How to sew an apron?

An apron in the kitchen is a necessary accessory of every housewife. With it, you can stay completely clean while preparing your favorite dishes. After all, we want to look neat even at home? Of course yes! At the same time, a beloved man will be pleased to see her beloved in a beautiful apron while cooking her favorite donuts. Some styles of aprons can be made with your own hands in just a few hours, and we will help you with this. You want to sew an apron yourself, but don’t know how to make a pattern, how can you decorate such an assistant for working in the kitchen? Don’t worry, we have something to offer you. Today we will tell you how to sew an apron for yourself, children and even for your beloved man.

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The choice of fabric for the apron

Before sewing the apron, you need to pick up the fabric. Since this thing is often used in the kitchen and smeared with flour, other products, there are several important rules to consider:

  • The apron will have to be washed often, so the fabric should be strong enough, easy to clean, resistant to cleaning agents.
  • The choice of colors is up to you. We will only give a little advice on this matter. So, a motley fabric is definitely better than a plain one. On this material, spots are practically not noticeable, and on the fabric of the same color, even the smallest pollution will be visible. Plain fabrics of dark shades will help to hide pollution, but sometimes they make you sad, so we do not recommend sewing an apron from such a fabric.

Important! Psychologists say that colors have different effects on the human brain. For example, the red color raises the mood and stimulates the appetite not only in women, but also in the stronger sex. Many men like to look at a girl in a flirty apron with ruffles and other bright elements.

The fabrics from which they sew an apron with their own hands:

  • The best option is teflon fabrics, but they are not cheap, but they are made of high-quality and water-repellent material that does not allow stains on your clothes.
  • Fabrics such as chintz, linen and satin are great for sewing an apron. Such fabrics are more often contaminated, but do a good job of their dirty work.
  • Many craftsmen like to use jeans when sewing an original and elegant apron or as a decoration for pockets or harnesses. It is easy to work with him and unnecessary jeans for rework are in almost every home.

Important! If you chose silk for sewing an apron, then keep in mind that such a fabric quickly gets dirty, it may appear puffs. She is beautiful, but requires careful treatment.

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Kitchen apron styles

When you decide on the fabric, you need to choose a style that you are not only pleasant, but also comfortable. Cutting and sewing manuals are advised to start with sewing a light apron. An apron is the easiest option. To work, you will need a rectangle and a belt of the same material, and it is not necessary to sew on the upper part, the bib.

Important! Such an accessory consists of several elementary parts that need to be sewn together in the correct sequence, carefully cut the slices, and admire the result of the work.

Consider the most popular apron styles that you can easily sew with your own hands:

  • A simple apron with an emphasis on the bodice area (very similar to a sundress, harnesses go down in the chest area).
  • A simple classic apron from a single whole fabric, where the chest and hem are not cut separately, but are cut according to one pattern. The main part is made of one fabric, and the harness and straps are made of another finishing material.
  • Fashionable aprons made from a scarf in the shape of a rhombus, with a small fringe.
  • The apron-skirt has only the lower working part, where the hem consists of three parts - the belt, the main part and the frill at the bottom of the product.
  • An apron in the style of “Marilyn Monroe”, very fitted with a rather lush hem (polka dot fabric would be a great option). In such an accessory, every girl will be simply irresistible.
  • Simple linen apron with lace frills and a main pocket.
  • Sundress for the kitchen made of denim, rectangular, preferably long. Such an apron can be processed with stylish fringe.

As you can see, a beginner in needlework can also make a beautiful apron, if you include ingenuity and creative imagination. To do this, you need to change the usual style: somewhere to add a satin ribbon, lace, sew bright pockets or change the shape of the hem.

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How to sew an apron with your own hands? Patterns

In order to properly sew an apron, you need to make a pattern. You can draw all the details directly on the fabric - the pattern is very simple, you can attach it to yourself and evaluate the future result in the mirror. Thus, you eliminate unpleasant surprises, for example, the wrong length, which will entail a large consumption of excess tissue.

