How to assemble a baby bed?

Parents pay great attention to the arrangement of the children's room, since it is very important that it be functional, safe and comfortable for the baby. The bed occupies the most significant place in the children's room, as the child will spend a lot of time in it. Therefore, it must be correctly assembled and installed. If you act according to the instructions, then this process is not particularly laborious. Well, what to do when they haven’t put it in the store or the instruction manual in a foreign language and you can’t do the assembly or installation yourself? In order for this situation to not take you by surprise and you were ready for the arrival of your baby from the hospital, we will tell you how to assemble a baby bed.

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How to assemble and install a crib?

The assembly and installation process can be conditionally divided into two stages - this is the preparatory work and the installation itself.

Preparatory phase for the installation of a crib

Before proceeding with the assembly and installation of the crib, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work:

  1. Assembly is best done in the children's room. Thanks to this solution, you do not have to transfer it after the installation process.
  2. After unpacking, carefully review all components. It is very important that everything is in stock. If something is missing, contact the store or manufacturer to send you the necessary details.
  3. You should also carefully examine the elements of the crib for the presence of various defects. If you find something, then the crib should be returned, since it will not be safe for the baby.
  4. Strictly follow all the steps that are indicated in the instructions, as each model has its own significant differences and does not always fit into the general installation rules.

Important! If you have lost the instruction, you should find its electronic version on the Internet.

Installation of a crib

The installation process depends solely on the type of crib. To date, the most popular are:

  • Pendulum;
  • Transformer;
  • Rocking chair.

Next, we consider in more detail each of the above types.

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Pendulum bed

A children's bed with a pendulum mechanism has gained its popularity due to the fact that it creates oscillatory movements similar to the swing of mom in her arms. Such a mechanism is so sensitive that even when the baby is turned, it can start on its own, which will contribute to the fast falling asleep of the child.

Important! When installing the pendulum, it is necessary to take into account the fact that nothing should stand near the crib, since the mechanism will not be able to swing and fully function.

Varieties of Pendulums

There are several types of cribs. Their difference lies purely in the direction of movement of the mechanism:

  • Longitudinal pendulum. This is the most popular and popular option, since it is thanks to it that the swing effect is created on my mother’s hands.

Important! Pediatricians argue that due to the effect of motionlessness of mother’s hands, the baby will have normal intracranial pressure, respectively - the complete absence of headaches in the future.

  • Cribs with a transverse mechanism in their shape resemble cradles in which our ancestors previously rocked children. Like old models, modern ones also perform motor movements from side to side.Due to the presence of special clamps, it is possible to completely stop the movement.

Important! This type of crib is best installed in small rooms, as due to the transverse movements they do not require a lot of space.

  • Universal beds. They allow you to completely change the direction of swing and their functions. That is, while the baby is small, it performs the function of a cradle, and as soon as it grows up, the walls are removed and the bed is extended. Most often, a changing table is still placed in such models, which is certainly very convenient for mothers.

Important! Which bed to choose - transverse or longitudinal, is a purely individual choice. Parents themselves must weigh the pros and cons. Also, when choosing, do not forget about the area that you are ready to allocate for its installation.


How to assemble a pendulum bed?

This type of crib is made exclusively from natural wood, which is covered with water-soluble varnish. The package most often includes:

  • Sleeping area;
  • Wireframe;
  • Backrests;
  • Legs
  • Pendulum mechanism.

Important! Very often, these beds are still equipped with a chest of drawers, pelenor, shelving and drawers for storing linen.

To assemble a crib of this model:

  • Before starting work, you should prepare the elements of the crib, assembly diagram, screwdriver, screws and plugs.

Important! In order not to scratch the floor or the elements of the crib, you should lay a soft, light cloth on the work surface.

  • Screw the fixed back to the side walls using the screws provided.

Important! Pay attention to the front and back of the bed, as they are almost the same and there is not much difference. But if you install them incorrectly, the mechanism will not function.

  • Next, install the bed. First, it is mounted on the screws, and then inserted into the guides, which are located on the side walls.

