How to remove the toilet?

Nothing remains eternal, and sooner or later you will have to learn how to remove the toilet. And plumbing is something that should always be in good condition. You can’t call this activity pleasant, but nevertheless, it can be done by an ordinary person, moreover, does not take much time. Of course, you can turn to specialists in your field and pay them for the replacement of equipment. But why spend "your hard-earned money" if this occupation is completely within your power? Now you will see this.
to contents ↑Preparation stage
Before you start replacing the old toilet with a new one, you need to prepare the necessary tools:
- Scrap;
- Keys of different sizes;
- Bit;
- Knife;
- Hammer;
- Sledgehammer;
- Pliers;
- Drill;
- Rags and rags.
Important! To protect your hands, use rubber gloves.
Before you do the dismantling of the toilet with your own hands, plumbing is thoroughly washed and processed using a disinfectant to remove harmful microorganisms. Preparatory work in the room itself is carried out in the following order:
- The working area is exempted from all objects, including rugs.
- Turns off the water.
- Water drains from the tank.
- Sewerage is brought into an inactive state, that is, it can not be used both by itself and its neighbors from above.
to contents ↑Important! Even if you do not plan to reuse the old toilet, for example, in the country, do not break it. First of all, fragments can be injured, plus they can cause damage to water pipes and sewers.
Dismantle the tank
This process consists of several stages:
- The first step is to disconnect the lid so that it does not interfere with further work. If it has a lid, it is turned out.
- Flexible wiring is unscrewed, through which water is supplied to the tank. To do this, use a key with an appropriate diameter.
Important! If the holes for the connection in the new toilet are similar and the flexible wiring is preserved in excellent condition, they are not unscrewed from the second side.
- If available, unscrew the bolts with which the tank is attached to the wall. If, due to long-term operation, the bolts do not loosen, use a grinder to remove them.
- Slightly rocking the tank, remove it.
Dismantle the toilet bowl
Before removing the toilet, the cover must be removed from the bowl. Often they buy it separately and it can be used for new plumbing. To do this, the screws securing the cover are carefully unscrewed.
To dismantle the bowl:
- We unscrew the bolts with which the toilet sole is attached.
- Using a knife, cut off the sealant that was used for sealing.
- If concrete is used for fixing, it is broken with a sledgehammer, chisel and hammer.
- We take out the drain. For its manufacture, different materials are used. In the case of a flexible drain, there are no problems, but you will have to try to remove the plastic or cast iron. To disconnect the pipe from cast iron, use a chisel or drill, with which the joints are freed from flax. In case of problems with the drain from plastic, it can be sawn with a hacksaw or a hot knife.
- Performing strong swinging movements, remove the toilet. If you couldn’t take it off on the first try, don’t break the bowl, you should try a few more times.
At this, the dismantling of the toilet with his own hands is almost complete.
to contents ↑Getting ready to install new plumbing
The amount of work that needs to be done depends on the material used to make the drain. If the pipe is made of cast iron, then it is removed and replaced with a flexible drain, lighter and more functional.
Important! When removing the pipe, proceed carefully to avoid damage to the sewer inlet. On average, it takes about two hours to remove the pipe and clean the inlet. But this makes sense, since in the future, in order to dismantle the plastic corrugated pipe, it will take only a few minutes. And when eliminating leakage of work will be less.
In the event that a board was used to strengthen the toilet, its residues are removed. After this, a new board is installed, for fixing which they use grease and self-tapping screws. The hole itself can be poured with a solution.
to contents ↑Important! Installation of new plumbing is possible only after the solution has completely dried.
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As you can see, dismantling the toilet with your own hands is an activity that almost everyone can handle. Of course, this process will take several hours and then require good cleaning, but it is realistic to complete it. If you are not confident in your own abilities, then you can always turn to professionals.
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