How to assemble a canopy for a crib?

If the appearance of a small crumb is expected in your house, then of course you should provide him with a separate sleeping place - a cozy bed, the accompanying element of which is a canopy. How to assemble a canopy for a crib? “Artful daddies can handle this with their eyes closed.” And if dad is very busy or away? Or did your acquaintances give you the canopy, but the instruction is lost? Do not worry, our article will help you assemble this simple design in the best possible way in just half an hour.
to contents ↑Does a child need a canopy?
Let's face it - not all supporters of this element of the crib. Some mothers consider it a useless dust bag. Other parents consider such an element of a crib a necessity, arguing their opinion that the canopy performs many useful functions, if it is of course correctly selected.
Consider the features of this decor item for the children's bed:
- This is really a dust collector, and to some extent it’s good, because the dust will settle on the canopy and will not be collected on the crib. This is especially important if the child is allergic. Naturally, the canopy should often be erased.
- The canopy perfectly closes your child not only from drafts, but also from annoying sunlight. And if your hospitable family in the first weeks will keep the defense from numerous relatives, friends and neighbors who in close ranks will move you to the heirs of the “heir to the throne”, then the canopy will protect the baby from unnecessary views.
Important! Many parents are of the opinion that before christening, strangers do not need to look at a child.
- If the canopy is selected and fixed correctly, then in the summer it will reliably protect the child from insects - flies, mosquitoes, wasps and others.
- Well, the moment is aesthetic. The crib is now the center of the room. All roads lead to it and all eyes are riveted. Therefore, it is important that everything looks harmonious. The canopy will create a cozy atmosphere in the room and give a special twist to the interior.
How to choose the right canopy?
Think over this question beforehand so that in a hurry you don’t buy the first one that comes across. Children's stores now have a large selection of canopies. They can be sold either separately or with a crib or bedding. They differ not only in colors and material, but also in the way of fastening. Therefore, in order to avoid problems during the assembly of the canopy on the crib, all the nuances must be taken into account.
Tips for choosing:
- The fabric should pass air well, but at the same time, it should not be very openwork, otherwise it will let in a lot of dust and insects along with the air. It can be a cambric, fine silk, tulle, organza. Of course, it is better if the fabric is made from natural fibers. You can combine the canopy with curtains or other interior items of the room.
- If you choose a canopy made of natural fabric and it is crumpled, then see that it has fewer frills, bows and other cute nonsense. You will have to wash it quite often, but ironing can turn into flour. Do not complicate your life.
- The color should be calm, soft, preferably warm tones, and the picture is large, not flashy. It can be fabulous or cartoon characters (give preference to Winnie the Pooh, and not the Transformer Robot).
Important! The crib and everything that surrounds it should calm the baby, and not injure the psyche.
- Measure the height of your crib and look at the packaging for the length of the canopy so that it is not shorter than necessary. The fabric should reach at least the middle of the legs. The average length is 1.5 meters.
- Choose a convenient type of canopy attachment to the crib.
How to fix a canopy on a crib?
Mounting the canopy is often done using a tripod, which is attached to the bed. It is quite convenient. You will be able to remove the canopy for washing, adjust the height and so on without any difficulty. The canopy on the tripod is mounted at the head or side, so the fabric is a little one-sided distributed around the crib.
But there is also a ceiling mount. In this case, a hook is screwed into the ceiling or a cornice is screwed onto which everything else “good” is hung. In this case, the canopy will more uniformly close the crib and look chic. Although not everyone wants to pierce the ceiling once again, because it is only for a couple of years.
to contents ↑Installation of a canopy on a crib
Depending on what type of canopy you bought, the installation will be slightly different. To begin with, we will deal with the tools and parts that will be needed to successfully and quickly assemble the canopy for the crib.
Required Inventory
- If you bought a canopy on a tripod, then additional tools are not needed. Check the accessory package contents, it should include:
- the canopy itself;
- straight pipe;
- curved pipe with a removable loop at the end;
- fixing screws and staples;
- plugs and a decorative lambrequin may also be included.
- If you purchased a canopy with a ceiling mount, then you will need:
- roulette;
- drill;
- screwdriver;
- ladder;
- pencil;
- all components of the canopy itself.
Important! Before installation, it is advisable to wash and iron the fabric itself.
How to assemble a canopy on a tripod?
Installation of a canopy on a crib does not require certain technical skills. For an accessory on a tripod, the following simple manipulations must be done:
- Lay out all the component parts and decide which side you will mount the canopy from. It can be installed at the head or on the side wall. The location will depend on how the bed itself is placed and which side requires more protection (how light falls from the window, or in which direction the air flows). And of course, take into account - which side you will approach the baby.
Important! Note that when installing the canopy at the head, the fabric may not completely cover the opposite side. When installing from the side, this problem is not.
- Insert a straight pipe into the mounting bracket and fix it with a screw (at the bottom of the head or side wall).
- Now proceed to mount the canopy itself. If the ring is removable, then thread it into the drawstring, which should be on the fabric and fasten the ends of the hoop with a special rubber band. If the ring has soldered ends, then fix the fabric with the help of Velcro or ribbons that will be sewn to the top of the canopy. Now insert the ring into the curved pipe, and in turn connect it to the straight pipe. Secure with bracket and screw.
- Adjust the height of the canopy and finally tighten the screws.
- Check the design for strength. She should not fall on the child when he grows up and can reach the fabric with a pen.
Important! Swipe your hands at the mounts. There should not be protruding ends and protrusions that can subsequently injure the baby. Close all that is possible with caps.
How to assemble a ceiling-mounted canopy?
If you are not going to move the crib in the next couple of years, you can also choose a ceiling canopy. It is more reliable and strong, and it looks more spectacular. How to assemble a ceiling-mounted canopy? To install it, free up space and prepare all the necessary tools:
- After standing on a stepladder or stool, make a mark on the ceiling where the canopy will be fixed.
- The structure can be attached to the ceiling hook - then you need to screw it into the ceiling and hang the rest of the details on it. Or it can be a cornice - a metal strip that must be screwed to the ceiling with screws. The canopy fabric is attached to it and decorated with a lambrequin.
- Be sure to check the fastened canopy for strength, as the child will inevitably pull the fabric when he grows up. The fallen canopy, of course, will not be able to cripple much, but the fright can be serious.
to contents ↑Important! The ceiling canopy is much larger and longer than the one on the tripod attached to the bed. Therefore, for convenience, you can supplement it with pickups (tapes or magnetic holders).
Stock footage
When choosing a crib and canopy, remember that this is not just a piece of furniture and a protective curtain. In the next couple of years, this will become for the baby his small cozy world, where he will spend a significant part of his time. Pay due attention to the installation of the canopy so that in no case does it collapse and scare the child.
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