How to keep roses in a vase the longest?

Rose is the queen of the flower world, a beautiful and elegant flower becomes an adornment of any garden. And having received this plant as a gift, we immediately begin to think about how to keep roses in the vase for the longest time. In this article we will share some tricks and help you gain experience that will allow you to admire the bouquet for a long time.
to contents ↑How to keep roses in a vase longer?
This flower of amazing beauty can stand in a vase for 2-3 weeks with proper care. To achieve such a result is not very difficult. You can save roses in a vase with water, following a few simple rules.
Proper flower preparation
To save the bouquet’s life, remember, don’t immediately remove the gift wrapping from it. First let the flowers adapt to new conditions. After that, to keep the roses in a vase, you need to lower them for three hours in a bucket of water at room temperature. Stems and leaves must be completely under water, and flowers and buds - outside. So that they do not come in contact with water, you can wrap them with paper.
We prepare water for a bouquet
An important role in how to keep roses in a vase with water is played by the water itself. Florists have long agreed that tap water can only be used in a settled form, and that is not always the case. So if you doubt how clean it is in your water supply, it is better to use boiled or distilled water.
One way or another, the water you choose must be “preserved” so that bacteria do not appear in it. There are several ways to prepare such a mixture.
- Dissolve half a tablet of aspirin in 1 liter of water or add a pinch of citric acid.
- Add 1.5 tsp to 1 liter of water. sugar and 1 tbsp. l acetic acid.
- If you have boiled water, cool it to room temperature, add 2 tbsp. l sugar and 150 mg of salicylic, boric or citric acid.
- For foreign varieties of roses that are accustomed to chemical influences, you can use a drop of detergent or bleach for laundry as a preservative.
- You can disinfect water by adding a glass of vodka to it.
- The simplest way to “preserve” water in order to preserve roses is a pill purchased in a flower shop. For example, such as “Bud” or “Flora”.
- To prevent decay, you can add a couple of pieces of charcoal to a vase or some silver item.
Important! In winter, the water should be warm, in summer, on the contrary - cool.
Prepare the stem correctly
First, remove all the thorns and sheets that may be under water, otherwise they will begin to rot, thereby shortening the life of the flower itself. Next, before you place the bouquet in one of the above solutions, correctly cut the flower stems:
- The slice should be oblique so that the flower does not rest against the bottom of the vessel and has access to water.
- On the stem, leave a few shallow longitudinal scratches 3-4 cm long. This will contribute to a better water supply of the flower and prevent air congestion in the capillaries.
- Carry out all these procedures under water so that air does not enter the section and does not clog vessels.
- Some gardeners recommend burning the stems in a fire to keep cut roses in a vase longer.
Important! You need to cut the stem with a knife or secateurs, using scissors you can harm the flower.
Choose a place to put a bouquet
Not every place in the house is suitable for putting a bouquet there.To preserve cut roses in a vase longer, you need to remember a few simple rules where you should not put flowers:
- Keep the vessel with the bouquet away from sunlight and drafts, in a cool place.
- Do not place flowers near fruits, as they give off ethylene, and this element is very harmful to roses.
- In smoky and hot rooms, the flower will quickly fade.
- Never place roses with other flowers; this species prefers loneliness. Plants such as carnations, lilies, orchid lilies of the valley and some others act on them oppressively.
Important! The flowers brought in from the cold in the winter, you need to accustom to room temperature gradually.
Daily care
When asking “what to do to make roses stand longer?”, Do not forget that in addition to preparation, the flower still needs daily care. It is easy to provide such:
- Add clean water every day.
- 2 times a week, fully update it along with supplements.
- Wash the vessel thoroughly during each change of solution.
- Regularly update the slices in the bouquet, cut 1-2 centimeters each time.
to contents ↑Important! It is highly recommended to spray flowers from the spray gun - this will help them not to wither in advance. To do this, use boiled, purified or distilled water so as not to burn the petals with chlorine.
How to keep fading roses?
A situation is possible when still fresh flowers begin to wither before our eyes. The reason for this may be a barely noticeable cut on the stem. What to do to make roses stand longer in such a situation, we will describe below.
Your actions:
- Locate the cut on the stem and cut it above the cut.
- Heat the water to 37-38 degrees and pour into a shallow ceramic bowl.
- Put the damaged flowers there.
Important! If there is no damage, then place the bouquet in a deep container with cool water and cover with paper on top. After a few hours, freshness will return.
Your bouquet has already begun to fade from a long stay in a vase? Then to keep roses fresh for a few more days you will be helped by such methods and means:
- Ammonia - add a drop of this drug to the water.
- Boiling the stem - place its tip for 5 minutes in boiling water, and then put in cold water.
to contents ↑Important! The shelf life of different varieties is different. Varieties with delicate white and pink petals lose their fresh appearance faster than flowers with stronger buds.
How to keep roses cut in a flower garden
Growing roses in your garden, you are likely to occasionally cut them into a bouquet to decorate an apartment or home. In this case, how long they will stand in a vase is affected not only by the proper care of the cut flowers, but also by how they were cut from the bush.
Here are the basic rules for cutting roses:
- You should choose the buds that are about to bloom.
- From one bush do not cut more than three flowers.
- When pruning, try not to damage the ends of the stem.
- Cut with secateurs or a sharp knife.
- The best time to cut yourself a bouquet is early morning or late evening. At this time, the maximum moisture in the flowers.
- Do not cut roses in the rain, from the water falling on the bud, the petals quickly deteriorate.
to contents ↑Important! A cut bouquet should immediately be brought into a cool room. If you want to give this bouquet to someone, then put it in the refrigerator for a while, this will help the bouquet stay fresh longer. The rest of the care for such roses is no different from the one described above.
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Now you can not worry about how to preserve the roses presented to you by a dear person. Following our advice, you will extend the life of the bouquet for 2-3 weeks, so that it delights you with its beautiful view.
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