Important! Sometimes in such beds the bed can be whole, or it can consist of several parts. In this case, they should be laid and fixed in the holes located on the rear wall located in a separate special bar.

  • Turn over the fixed case in order to assemble the pendulum mechanism itself.
  • Insert the laundry drawers inside and fix the side wall of the mechanism using special fixing screws.
  • Cover everything with plugs.
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How to assemble a convertible bed?

The choice and installation of such a model of a children's bed should be approached very seriously, since the child will sleep in it from birth to school age. Therefore, before the acquisition should weigh all the pros and cons.

The procedure will be as follows:

  1. The transforming bed “grows” with the child. Therefore, using a bedside table that can be removed and mounted in the bed base, you will add about 50 centimeters of extra bed.
  2. It is impossible to add the width of the bed, it is 60 centimeters, so only a 5-6 year old child is suitable.
  3. Unfortunately, the material of manufacture is not always wood. Therefore, when choosing should be vigilant.
  4. The structure of the bed is fully provided for a comfortable stay and a healthy sleep for your child.
  5. The presence of a built-in locker allows you to store all the necessary things at hand.
  6. Additional functionality and ease of use is added by the availability of a changing table in the configuration.
  7. The price of such a model depends solely on the material from which it is made and its configuration.
  8. Parents should always consider the fact that it is much larger in size than an ordinary cradle.

Important! Pay attention to the manual provided by the manufacturer. It always contains a detailed diagram of the assembly of the transformer bed, thanks to which the installation process will be much easier.


Transformer bed assembly:

  • Cover the place where you will work with paper or a light cloth.
  • Lock the bottom of the bed. To do this, you need to assemble the frame - the backs and lower sides.
  • The first step is to attach the fixed wall using the screws included in the kit.
  • Assemble the bed and insert into the grooves on the sides. Secure with screws.
  • Install the facade wall and fasten with screws.

Important! When installing the facade wall, be careful, as it should be fixed.

  • Collect the cabinet. Using the screws, attach it to the side of the small crib.
  • Gather the bottom of the small crib, attach the side grilles.
  • If the bed is on casters, then they should first be checked, and then installed.
  • If there is a pendulum mechanism, then it should be assembled and installed.
  • Collect the linen boxes.
  • Next, attach the side wall and install the linen boxes in their place.
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How to assemble a rocking crib?

To date, this type of crib is the most popular. This is due to the fact that parents always have the opportunity to pump their baby so that he calms down and falls asleep faster. Due to special curved supports, the crib will begin to swing even from the slightest movement of the child.

Installation of the rocking chair does not take much time, since all the holes for the fasteners are already ready - you do not need to drill them.

Important! Most often, mounting screws are included, but sometimes there are situations when they are simply not enough. In this case, you can replace them with similar ones with exactly the same diameter.

The assembly of such a bed is carried out in several stages:

  • Using screws, collect all the elements of the boxes.
  • Next, assemble the side parts and the bottom. During this process, moderate physical strength must be used.

Important! Since the newborn baby does not have independent sitting skills, the bottom should be fixed higher. Thus, it will be easier for mom to get him out of the crib.

  • Screw the back to each side. This should be done with self-tapping screws.
  • Install the front wall into the grooves on the side elements, tightly clamp the mount.
  • Install the bottom drawer.
  • Many rocking chairs are also equipped with wheels. They can be mounted exclusively at will.

Important! At the end of the assembly, carefully check its correctness and the absence of various protruding parts that the child may injure. The crib should swing, and the bed should be firmly and securely fixed.

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The appearance of a child in the family is an incredible joy for parents. Accordingly, all the work on preparing the children's room for the arrival of the baby takes place with special enthusiasm and scrupulousness. This is especially true for cots. Therefore, it is very important that it is comfortable for the baby and functional for parents. Using the above tips and recommendations of specialists, you can easily assemble a crib of any complexity in a short time and already in full “combat readiness” to meet your favorite child!


