How to assemble a bath siphon?

During repair work or in the event of equipment replacement, cleaning of obstructions or preventive maintenance, as a rule, there is a need to mount a siphon on the bathtub. Before carrying out this procedure, it is necessary to determine its size and design. In fact, this operation in itself is simple, but it requires an elementary accuracy and careful attention to any trifles from the performer. A delicate fragile structure made of plastic is quite simple to break if you put a lot of effort while tightening the nut. Therefore, you must first carefully study how to assemble a bath siphon yourself.

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Features of the assembly of standard siphons

Before changing the old drain, you need to buy a new device. As a sample, it is better to take the top of previously used equipment.

Important! If you have not saved the old siphon, then measure the diameter of the overflow and drain holes, the distance from the bottom of the bath to the floor.

Pay attention also to the material from which the bathtub itself is made, so as not to make a mistake when choosing equipment. Having made all the measurements, proceed to choose a new device from the models available on the construction market.

The assembly of the bath siphon always takes place according to the following scheme:

  1. After you have delivered a box or package with equipment to the installation site, you should examine the contents. Naturally, inside you will find a huge number of parts, cogs, gaskets instead of the assembled product. Be sure to include an instruction in which, with the help of pictograms, it is correctly described how and what operations to perform.
  2. Next, it is necessary to check the integrity of the gaskets, each thread and joints, and also check for any mechanical damage.
  3. As soon as you make sure that everything is fine, you can begin work, prepare to install the siphon. The attached instructions will tell you in what order to install the main and intermediate sealing parts.
  4. After completing all the necessary manipulations, the assembly can be considered completed, it remains only to install the device.

Important! When studying the instructions, pay attention to what parts are mounted directly during assembly, since it happens that the final connections occur after the installation of a certain part of the siphon.

It is not worth tightening the threaded connections too much, since in most cases it is necessary to additionally adjust some parts of the siphon in place.

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Installing plastic siphons

The installation of a siphon on a bathtub made of plastic begins with a check for the tightness of the sewer pipes, the reliability of their fastenings and the condition of the rubber seals. If the gaskets are damaged or dry, they are replaced with new ones.

Installation of most models of plastic sinks occurs in this way:

  • First, a protective grille and a siphon receiving pipe are attached. But before that it is necessary to check the cleanliness of the mating surfaces, if necessary, treat them mechanically or chemically.
  • Then, a little plumbing sealant is applied to the already cleaned surface of the flange, and the thick rubber gasket included in the kit is laid on top.A thin layer of sealant is applied to the gasket; the receiving pipe is immediately mounted on the bottom of the bath.
  • The pre-assembled corrugated pipe with fixing nuts and sealing washers should be inserted into the hole where the pipes of the receiving part and the overflow are connected.

Important! Here, maximum attention should be paid to the correct arrangement of conical gaskets. They should be installed as accurately as possible, according to the scheme, otherwise - you will not get tight connections.

  • Then the rest of the siphon is connected to the sewer according to the instructions from the manufacturer. For this, all mating parts are treated with special grease or soapy foam.
  • After the sealant has dried, the device is installed by tightening the threaded connections.

Important! When tightening the thread, do not apply too much force so as not to break the exhaust pipe or distort it. It is enough to press the rubber gasket tightly to the place of landing, thereby ensuring the tightness of the joints.

After completing all the work, it is necessary to check the siphon and the joint of the bath for leaks, and for leaks.

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Installation of brass fixed siphons

Before installing the siphon on the bath, it is recommended to check the correspondence of the interface lines of the mains and the device. Its pipe should ideally enter at least a minimum angle of 50 mm into the sewer system receiver. If this condition is not met, then it will not work to ensure the tightness of the joint with a rubber gasket, and you can not avoid leaks.

Important! Even the use of sealants in such situations does not allow to achieve the desired effect.

A non-separable device is installed as follows:

  1. First, overflow equipment is mounted in its place, but without fixing. Then, the joint line of the siphon and the bottom of the bath is lubricated with a sealant.
  2. As soon as all the elements are in place, all the joints are tightened to finally fix the structure and seal the collapsible joints.
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Installation of semi-automatic models

To understand how to correctly install the siphon under the bath, you should first take into account its non-separable design, certain difficulties encountered when pairing the sewer with a plumbing fixture.

The installation diagram of such devices is quite simple:

  1. First of all, the semiautomatic device must be checked for the absence of all kinds of jamming rods that are responsible for control. Also check how tight the plugs are to the seat.
  2. After installing the device with a control and overflow mechanism, it is necessary to check the receiving part of the sewer and the outlet pipe of the siphon.
  3. If, after checking, it turns out that nothing needs to be aligned, you can proceed to connect the outlet pipe to the siphon through a conical or flat rubber gasket. If everything is done correctly, then the sealant will not have to be used.
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Work associated with the installation of the siphon does not imply the implementation of any complex actions. If you pay maximum attention to this process, then you will not have to resort to the help of professionals.

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