How to assemble a tent with eight 🥝 video

You bought a tent, set it up safely and don’t know how to fold it now? Sooner or later this question arises. Do not rush to be upset - this is a completely solvable problem. In this article, we will describe in detail how to assemble a tent in a round case in different ways, not only for adults, but also for the smallest. You are ready? We begin!
to contents ↑How to fold a Chinese tent in a ring?
Chinese tents are very popular among tourists. They are loved because of their compactness, because every thing should fit in a backpack for outdoor activities. The tent is no exception. The Chinese tent is also called the "eight" or "arcuate" - as you like.
Yes, of course, such a tent is good and has a number of advantages, but a simple-looking design is fraught with a little secret: it is not so easy to fold a person without any experience. Below we will introduce you to one of the ways that will make the tent convenient for both storage and transportation.
We begin to assemble a Chinese tent:
- First of all, we correctly take the tent in our hands - the result of all the work done depends on this. To do this, pick up the side of the tent with a wire frame. We fold it in such a way that the two side faces snug against each other, that is, they are together.
- At the next step, we fold the side edge of the structure with a figure eight so that the shape changes - the large oval should turn into a small circle, which should fit in the tent cover.
That's all the Chinese awning is assembled, and there is even room for other necessary things!
to contents ↑Important! The most time-consuming and requiring special attention moment is the change in the oval shape into a circle by twisting. If you cannot independently fold the sides in the right direction, then contact your friends or strangers for help. Or you can hold the slipping side with your foot, twisting parallel to the other.
How to assemble a tent machine?
An automatic tent, or as some people call it “automatic tent”, consists of a fairly flexible springy steel, which is covered with synthetic fabric - polyester. Tents of this kind have a huge advantage - they are installed in a matter of minutes. But with the assembly there are some problems, although folding an automatic structure is not so difficult. To do this, you just need to know how to do it right, which we will tell.
Important! Such a tent needs to be twisted once, unlike the design of the Chinese tent, which is folded in two sets.
The automatic tent assembly algorithm consists of the following main steps:
- First of all, we put all sides of the tent in one so that it acquires a perfectly flat state. As a result, a flat triangle, a square, that is, the shape of one side part, should come out.
- At the next stage, we place the tent on the floor or the ground, at the same time we pull one side towards ourselves, pressing it to one side edge of the plane.
- When the steel arcs of the automatic metalwork begin to form in figure eight, we twist it, turning the oval into a circle.
to contents ↑Important! Several times practice assembling a tent at home so that you do not bother with it outdoors for a long time.
How to fold a tourist tent?
Everyone loves hiking, spending the night on the shore of a pond. But, unfortunately, the weekend ends quickly and you need to put together a tent before your next vacation. This question sometimes arises, but still, many people do not know how to fold a tourist tent in a ring.
This is a regular two-layer tent with a frame made of durable fiberglass, with spacers under the pegs. To assemble, we assembled, but to disassemble, so that the entire structure enters the cover, sometimes it just does not work. Tents with an internal and external frame are folded according to the same principle.
Standard scheme for the assembly of a tourist tent:
- First of all, we go around the structure in a circle and remove all the pegs.
Important! Take out the pegs with your hands, and do not pull on the spacers.
- After that, remove the tent, that is, the outer layer.
Important! We recommend pre-drying the tent before removing it so that it does not deteriorate in the future.
- We check the tent inside so that nothing remains. We take out the frame arcs, disassemble it on the ground and put it in a special case (if it was included).
- We put the inside of the tent on an awning and turn it into a tube.
Important! There is another assembly option: at the very beginning, put the inner layer on the outer one and twist them together.
- First, put a rolled-up tent in the cover, and then - arcs and pegs.
- Tighten the cover with the cord.
to contents ↑Important! If the folded tent is not included in the cover, then it is incorrectly folded.
How to fold a children's tent in a ring?
The children's tent is very similar to a tourist tent, only reduced and simplified. Accordingly - it is going in a similar way, but there are some differences. The assembly directly depends on the shape of the children's tent, which can be hybrid and highly modified. How to collect all types of children's tents, we will consider a little below.
Children's tent "lodge":
- First of all, you need to face any wall of the house, take your hands on the edges of both sides.
- The edge that you hold in your right hand, push forward - to the opposite corner of the tent.
Important! The house should look like a book that needs to be folded by closing the pages.
- We hold the folded tent by the side ribs with the floor towards us, and the roof away from us. We move our arms towards each other so that the wire ribs fold into a figure of eight when you join both hands.
- We put the upper and lower circles on top of each other to fold the tent ring.
The process is finished, the tent can be postponed until the next games!
If suddenly the eight does not work or the design of the house does not want to add up, then there is another option:
- Put the house folded in the form of a book on a flat surface.
- Bring the lower part of the metal structure upward, towards the ceiling. With your right hand, hold the bottom of the house, and with your left, hold the side of the wire arc in the middle.
- Gently press the side to the upper area so that it stretches to the top of the house.
Important! Since the tent has rigid arcs, when folded, the house has rounded sides. Rotate the structure around its axis when folding the side.
- At the next step, we press the tent with his right hand, turn it into a ring so that the second half is above the first.
- Now we have in our hands a compact circle that can be put in a case.
Children's triangular tent
So, we begin to fold the children's tent-pyramid:
- First, we face one side of the structure. We insert one rib inward and push to the opposite.
- After - we fill all parts of the canvas inward to the central part, getting a flat triangle.
Important! Make sure that the rubber-retainer, which is located on the bottom of the structure, remains outside.
- Take the middle part of the base for the top of the triangle and rotate the arms in such a way that the figure is eight, and the arms join together.
- Secure the resulting tent with an elastic band.
- Put the tent in a special case.
Children's tent "Princess Castle"
Do you think that it is impossible to assemble such a dimensional and luxurious lock in a small round case? In vain you think so. It is quite possible!
Step by step we will understand this issue:
- We take out all the sticks vertically from the frame, since they form the tower cylinder in a vertical position, and after that we put them side by side.
- In the same way, we remove the sticks from the top of the castle - the roof.
- When we get a round base and a round roof of the tower, we connect them with each other, and we fill the cloth of the cylinder inside.
- We take both sides of the circle with our hands, moving up and down we get the eight we need.
- We connect together two circles of the figure eight.
- Fastening the already folded tent with an elastic band.
Now the lock can be stored in a round case!
to contents ↑Stock footage
As you probably already understood, all the tents are folded in a similar way to the eight, but differ in the order of actions due to the shape of a particular design. Now you know how to quickly and easily assemble your own and children's tent. As it turned out, this is not at all difficult. We wish you only a comfortable stay!
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