How to assemble a wooden staircase with your own hands from ready-made elements?

When constructing a two- or three-story house, you will certainly come across the issue of manufacturing and installation of stairs leading to the upper floors. For these purposes, the most optimal option in choosing raw materials for the manufacture of interfloor stairs is wood. Its advantage is environmental friendliness and naturalness. In addition, with proper processing, such a design will become a bright accent not only of the room, but of the whole house. In order for you to acquire such a functional decor element, we will tell you how to assemble a wooden staircase with your own hands from ready-made elements.

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Features of wooden staircases

Wood is one of the most common materials used in the construction and manufacture of interfloor stairs of various sizes and shapes. Such products are very convenient to use, they are an excellent decorative element that gives the house a cozy atmosphere.

In addition, wooden staircases have several advantages:

  • Due to the naturalness of the material, such products are absolutely safe for health.
  • Environmental friendliness of wood has a positive effect on the human body.

Important! Before purchasing elements for the manufacture and installation of stairs, pay your attention to the means by which the tree was processed. They must be safe for humans, not harm health.

  • Durability of construction. Such a ladder will serve you for more than one year, subject to proper care, the use of special compounds that prevent rotting and the appearance of insects.
  • Beauty, high cost of appearance.
  • A large assortment of different models, decor options.
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Types of interfloor stairs

If you decide to install an interfloor staircase, you first need to decide on the design that will fit the parameters and fit perfectly into the overall interior. Wooden stairs are of the following types:


Such designs are quite complex in execution, due to which their price is much higher than other types. Therefore, it is best to install spiral staircases in the absence of free space or the impossibility of installing other options.

The advantage of such stairs is their reliability, stability. As for the shortcomings, due to the narrow steps, a rather steep climb, this design does not allow to lift voluminous, heavy things to the upper floors.

Important! A spiral staircase is not recommended for individuals without work experience. Such designs require quite complex, lengthy calculations, which ensure the strength of the steps, their stability.


These structures can have one or two flights, be straight or with a turn. Compared with spiral, such stairs are much easier to manufacture. The advantage of this design is its ease of use, reliability, the ability to lift heavy and bulky loads.

Important! If the flight of stairs has more than 10 steps, then it is most often separated by a platform, made with a turn.


This is also a rather complicated model, which is not recommended for beginners to manufacture and install, since it combines the elements of the marching and screw elements. Therefore, it is best to entrust the manufacturing and installation process to professionals.


Such models have a similar marching design. The only difference between them is the presence of a turn up to 180 degrees. Despite such a traditional design, it is not worth making such a model without any specific experience.

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We assemble the interfloor staircase construction

The process of manufacturing and installation of interfloor stairs is quite complex, combines several stages at once, the correctness and sequence of implementation of which will ensure you achieve the desired result. Therefore, we will consider each of these processes in more detail below.

We make calculations

In order to assemble the ladder from the finished elements, you must first make the necessary calculations. It is very important to do them in the following order, since not only the appearance of the finished structure, but also its safety depends on this.

Important! Pay your attention to the fact that when calculating you need to consider all the elements of the staircase structure, namely:

  • Steps, risers;
  • Handrail;
  • Bowstring.

Operating procedure:

  • Determine the total height of the structure, that is, the distance between the floor of the first and second floors.
  • Calculate the required number of steps. For this, it is necessary to divide the height of the structure by the height of the step.

Important! Basically, the standard step height is 15-20 centimeters.

  • Next, determine the projection on the floor. To do this, you need to multiply the width of the steps by their number.
  • The calculation of the total length of the structure must be carried out according to the Pythagorean theorem, in which the projection and height are the legs, and the length acts as a hypotenuse.
  • Once you have decided on the dimensions, you need to build a drawing, pick up all the necessary elements for mounting the future design. For example, a string is made of a bar measuring 140x160 millimeters, but for the manufacture of steps, boards with a thickness of at least 3-5 centimeters are needed.

Important! The preliminary construction of a 3D model of the construction will greatly facilitate the work. So you can see the stairs in volume and correct all the shortcomings and shortcomings.


We determine the wood for the stairs

In the manufacture of staircases made exclusively of wood, it is very important to choose high-quality material. It should not be present:

  • Chips and deformations;
  • Cracks, even the smallest;
  • Traces of bark beetle activity;
  • Various spots and yellow plaque;
  • Discrepancies in the thickness of the element.