Important! How to sew an apron for the kitchen using a pattern? You need to have ready-made patterns if you want to sew not from a single fabric, but from a part of jeans or a shirt, or from the remnants of other clothes.

Pattern apron for working in the kitchen consists of the following steps:

  • Sizing.
  • Drawing up a schematic drawing of future clothes.
  • Creating a pattern drawing with dimensional data or copying your favorite models from the application with ready-made patterns that can be found in sewing and sewing magazines.
  • Transferring the drawing to the fabric, taking into account all allowances for the seams, for maximum consumption of the selected material.
  • If everything is done correctly, you can proceed to cut the fabric.

Important! Before cutting the fabric, make sure that all contours are correctly transferred, the direction of the shared threads and the image. To pattern versatile details (right and left), make two patterns as if in mirror image, or flip one pattern in such a way as to get the right elements from the fabric.

Now you know how to make an apron pattern. We have already done the most difficult work, now it remains only to sweep the parts together, sew everything on a sewing machine or sew an apron by hand, and that's it, the apron is ready!

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How to sew an apron from a men's shirt?

Yes, you heard right, you can sew beautiful aprons for the kitchen with your own hands from a men's shirt. How to do this - we will tell you in a detailed master class:

  1. First of all, we steam off the side lines of the shirt so that a neat edge is obtained that does not require additional processing and additional tucking.
  2. Cut the sleeve along the back and front.
  3. We transfer our pattern to tracing paper, fix it with tailor's pins, we clearly cut the apron along its lines, leaving the collar of the product.
  4. Using a sewing machine, grind the cut seams on the sleeves.
  5. In order for an apron made from a man’s shirt to not look too simple, pockets must be made. For these purposes, you can use the sleeve of the shirt.
  6. To create a sophisticated image, you need to assemble the lower part of the product on a typewriter. You can add, for example, lace to your pocket, bottom, to decorate the chest part as your imagination tells you.
  7. Using the back of the shirt, we make the product ties, the width of which is 3 cm, and the length - depending on your waist size.

Important! Using an ordinary classic shirt, you can sew not only an unusual apron for yourself, but also make an apron for a man with your own hands. Only the color of the shirt must be necessarily dark - black, brown or gray. You can decorate such an apron with leather pockets and strict details.

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Do-it-yourself apron

This is the easiest and most practical option. You can sew several such accessories in the kitchen and change almost every day.

We prepare the necessary materials and tools:

  • Sewing machine.
  • Scissors.
  • Any scarf (you can take grandma).
  • Threads in tone of fabric.
  • Tailor pins.
  • Satin ribbon.

We start to sew an apron:

  1. We take a scarf of a rather large size.
  2. We fold the scarf diagonally so that we get a triangle, carefully cut the corner from the top of the product.
  3. We make small arcs, which will be our armholes for the future apron with our own hands from an ordinary scarf.
  4. Using the triangle, which we cut off at the very beginning, cut out and attach the pockets to the main part of the apron.
  5. We decorate the top of the pockets and the neck with a satin ribbon, sheathing all sides of the product.

That's all, to sew a beautiful apron is not so difficult. Now he can safely begin to perform his duties!

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DIY kitchen apron

This option is suitable for those who do not have shirts or scarves to sew a beautiful apron. Get your favorite fabric in advance, from which you can make an excellent adaptation for the kitchen.

To sew an apron, we need the following materials:

  • 2 meters of any fabric (the same length and width).
  • 3 meters of tape or braid.
  • Ruler.
  • Threads in tone.
  • Scissors.
  • Chalk or soap.

To sew such an apron, you can use the finished pattern or immediately start sewing the product. With sewing on the patterns, everything is clear: we transfer the pattern to the fabric cloth, cut out all the details, and then sew them.

How to sew an apron without using a pattern?

