How to sew a ball gown?

A graduation party in a kindergarten or school is an incredibly important event for both its participants and parents. This is especially true when it comes to prom for preschool children who are preparing to move to school. On this day, they leave a place that is significant enough for them, where they were taught a lot, they found their first friends and favorite teachers here, now they have to move to a new stage in their lives. Naturally, the preparation for the ball rests entirely on the shoulders of parents, in particular mothers, because they have to choose dresses for their daughters in advance, to make sure that all the details associated with the main way are ready. It often happens that it is not possible to choose one outfit that fully meets the requirements of the mother and baby. This article will tell you how to sew a ball gown yourself, so that it matches the wishes of all participants of the upcoming celebration.

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Where to wear ball gowns?

A charming, fluffy outfit is an essential attribute for any little lady on a holiday. With it, you can independently create an original, unforgettable image for:

  • carnival;
  • theme party;
  • birthday celebrations;
  • any other celebration.

If you invite the whole family to a wedding, you can’t do without a dress at all. Ballroom models can be either simply elegant or dance ones. But, as you know, they cost a lot, and kids grow up fast enough. Not every family can afford to buy something like this, because, in fact, such clothes are intended for single use. You can save some money and please your little one if you sew a ball gown for a girl with your own hands.

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Decide on a dress model

Depending on what specific event your baby is going to, you can make:

  • fitted or magnificent dress;
  • with a high waistline;
  • long or short sleeve.

When choosing a style, we focus on age:

  • Quite small princesses, younger than three years old, look charming in lush long dresses that reach the floor.
  • Older girls can choose shorter dresses.
  • Asymmetric models look very original when the back of the skirt reaches the floor, in the front - only the level of the knees.
  • Teenage girls look perfect in Empire style outfits. It is not difficult to make such a dress on your own, as it is single-layered. If you choose the right pattern, then it will take you a maximum of two days to work.

Important! Empire style requires selection and appropriate hairstyles.

  • To visit the New Year's children's matinee, it is better to choose an outfit with a tulle skirt. The main thing is to remember: the more magnificent the skirt, the better. To give an image of fervor, it is enough to decorate it with sticking pieces of tulle.
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Pattern search

Many magazines are sold with special patterns for sewing all kinds of holiday dresses. But if you could not find a pattern, then you can solve this problem through modeling. It is enough to make a basic basis - you need only a few parameters for this:

  • hip girth;
  • chest girth;
  • waist circumference.

Growth plays an important role here. This characteristic determines the length of the back of the dress shelf.Special skills are not required here.

Important! The main difference between children's clothing is the lack of tucks. Therefore, it is enough to circle the details of an existing outfit to get a finished pattern. It is also necessary to pay attention to the material - it should not crumble when worn. In the process of constructing patterns, it is imperative to make allowances for the seams.

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DIY fluffy skirt

The two main parameters when constructing the pattern of the lower part of the dress, of course, is its length and waist circumference. You can create a fluffy skirt in two ways - a flared sun or a-line skirt:

  • The first option requires more tissue consumption. The pattern of the sun-flared model looks like a semicircle with a circle cut out in the center. It is in the center that the skirt connects to the top of the dress.
  • The trapezoid is more economical and looks pretty pretty. The pattern of such a skirt is the most ordinary triangle with a cropped top. At the same time, its upper part coincides in width with the floor around the waist. At the bottom, its width can vary - it all depends on the decision of the baby and mother.
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Rectangle skirt

Not many mothers decide to sew a ball gown for the girl with their own hands, because they are stopped by the difficulties that arise when constructing a pattern. It is better to first use a simple scheme, for example, to make a fluffy skirt from a rectangle of fabric.

The scheme of work is simple:

  1. Pick a medium-hard fabric. Soft material will not work, because it will not allow you to achieve the desired splendor.
  2. To calculate the required amount of fabric, you should decide how long you will sew a skirt. For example, to make a 1-meter-long skirt, you need 1.1 m of fabric, that is, 10 cm is taken into allowances.
  3. Then the fabric is connected at the edges of the sewing machine.
  4. At the final stage, it is necessary to slightly pick up the upper part of the workpiece.

As a result, you will get a fluffy skirt, ready to be connected with the upper part of the dress. You can use a blouse or a T-shirt bought at the store as a top.

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DIY tutu skirt

The easiest way to make a magnificent dress with your own hands from tulle. The fact is that this material is practical, unpretentious, it does not crumble and does not crease. In stores, it is sold in a wide variety.

Important! Initially, attention must be paid to stiffness - it is according to this parameter that this fabric is divided into three groups. Jewelry is often made of hard tulle, because soft does not give the necessary splendor. That is, the ideal option is tulle of medium hardness.

For work, you will only need scissors, material, elastic and your imagination.

The manufacturing technique looks like this:

  1. Examine carefully selected pattern. Take from it the parameters of the width of the waist and the length of the finished product.
  2. The role of the workpiece will be performed by the elastic, it is important that it comfortably sits on the waist of your crumbs. Please note that after joining the tulle, it will become more rigid.
  3. Cut strips of tulle length corresponding to twice the length of the future skirt and a width of 20 cm. The more you cut them, the more magnificent the dress will turn out. But there must be at least forty.
  4. Then each strip is alternately tied to the elastic.

Important! Such skirts look incredibly original. If you use material of different colors, you can cheer up the child and everyone else.

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How to care for ball gowns?

If you yourself sewed a dress without using a sewing machine, then it is recommended to treat it with the utmost care:

  • Such outfits are not allowed to be washed in the washing machine. It is better to use dry cleaning services if they are dirty.
  • It is also necessary to iron ball gowns carefully, because, for example, tulle does not tolerate too high temperatures - it instantly melts. Therefore, it is only necessary to iron it using the delicate mode.
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Surely, having studied this article, which describes how to sew a ball gown for a girl, you are convinced that there is nothing impossible, everyone can do such work. The main thing is to clearly imagine what kind of image you are trying to recreate and choose the best solution for it in tailoring.

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