The best options when choosing a material for the manufacture of wooden stairs are as follows:

  • Oak. It has a fairly high durability and presentable appearance. A significant disadvantage of this material is the porous structure, which does not allow perfect grinding of the surface. In addition, due to the high cost, the manufacture of interfloor stairs from oak is not affordable for everyone.
  • Ash. This is a cheaper material, which is not inferior in strength and beauty to the appearance of oak. Its structure is rather dense, and due to its flexibility and elasticity, it is malleable and easy to process and polish. The only drawback of ash is that over time it is prone to gradation of color.
  • Pine. This is a budget and fairly popular material. Its main advantage is ease of processing. Unfortunately, pine has several disadvantages:
    1. The heterogeneity of the structure.
    2. Low hardness.
    3. Due to the presence of a large number of resins, it falls unevenly.
    4. Low level of wear resistance.
    5. Over time, it changes and loses its original shade.

Important! If you nevertheless decided to purchase a pine for some reason, you should pay attention to high-quality material with no resin lenses, various gaps, knots and other defects.

  • Larch.This is a great but more affordable alternative to oak. It has an average cost and does not lend itself to decay.
  • Birch. Pretty dense material that is resistant to chips.
  • Beech. It has a beautiful appearance and a low price. The disadvantage of this material is its susceptibility to moisture.
  • Maple. Its main advantage is the lack of porosity, due to which the material is moisture resistant and durable. Its disadvantages include only the difficulty in applying the impregnation.

We assemble a wooden staircase

If you are a beginner, and you are faced with the installation of staircases for the first time, we offer you step-by-step instructions, thanks to which the process will be faster and better.

Important! Before you begin to assemble the stairs, you must definitely check the strength of the floor, as well as all the ceilings in the place of its installation. This must be done taking into account the possible loads that will arise during the operation of the finished product.

To assemble a wooden staircase yourself:

  • Choose the place where the staircase will be placed.
  • Recheck your calculations and their compliance with the details.
  • Prepare beams, braids, bowstrings, mark the steps.
  • Prepare steps and risers for installation.
  • Assemble and mount the marches.
  • Set the steps and risers.

Important! Remember to adjust the parts carefully and combine all the elements.

  • Using a wooden shield, set an intermediate area between the marches.
  • Using the support beam, set the march to the floor.
  • Install the guards, and secure the balusters and all additional posts using metal studs and groove joints.
  • Install and fasten the outer posts to the main wall.
  • Mount the railing on an already finished structure.

After you have made an interfloor staircase of wood, you need to carry out its decorative decoration.


Staircase Finish

Finishing the stairs can be divided into three stages:

  • Training;
  • Painting;
  • Opening with varnish.

In order to prepare the staircase for painting:

  1. It must first be putty and wait until it is completely dry.
  2. Once everything is dry, all elements should be sanded until a smooth and even surface is reached.
  3. At the end, apply a primer that is as close as possible in color to the varnish of your choice.

Important! Try to choose alkyd or urethane coloring compounds, as they are best suited for painting stair flights.

Sometimes craftsmen use stain instead of paint, due to which it is possible to emphasize and highlight the structure of wood. After the staircase has been treated with stain, it is necessary to wait a few days until it dries completely, after which the surface is covered with several layers of varnish.

Important! If after opening the varnish bubbles appear, you will need to carefully grind the surface.

At the end, you can decorate the stairs with wrought, marble or wooden accessories. In this case, it all depends on your chosen model and taste preferences.

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Basic safety rules for staircases

Keep in mind a few useful tips that will come in handy when building your system so that it is as reliable as possible.

Tip 1

Safety of movement is completely dependent on compliance with the dimensions and all the technical characteristics of the staircase. Taking into account the fact that steps are an element that determines the safety of a staircase, it is very important to observe correctly the main parameters of their installation:

  • The tread should be a horizontally oriented surface.
  • The riser should always be vertical and only at a right angle.
  • In order to prevent a fall and various injuries, it is believed that the most optimal angle of inclination of the staircase is 45 degrees.
  • The width of the step should be at least 29-30 centimeters, and the height should not exceed 20 centimeters.

Tip 2

Handrails, balusters and poles are integral elements of the staircase structure. If the thickness of the balusters is not more than 5 centimeters, they must be mounted in increments of 15 centimeters. But if you plan to install a wider interfloor staircase, then you need to equip it with an additional fence with a wall handrail.

Tip 3

Pay particular attention to lighting. It is best to place several sconces or decorative spotlights along the wall structure.

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To make and install an interfloor staircase is a rather complicated process and requires considerable skills. Accordingly, before proceeding with the manufacture of the staircase structure, it is very important to weigh the pros and cons. If you nevertheless decided on such a risky venture, adhering to the above tips and recommendations of our experts, you can make a high-quality staircase structure that will truly become the main highlight of the interior and your pride.


