that can increase irritation:

  • Shave more often than a couple of times a week.
  • Hypersensitivity to the skin.
  • Dry cover treatment.
  • Blade contamination and rare change.
  • Wearing tight synthetic panties.
  • Neglect of care after the procedure.

Important! If inflammation occurs, it is very important to carefully monitor the hygiene of the genitals. If this is not done, then bacteria that can cause suppuration can penetrate through microtrauma.

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How to get rid of irritation? Treatment

Why is the skin irritated after shaving and how to avoid it? If after the shaving procedure of the bikini zone you have a burning sensation, redness, itching, then the skin should be given first aid.

Medical preparations

In order to remove irritation after shaving in the bikini zone, you can use manganese:

  1. Put a few crystals of manganese in a glass of boiled water.
  2. Stir thoroughly and evaluate if your solution turned out to be too concentrated (it should be a light pink color).
  3. Moisten a cotton pad and walk through the area where irritation has occurred.
  4. This procedure should be performed several times a day.

Important! Do not be too zealous in the use of this drug, since if the solution is high in concentration or applied too often and abundantly to the skin, it can cause a chemical burn. And this will be a more serious problem than irritation after shaving.

Healing oils

Tea tree oil can help to quickly eliminate the irritation that appeared due to the removal of hair in the intimate area with a razor. It well softens tender skin, soothes it and eliminates itching:

  • 15 drops of oil should be taken per 100 ml of water.
  • Stir the ingredients and nourish the inflamed area with the mixture.


Herbal infusion

If irritation is too strong after the shaving procedure, herbal infusions will become salvation, whose healing properties are anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. These plants include:

  • Coltsfoot.
  • Chamomile.
  • Nettle.
  • Sage.
  • A series of.
  • Mint.
  • Oak bark.

Cooking infusion:

  1. Pour boiling water over one of the above herbs in a dry form (2 tablespoons per glass of water).
  2. Allow the product to infuse for 2–3 hours.
  3. Strain the infusion and use for lotions (fold a small piece of gauze several times and moisten with herbal infusion).

A simple and affordable skin repair tool

If you are intolerant of alcohol, then you can resort to the use of water infusion of parsley:

  • For 2 tablespoons chopped herbs 200 ml of boiling water.
  • Leave the product under a tightly closed lid for 20 minutes, and then put the cotton pad moistened with the product in a problem place.

Important! As a rule, discomfort disappears after 10 minutes.

Home plants

Healing injured skin will help speed up the aloe leaf. It must be washed, cut off the dense surface and rub the irritated area of ​​the skin with flesh. Such manipulation is performed several times a day.

Emergency measures

But what to do if you don’t have the strength to endure the discomfort for several hours while the grass is insisting and you need to urgently remove irritation after shaving in the intimate area?

An alcohol infusion of calendula or chamomile will come to the rescue. It must be diluted with warm water in equal proportions and moistened inflamed areas twice a day.

Important! Processing with this antiseptic will help completely restore the skin in 2-3 days of procedures.

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Preventative measures

If depilation with a razor is the most convenient way for you to deal with unwanted vegetation in the delicate part of the body, then to prevent irritation, follow these simple rules:

  1. Depilation is carried out exclusively with a high-quality machine with a sufficiently sharp blade. Disposable razors are only suitable for removing hair from the legs. To eliminate vegetation in the bikini zone, if you do not want to splurge on a special female razor, use a men's machine. It is designed in such a way that the blade cuts off hairs even in the most inaccessible places.
  2. After the procedure, always dry the razor and watch the sharpness of its blade. Change it as soon as you notice dullness or rust. The tool, which is equipped with such a blade, breaks off and sharply pulls out the hairs. The result of such treatment will be soreness, redness, swelling of the follicles.
  3. Before the procedure, treat the skin with shower gel or a soft scrub. The tool will help cleanse the tissues of the secretion of sweat glands and soften the hairs.
  4. In the process of bathing do not rub just shaved skin with washcloths.
  5. Always complete the hair removal procedure with a special aftershave or nourishing cream.
  6. No matter how severe the itch, do not scratch the damaged area and touch it with your hands without the need. If you scratch the sensitive area with your nails, the intimate area will be susceptible to infection and possibly there will be scars on it.
  7. It is advisable to shave the bikini area at night so that the skin can "recover" until morning. To contact your body with air, it is better to go to bed without panties.
  8. If you have too sensitive skin, it is better to abandon the use of silk and synthetic underwear with guipure, lace, mesh inserts. For you, the most ideal option would be linen made from natural types of fabric, which does not rub the skin with its edges and allows air to pass to delicate areas of the body.
  9. It is undesirable to remove hair from the pubis every day, because the skin needs rest at least for a couple of days. Then you will not be worried about how to remove irritation after shaving in the intimate zone, but it will look perfect if you have to undress in front of a doctor or a beloved man.
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Medications for irritation

In addition to the above-described products for the care of intimate areas after shaving, there are also drugs that can be bought at a pharmacy:

  • To reduce discomfort, you can use aspirin tablets.It is necessary to mix a few pieces with warm water until a thick slurry forms, massaging gently, apply it to the scalp. Then use a shaving machine to remove the vegetation.
  • An antipruritic mask can be made from glycerin and aspirin. The ratio of ingredients is 1 tablespoon of liquid preparation for 3 crushed tablets. Apply for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This procedure prevents irritation or eliminates it if it has already appeared.

Consider some more medications that can help remove irritation after shaving in the intimate area:

  • Ointment "Neosporin". Its main task is to prevent infection of the body by bacteria through microscopic wounds in the intimate zone. Shallow cuts after applying this remedy heal faster.
  • Cream-gel “Malavit”. The natural composition of this drug for the skin is absolutely safe. It cools the damaged skin and improves its healing.
  • Ointment "Polysporin". The tool manifests itself as an antihistamine. It relieves inflammation, reduces itching and treats dermatitis, which develops due to the use of low-quality underwear.
  • “Bacitracin”. The medicine copes with small abrasions and cuts, prevents the development of inflammatory processes.
  • Ointment "Solcoseryl". Quickly eliminates the discomfort associated with damage to delicate skin after shaving.
  • Hydrocortisone ointment. This antiseptic is effective in situations where burning and itching become simply unbearable.
  • Cosmetic creams containing witch hazel, aloe, glycogelic acid.

Important! If, after shaving, small pimples appear in the bikini area, drugs such as Panthenol, Chlorhexidine, and Miramistin will help dry them.

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Instructions for eliminating hair in the intimate area

So that every time after shaving you do not have to deal with its consequences in the bikini zone, let's consider how to do depilation correctly:

  1. Take a pose that is comfortable for you. The intimate area should be visible and well accessible for processing the most distant areas.
  2. Apply shaving gel, cream, or foam to your pubis, or use an antibacterial soap. The procedure should not be carried out “dry”. So hold the product for several minutes.
  3. The shaving machine must be driven through the hair in only one direction - by height. Do this without pressure and without tensioning the skin tissue, periodically rinsing the device.
  4. If you missed a few hairs, do not scrape the skin. Re-shaving should be carried out exclusively in the natural direction of the hair.
  5. After washing the shaved pubis with slightly cool water, you close the pores, protect the skin from infection and strengthen local immunity.
  6. Dry the treated area gently with a soft towel without rubbing the skin.
  7. On the day of vegetation removal, it is undesirable to sunbathe and put on silk and synthetic underwear.
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Proper shaving in the intimate area ensures smoothness and silkiness of delicate surfaces. Do the depilation correctly and carefully, and then you do not have to think about how to relieve irritation after shaving in the intimate area.

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