How to remove old paint from the walls?

Different types of painting materials are removed from the walls in different ways: some - more or less easily, others - are able to confuse even a painter with experience. Much depends on the surface on which the coloring composition is applied, and on the type of paint. This article is devoted to different methods of removing a paint coating from walls, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as safety measures at work. So how to remove old paint from the walls?

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Remove paint from the wall or leave it still?

Painting walls in the kitchen room and in the bathroom with oil compositions was common during the Soviet period. Many are faced with the problem of removing old coatings from walls, for example, before installing ceramic tiles. Is it necessary to remove the coating or can it be mounted on top of the painted surface?

Much depends on the chosen technology of work:

  1. If you plan to use sheets of drywall for sewing on the wall - the painting layer on the wall does not hurt.
  2. Ceramic tiles are a completely different matter. The painted surface has almost zero adhesion to cement plaster or tile adhesive. Therefore, you have to remove the paint.
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Choosing the best removal method

The following factors influence the choice of a method:

  • Type of painted surface. For example, the task “how to remove paint from a concrete wall” is considered one of the most difficult.
  • The type of paint, the number of layers and the degree of strength of its adhesion to the surface.
  • Financial opportunities.
  • Availability of tools.

Important! There are three main types of paints that are used in construction work: oil, acrylic and water-based. The most difficult, as practice shows, is the removal of oil paint from concrete.

What tools will be needed?

Depending on which paint removal method you choose, you may need this set of materials and tools:

  • Spatula, wide chisel or metal scraper.
  • Paint roller, brush.
  • Liquid for removing paint of this type.
  • Ax.
  • Electric drill with nozzles.
  • Construction hair dryer.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Water.
  • Personal protective equipment: tight gloves, respirator, safety glasses.

snimaem-staruyu-krasku-so-stenAll methods of cleaning surfaces from paint are divided into 3 categories.

  • Chemical.
  • Thermal.
  • Mechanical.

Consider each of the methods in more detail.

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Chemical method

So, how to remove paint from the wall using chemicals? - There is nothing complicated in this process:

  1. Using the instructions, prepare the chemical composition to remove the coating.
  2. Using a paint brush, apply it to the surface - it is advisable to perform movements in one direction. You can also use a paint roller.
  3. Then you need to wait a bit for the paint to soften.
  4. It remains only to remove it with a spatula, wire brush or metal scraper.

Important! The method is fast enough, but the unpleasant smell remains for a long time. Difficulties can arise if staining was carried out in several layers. In this case, you will have to coat the walls with a solution 2-3 times.


This method has several disadvantages:

  • High toxicity.
  • The presence of persistent unpleasant odor.
  • If the solution gets on the skin, a chemical burn may occur.
  • Big financial expenses.
  • The need for special disposal of the solution. In no case should it be poured into the sewer.

Precautionary measures

If you prefer this particular method, do not forget about the safety rules:

  1. Chemical reagents can only be used in a room that is well ventilated.
  2. You need to work only in personal protective equipment.
  3. Make sure that pregnant women, pets and children are not in the room.

Important! There are several folk recipes that are also suitable to remove old paint from the walls, and no less effective than modern expensive washes:

  • To remove the staining coating, a mixture of lime and potassium carbonate is used (400 g of quicklime accounts for 400 g of potassium carbonate (soda ash) Dilute the ingredients with water until a thick mass is obtained. Apply the composition to the walls and soak for half a day. Paint is removed from the surface without difficulty.
  • If you are thinking about how to remove paint from a wall in a kitchen or bathroom, a layer of oil paint can be removed with water glass. Lubricate the surface, allow to dry well. Silicate film peels off along with pieces of coating.
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Thermal method

This method of removing paint from walls involves the use of a building hair dryer. The surface is heated, and the stain layer can be cleaned with a scraper or spatula.

If there is no hair dryer, you can “iron” the wall with a hot iron through a sheet of foil.

Important! The method cannot be used in places where wiring is carried out. The thermal method is ideal where vibration and shock are unacceptable.

A significant drawback of the method is an unpleasant “chemical” smell when heated. In addition, toxic substances are released into the air. For this reason, the room must be carefully ventilated and do not forget about the use of personal protective equipment.

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Mechanical way

Its advantage is the absence of toxic substances. The mechanical method is quite slow, it is very labor intensive, but safe and not associated with large cash costs. In order to remove old paint from the walls, you will need an ax, water and muscular strength.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Make a notch on the wall with an ax.
  2. Sprinkle the wall with water.
  3. Wait for the water to absorb, and start brushing off the paint again with the ax blade.

Important! For faster and more efficient work, experiment a little, select the optimal blade tilt.

Mechanical removal of paint from the walls is used if facing the walls with tiles, since the adhesion of tiles to a non-smooth surface is the best.

Important! Despite the high complexity of the method, it is fully acceptable for small areas and rooms that are poorly ventilated.

Mechanized mechanical method

To reduce the complexity of the work, and accordingly to increase its productivity, you can use a grinder with a wide range. The disadvantage of this method is that during operation, a huge amount of dust is generated. The problem can be solved if you use a modern device equipped with a built-in vacuum cleaner.

There is a way to relatively easily remove old paint from concrete - use chains as nozzles for a drill. However, you must work carefully, protecting yourself from mechanical damage. Dust formation when using chains is minimal, as the paint flies off in pieces.

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How to remove different paints from the walls?

All of the above methods will help to cope in the most difficult case - removing old oil paint from concrete. But along with such paintwork material, solutions that are easier to remove are also used.

Features of removal of acrylic paint

To remove the acrylic coating, you can use a metal brush or even a skin with a coarse grain.The work is completely manual, so gloves should not be forgotten.

Important! If the paint is of high quality, then removing it from the surface will not be so easy. Therefore, you can try the tools for removing paint from the walls already described in this article. If you plan to cover the wall with acrylic paint, then you should not bother with removing the old coating. A new layer will lie perfectly on the painted surface.

Water-based paint

Removing such coverage is the easiest task. It is enough to moisten the surface with water (preferably from a spray gun) and leave for 15-20 minutes so that the paint gets wet. After that, it is easily removed with a spatula or scraper. If in some areas the emulsion is not removed, you need to moisten them with water again, and then remove the coating.

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Now you have an idea of ​​all the possible ways to remove old paint from the walls. Choose the most convenient for you, taking into account the initial conditions of the room, such as paint, the necessary speed and ease of the process, and apply if necessary to update the interior.

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