How to sew a dog bed?

If you decide to make a four-legged friend at home, you should definitely equip him with a place where he will play, sleep or just relax. This is especially important for dogs of small breeds or smooth-haired. This is due to the fact that they are quite fragile and can simply freeze. Therefore, in order for your pet to have its own corner and not get sick, we will tell you how to sew a dog bed on your own.

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What to do - buy or sew?

Probably every owner of a four-legged friend was thinking about buying a sunbed, and taking into account the huge selection of such pieces of furniture in pet stores, it will not be difficult for you to choose the one that best suits your pet. But, unfortunately, such zoo accessories are quite expensive and not everyone can afford it. As for the budget options, they are very short-lived, and such a lounger for the dog is enough for just a couple of months.

Therefore, if you are still thinking about acquiring a new one or making it yourself, we bring to your attention the main advantages of a homemade stove bench:

  • The finished version will be made exactly to the size of your pet, taking into account its physical parameters.
  • For independent sewing, you can choose absolutely safe materials that will not cause any allergic reactions in you or the dog.
  • The model will fully correspond to the character and habits of your four-legged friend.
  • You will significantly save your family budget.
  • The manufacturing work will take you about an hour. Believe me, you will spend much more time and effort on a trip to pet stores and inspection of the proposed models.
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How to choose the right model?

Today there is a huge variety of the most diverse models of such sunbeds. But you need to make your choice, based on what size and type of place you allocated for your pet. For example:

  • If you have a cage, basket or house, in this case, you are best to sew a regular pillow.
  • As for frameless models, they can be either open or closed. In this case, it all depends solely on the nature of your dog and its curiosity.

Important! Round and oval sleeping places are best done for those four-legged friends who sleep curled up in a ball, for example, Chinese crested, Yorkies and toy terriers. Dogs who like to stretch, for example, dachshunds, Pekingese and fox terriers, it is preferable to make sunbeds rectangular.

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What you may need

If you decide to make a lounger or sofa for a dog with your own hands, you should first prepare all the necessary materials and tools:

  • Paper for building patterns. You can use both tracing paper and the most ordinary newspaper for these purposes.
  • A piece of fabric for the base. Try to choose fairly dense and lint-free fabrics.
  • Filler. In this case, the best option is hay. In addition, such a filler will have moderate density, but also due to its structure, your pet will receive an additional massage during sleep. Its only drawback is the fact that hay is subject to frequent replacement.As for synthetic options, it is best to pay attention to holofiber, sintepon, syntepuh, silicone balls and other hypoallergenic fillers.

Important! Refuse categorically from such a filler as fluff and feather. These are the main nursery of ticks and pathogenic bacteria. Sheep wool is an excellent alternative, but it is very difficult to care for.

  • Fabric for pillowcases. In this case, you need to follow the aesthetics of the place and the overall interior, as well as the need. For example, for smooth-haired dogs, a pillowcase made of faux fur will be an excellent option, but a lapdog can simply refuse such a place. For the cold season, choose warm materials - cashmere, fleece or wool, but for the summer it is best to opt for linen or cotton.

When everything is ready, you can safely proceed to the process of sewing a dog bed with your own hands.

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Workshops on the manufacture of beds for dogs

We offer you to make the most popular models of sun loungers, which are ideal for absolutely every breed.

Classic version

This model has a rectangular shape and high sides. In order to stitch it, you need to adhere to the following sequence of actions:

  • Build a rectangular pattern with borders and allowance for allowances.

Important! You can individually cut out the details, but this method of sewing is more time-consuming.

  • From a solid canvas, cut two rectangles.

Important! In order to know exactly the size of the workpiece, it is necessary to add the height of the sides to the total size.

  • Cut corners.

Important! You can leave corners if the density of your filler allows you to fold.

  • Sew the parts on three sides around the bottom perimeter.
  • Fill the blank with filler and sew the last side.
  • Fill the sides with filler and sew them.
  • Insert zippers at the corners or sew decorative stitches.
  • Pull the clasps so that the sides rise.

That's all, the sunbed is ready!

Important! In hot weather, the ties can be dissolved. Thus, you will get a handmade mattress for a dog.


Removable elastic model

This model is much more complex in appearance, but nevertheless, it is very light in manufacture. The essence of this option is the presence of a frame pallet and a soft sunbed.

Important! For the frame, you can use an old plastic box or a cardboard box glued with tape.

The most important thing is to choose a box that fits your pet perfectly in size. But you can not worry much about the aesthetic appearance of such a frame, since everything will be hidden behind the wide sides:

  • Measure the length of the frame, taking into account the sides.

Important! Add a little more length to the sides, as they will be picked up.

  • Transfer the finished pattern to the fabric and cut two parts.
  • Fill the inner walls of the lounger with filler and sew. Thus, you can bend the cover without making creases on the fabric and filler.
  • Sew all the joints of the sides so that you get a cover.
  • Put it on the drawer and insert the rubber band.
  • Next, you need to pull the elastic until the edges of the bed begin to fit snugly against the walls, but at the same time the cover could be removed without any problems.
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DIY sofa for a dog from an old sweater

If you have a blouse or sweatshirt that you wanted to throw away in your closet, do not rush. You can give him a second life, and your four-legged friend will get a great place to relax and sleep.

For the manufacture of such furniture you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Old sweater;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Threads in color;
  • Scissors;
  • 2-3 unnecessary padding cushions.

When everything is ready, you can safely get to work. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. From the pillow you need to pull out the entire filler.
  2. If there is a collar on the sweater, it must be cut off, if not, just sew it up.
  3. Sew the product from one sleeve to the other.
  4. Insert the whole pillow inside the jacket, darn the hole.
  5. In the arc that formed from the sleeves, fill the filler that you pulled out of the pillow.

That's all, the new couch-shaped couch is ready for your pet!

Important! You can make a great sofa for a dog using an old case. To do this, remove the cover and all metal fittings. Sheathe the bottom of the suitcase with chiffon fabric, and make legs out of the door handles. Put a pillow made of thick fabric inside. You can decorate such a sofa using acrylic paints or using decoupage technique.

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Useful Tips

In order for the finished product to be durable and last quite a long time, we offer you some useful tips.

  • Choose strong and wear-resistant materials for your bed. It is best to pay attention to jeans, fleece, cotton and flock.
  • Use strong threads and accessories.
  • If the dog has a habit of gnawing anything that is horrible, in this case the sunbed should not be decorated with various decorative elements.
  • In order to make it easier for you to take care of such furniture, put a pillow inside the cover.
  • Try several times to pre-measure your pet, so as not to lose the size.
  • Consider the dog’s breed, coat length and nature.
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The appearance of a dog in the house is the same as the addition of a new family member. Therefore, it is very important to equip her corner so that she is comfortable. Putting into practice the advice of our experts, you can make an excellent bed for your pet. Do not forget that we are responsible for those who have tamed.

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