How to sew tights for a doll?

The doll in the closet should have everything the same as that of her little mistress, because the child, as you know, learns to live in the game. Dresses, jackets, panties and shirts are all real, only small. And a caring mother often ends up in a dead end - everything is simple with dresses, you can give free rein to designer imagination, there are always suitable patches in the household, but what about the linen? How to sew tights for dolls so that they look like real ones? Read about it in our article.
to contents ↑What to sew from?
Before you make pantyhose for dolls, rummage in your needlework box, as well as where you store the remaining socks and socks without a pair. You will find it useful:
- one golf;
- one toe;
- old wool glove;
- thin needle;
- scissors;
- tape measure;
- threads the color of a golf or sock (you can pull out of them);
- knitting hook.
to contents ↑Important! Tights and stockings of such a small size are best, of course, knit, and not even with a crochet, but with a needle. But this is a rather complicated ancient technology that requires a certain skill. The easiest way to sew doll stockings, while you should try to do it carefully. Sticking threads and improperly sealed edges on a small product are very noticeable - much better than on real clothes.
Doll Golf Tights
Socks and knee-highs tend to get lost, and most often one by one. Do not rush to throw away the one that was left without a pair. Doll clothes are never superfluous. From children's golf you can sew not only tights, but also much more - a T-shirt, dress, leggings, a hat with a scarf. Not to mention the fact that small jerseys are just wonderful material for small theatrical dolls. At the same time, a small hole in the toe should not confuse you - this part is still cut off.
The workshop is opening!
Doll hostesses from her mistress's golf are done like this:
- Measure the puppet foot (if the future owner of tights is large, then with an ordinary centimeter tape, if small - with a thread).
- Cut the sock off the golf course - you won’t need it.
- You got a pipe, it must be cut from the side where the toe was - you get a rectangle with a heel sewn on one side.
- Set the heel off to the toe.
- Fold the sock in half lengthwise.
- Measure the length of the puppet legs from the foot to the gusset.
- Cut the golf from the marked point on the foot to this distance.
You got two halves of tights, interconnected. It remains only to sew them as they sew pants. But do not forget to round the socks so that they look beautiful.
Sewing tights for a doll is extremely simple. Most importantly, there is no need to stitch the central seam, because the top is a pipe. Need a fairly thin needle and thread in tone:
- Turn the workpiece inside out.
- Align the step seams on each leg and the seams on the feet.
- Gently, seam “over the edge” sew tights - it’s better to start with a gusset.
- Fasten the thread and twist the product.
He is actually ready - children's golfs are quite short. If you have to crop, you can do two ways:
- make tights with ties;
- sheathe the top with a rubber band.
to contents ↑Important! The option with ties is, of course, simpler, but tights are not very similar to real ones. Therefore, the second method is preferable.Of course, in any case, the top should be overcast or tied so that it does not open.
If there is an adult sock
Adult socks are also suitable for doll tights, especially if you need a plain product. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all whether a man’s sock fell into your arm or a woman’s.
Important! Products without elastic, which can sometimes still be seen in stores, are not suitable. Need a sock with a long boot. By the way, with the help of just such a product, you can provide the doll not only with tights, but also with stockings.
We make a pattern
The body parts of the doll are so small in size that the product can be adjusted after final assembly:
- Draw a horizontal line on the graph paper - this will be the top of the tights.
- From the ends of it, lay down the distance from the waist to the gusset.
- From these two points, set aside the length of the legs until lifting.
- From the new marks, at a slight angle, set aside the length of the foot.
- Cut out the pattern.
Further, the procedure will be as follows:
- Turn the toe to the wrong side.
- Spread it out - the rise should be level.
- Overlay the pattern and circle, while the top of the tights should coincide with the elastic
- Cut the workpiece.
- From the part where the heel is, cut 2 stockings (you can use the same pattern by cutting the upper part).
She is extremely simple. Both stockings and tights are sewn on the wrong side, with a buttonhole stitch or over the edge, with very tight stitches. A buttonhole is even preferable:
- In tights, the central seam is first sewn - this method of making an adult sock differs from the previous one.
- Then step seams are sewn together.
to contents ↑Important! There is no need to leave allowances for the seams - the knitwear lasts just fine.
Gloves tights
Perhaps the easiest option is to sew warm tights for the doll from the remaining children's glove. At the same time, stitching seams will not be required. You need the index and middle fingers:
- From the root of the index finger, we postpone the distance from the gusset to the waist.
- We do the same on the other hand - from the place where the middle finger connects to the ring finger.
- We cut off the excess.
- On the wrong side, we sew or crochet the side seams.
- We sew the bottom, also on the wrong side.
- We tie the top with a rubber band or hem.
Combination Tights
Owners of dolls have grandmothers who probably still remember how they made tights for themselves when this type of clothing was a big shortage. Stockings were sewn to the panties. The fashionable women of the time did sometimes very exquisite things, attaching lace stockings to the tone with lace panties. In fact, it was not much different from pantyhose, so why not try to make something similar for a doll?
Doll panties are much easier to sew than tights. The pattern can be done according to the old ones - that is, those in which the doll was sold in the store. Immediately you need to sheathe the top with a rubber band. But with cuts for the legs, you can do differently:
- overcast with a buttonhole;
- if the fabric is thin and easily punctured, do nothing, immediately start crocheting.
Then we pick up a crochet hook and thin cotton threads like “snowflakes” or even bobbin threads, and begin to knit a leg in a circle.
Important! Since the product is small, the best option is SC. But, as they say, options are possible - both double crochet, netting, and chain are suitable. The main thing is that the holes are not too large.
We knit a trouser leg to the foot, then slightly reduce the loops - for example, knitting two columns together. We make a few more circles, then tighten the circle into one loop, break off and fasten the thread. Half done. The second leg should be absolutely symmetrical.
to contents ↑Important! On knitting needles you can knit tights or stockings only for relatively large dolls; on small ones, such products look rude.
Stock footage
In this article, we have offered you some ideas on how to sew tights for dolls.As you can see, there is nothing impossible for a real craftswoman, even if she is so far only in her imagination. Try, create, because clothes for dolls are something you can endlessly experiment with without sacrificing your family budget!
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