So, we begin work:

  1. Fold the fabric in half so that all its edges coincide with each other.
  2. Using chalk, draw a straight vertical line, about 2.5 cm, indenting 17 cm.
  3. We mark down 43 cm - this will be the fold of the fabric.
  4. From the bottom, draw a line 33 cm long in the perpendicular direction.
  5. We extend 43 cm by another 50 cm down the product. We add as much to 33 cm of the parallel side. As a result, the following picture should be obtained: on top of the fabric there is a line 2.5 cm long, from it 17 cm diagonally and 93 cm on the left and right sides.
  6. After all measurements, we connect all measurements to each other, we get a pattern for an apron with our own hands immediately from the fabric.
  7. Carefully cut the product along the marked lines.
  8. We make a pocket of any size. It can be made of different shapes or from another fabric.
  9. Next, we mark with a ruler an allowance of approximately 3 cm. The indentation depends on the width of the selected tape that will pass through these seams.
  10. We iron the seams with an iron and proceed to sewing the apron.
  11. Cut the tape in half, thread it through the left empty allowances. As a result, the ribbon should be like a tie and eyelet on the neck.
  12. We got a simple and, at the same time, an original apron with our own hands.

Important! For the functionality of this apron, make a large pocket, and when it is sewn to the main fabric, lay a few more vertical lines. You will receive one large, consisting of several small pockets. Be sure to try this design option - it is very convenient for work.

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How to decorate an apron with your own hands?

You can decorate aprons in various ways, which we will tell you in detail about now:

  • To decorate the aprons, you can use the purchased applique. This technique is quite simple, since the finished application is glue-based on the wrong side.Just need to attach the drawing to the right place and iron it.

Important! If you decide to make the application yourself, then cut out the desired pattern from the fabric and sew to the apron a zigzag stitch that will go along the edge of the decor.

  • Any apron can be transformed using different techniques, such as: stitch embroidery and cross stitch, knitting and patchwork.
  • If imagination and artistic ability allow you, you can decorate the apron with acrylic paints on the fabric. You can depict absolutely everything, down to writing mouth-watering inscriptions.
  • Pieces of denim are very useful to you. A raw edge with a fringe to decorate any boring clothes.
  • Use a different combination of colors for your chosen fabric. For example, on a plain fabric, colorful pockets and a belt from the same palette will look elegant.
  • Original aprons are obtained by decorating them with lace, ribbons, braid, bows, beads, buttons and zippers.
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How to make a children's apron with your own hands?

If you have children, then why not sew a bright apron for them. The presence of their personal work clothes for cooking will add to them confidence, a sense of self-worth and indispensability, and parents can unobtrusively attract a child to their pleasant home chores. Such an apron is sewn in the same pattern as for an adult, the only difference is that you can experiment more in the decoration.

Important! If you decide to sew an apron for a child, then do not forget to attach him to this interesting activity. He is the owner of this apron, let him also contribute. It will be interesting for him to choose the fabric and style of the future apron, to advise his mother to sew her favorite jewelry that can be done together with her own hands.

So, we begin to sew a children's apron for a young assistant:

  1. We take measurements from the child.
  2. According to the taken measurements, we do a pattern on paper.
  3. We cut out the pattern and apply it to the fabric, circle the outline with chalk.
  4. We pre-cut pockets, for example, in the form of an apple or a pear, sew to the central part of the children's apron. A template of parts for decoration can be found on the Internet or create yourself.
  5. We take a satin ribbon, folding it in half, iron it with an iron - it will surround our apron where there are rough edges, and it will also serve as a harness for the apron through which the child’s head is threaded.

Important! Since almost any apron is sheathed with tape, it is not necessary to leave allowances for the seams.

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Now, knowing all the secrets, you can sew an apron not only for yourself, but for the whole family. Your child will be delighted to participate in such an interesting process. You can sew an apron at your own discretion, rather than buying ready-made, where you would like to remake or add something. From the remaining material, you can make oven mitts, thereby obtaining a kit for working in the kitchen. We wish you self-confidence and creative inspiration!


