How to assemble a LED lamp with your own hands?

In life, situations often arise when it is necessary to additionally illuminate a specific interior item or a whole room. Additional lighting devices should be located above specific areas. For example, above a kitchen, worktop, table, bed, and even a greenhouse in the country. Therefore, many are interested in how to do it technically competently, safely and with minimal financial costs. There are many options, but the most economical and simple is the use of LEDs. Today you will learn how to assemble a LED lamp with your own hands.

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Making a powerful LED fixture

Today, in almost any home you can find economical lighting lamps. We suggest that you learn how to make a lamp from LEDs yourself on 220V. First you need to figure out what materials you will need and by what criteria to choose them.

Step-by-step development of the device, designed for a network voltage of 220V, looks like this:

  • The first step is to check the operation of all LEDs, measure the voltage of the mains. It is better to configure the device using an isolation transformer 220 / 220V. In addition, this will protect you when taking measurements in the process of setting up a future lamp.

Important! If you connect something incorrectly, then even an explosion is possible, so do not deviate from the instructions. The voltage drop should be measured with a multimeter.

  • Take the burnt out lamp for further analysis. Do everything as carefully as possible so that the base remains intact, then clean it and degrease with acetone or alcohol. Pay attention to the hole - it also needs to be cleaned of excess solder and further processed. This is done for high-quality soldering inside the base of all components. Insert two 400 V 220 nF capacitors and a 100 Ohm resistor into it.
  • Using an ordinary soldering iron and a prepared diode bridge, solder a tiny rectifier, treat the surface.

Important! Be careful not to damage previously installed items.

  • Use glue and a simple mounting gun as insulation. In principle, a PVC tube is also suitable. But it is better to use the material intended for this to fill the space between all the details. All elements must be carefully fixed. As a result, you will get a ready-made basis for the future device.
  • We proceed to install the LEDs. Take the circuit board as a basis, clean it of unnecessary parts. Check all boards for functionality. Pay maximum attention to the contacts of the LEDs - they must be cleaned and, if necessary, narrowed.
  • Solder all four boards to the capacitor. Insulate everything with glue again, check all diode connections. Place the boards at the same distance from each other, since the light should spread evenly.
  • Solder a 10 uF capacitor without additional wires.
  • Solder a 100 ohm resistor to one of the boards, insulate the contacts with glue.
  • The lamp should be covered with a lampshade on top, as the LEDs emit too bright a color that strikes the eyes.

Important! Such a home-made lamp can be cut, for example, from fabric or paper, to get a softer light, a sconce for a children's room or a romantic night lamp. If you change the soft lampshade to a regular glass dome, you will get a brighter glow that does not irritate your eyes. This is an ideal option for a home or cottage.

Useful advice

To power the lamp from USB or batteries, exclude the rectifier and 400 nF capacitor from the circuit, instead connect the created LED lamp to the DC source. With our own hands, connecting 220V, as we found out, is not a problem.

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LED strip light

You can buy LED strip at any point of sale of electrical goods. It is inexpensive, it looks like a ready-made electrical circuit of diodes and can be used on any flat surface. To illuminate a small area of ​​any surface, you can use a horizontal diode lamp. Do it yourself is quite simple to make.

Important! It is recommended to install such devices at a height of up to 80 cm. This distance is considered optimal, since the lighting is well scattered and the eyes are not overworked.

Installation of a horizontal lighting device takes place in several stages:

  1. First of all, pick up an aluminum corner, measure the required size, prepare the holes directly through which you will attach the lamp.
  2. Degrease with any liquid containing alcohol the surface of the corner so that it is easier to fasten the tape to it.
  3. Locate the corner for mounting the switch. Saw a groove for it.
  4. Use the screws to attach the corner in the selected location.
  5. Carefully stick the LED strip and fasten the switch in the groove.
  6. Solder the wires.

Important! There are many options for manufacturing such devices. For example, it is possible to make a lamp from two aluminum corners interconnected by screws. The tape is attached to one corner in such a way that it is parallel to the surfaces of two other corners. By the same scheme, a table lamp can be made of LED strip with its own hands.

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If you did not have an LED strip at hand, then you should not despair, because to make an LED lamp with your own hands, you just need to prepare a set of the following elements:

  • Several output LEDs with a power of 1W.
  • Thermally conductive double-sided tape.
  • Drivers
  • Aluminum surface for the manufacture of a radiator.
  • Soldering iron.

But there are several nuances that you should familiarize yourself with before you start:

  • The size of the aluminum surface is determined based on 50 to 50 mm for each one-watt LED. Only under this condition can heat be dissipated efficiently.
  • Drivers are labeled indicating the number of LEDs that are output from it. It happens that there is no marking, then you need to focus on the output voltage of the device.
  • To avoid embarrassment, you need to know that the driver may or may not have an electromagnetic interference filter.

Important! If after connecting a home-made device problems began with the computer or TV, it is recommended that you simply install the driver with a filter.

The assembly diagram of the lamp has the following form:

  1. Degrease the surface of the radiator with an alcohol solution, glue heat-conducting adhesive tape to it.
  2. Spray the base of each LED with alcohol.
  3. Install the diodes on the tape so that the “plus” is located next to the “minus” of the neighboring device. Press them slightly with your hands, then use a soldering iron to apply a little tin to the leads.
  4. Solder drivers, connect the lamp.

Important! Leave the device in working condition for some time, after a few minutes, touch the back of your finger with your finger: if it turns out to be warm, but not hot, it means that you performed all calculations and assembly correctly. This suggests that it can be inserted into the housing.

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Now you know for sure how to assemble an LED lamp, and there are several options, each of them is good in its own way. The more powerful the device you want to design, the more powerful and better you need a driver and a radiator.


