How to sew a mattress on a changing table with your own hands?

Newborn babies are changed several times during the day, this is due to the replacement of diapers, the change of clothes soiled during feeding, and other factors. Before any walk, the child must be dressed, in winter you have to put on several layers of things, in the summer it is enough to wrap him in a light diaper or put on a vest. After returning from a walk, all manipulations are repeated, only their sequence is the reverse. In other words, the first time the baby has to constantly change clothes. To make this procedure more convenient and comfortable for mom and baby, today there are many devices. An irreplaceable thing in this regard are changing tables. But to make them safe for a fragile child's body, special devices will be required. Today we will learn how to sew a mattress on a changing table with our own hands.

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Features of changing mattresses:

  • In addition to the fact that every day you need to constantly change clothes, you also have to perform mandatory hygiene procedures. Having a comfortable table in the house, you can do exercises and massage for the child.
  • Such products significantly simplify the life of young mothers, because they allow you to place everything you need in one place.

Important! If there is no money to buy it, then you can use the usual dining or writing desk, which also makes good compensation for fatigue and constant tension in the back.

  • Using dressers with special mattresses is incredibly convenient - they weigh a little, take up a minimum of space.
  • It is recommended to choose the table itself for the growth of the mother.

If you decide to use a budget option, you can sew a mattress on a changing table with your own hands. Due to its rigid base, it can be used on any stable surface. You can make the mattress fully or partially flexible.

Important! The best option is a model with wide sides that will protect the active baby from accidental fall. Its surface must be waterproof. It is recommended to choose a color neutral, not too light so that it does not get so dirty.

What size to make the mattress - only mom decides. The main thing is to make it convenient, because someone needs a small area, while others need a huge surface so that it can accommodate a lot of different creams, jars, diapers and bottles. When buying or making a mattress, the main role is given to its reliable fixation, since the main criterion is safety. Only natural, high-quality materials should be preferred.

Important! In no case do not leave the child alone on the changing table while changing the diaper. This is incredibly dangerous, it can fall and be seriously damaged, even if it seems to you that it is not yet rolling over and moving.

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Purchase or sew a changing mat on your own?

A huge number of finished products of various colors, shapes, sizes are sold in stores, so choosing the perfect option is not a problem. Nowadays, you can buy a mattress with sides or without them. While touching the side, the child feels comfortable and protected.The main function of any model is to create the most convenient conditions for changing clothes.

A self-made mattress performs the same functions, but differs significantly from the purchased option:

  • Since everything is done with your own hands, you can independently choose the material, color, texture of the fabrics used for work. In this case, you can even combine several shades at your discretion.
  • Dimensions are selected taking into account their own needs and requirements.
  • Such a homemade device can be used not only on a chest of drawers or a table, but even on a sofa.
  • It is possible to sew a mattress on a changing table with your own hands from better fabrics and fillers than purchased models. In this case, no doubt about its safety and quality does not arise.
  • It can also be decorated with braid or beautiful ruffles.
  • You will receive an exclusive product that you can pass on in your family from generation to generation.
  • It is equally important that you save a considerable amount of money, which is better spent on the purchase of children's things and toys. Ready-made options in stores are several times more expensive, but, unfortunately, their quality rarely meets our expectations.

Of course, it is up to you to decide whether to buy or sew!

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How to make your own changing mat?

It is not necessary to use it on a table or chest of drawers. It can fit on any stable and level surface. Soft sides will always protect the baby, make daily hygiene procedures for him as comfortable as possible.

Important! Such a mattress can be easily rolled up and folded into a bag to take with you on a trip.

Recommendations of specialists in the manufacture of mattresses

A little later we will consider step by step how to sew a mattress on a changing table with our own hands. But first, let's get acquainted with the advice and recommendations of specialists regarding this issue. In particular, this applies to such moments:

  • You can even sew a product from an old blanket filled with padding polyester.
  • The material used must be cut into elements of the required size.
  • It is enough just to hem the blanket and you can use the product for its intended purpose.
  • Covers are best done with zippers, so that it is convenient to remove them for washing.
  • When choosing a material, it is better to give preference to natural fabrics.
  • Before starting work, the selected fabric must be washed so that it immediately shrinks.
  • There should not be external and internal seams on the mattress. Therefore, it is better to take a whole piece of fabric. Even a barely noticeable seam can damage the baby's skin.
  • Synthetic materials cannot be used. They contain chemicals that can cause an allergic reaction in the child's body.
  • Make the product less colorful, because the main thing in it is convenience for the newborn baby.


What do you need for work?

To make such a useful device, take care of preparing such a set of tools and materials in advance:

  • One and a half meters of fabric for the manufacture of warp.
  • Two meters of lining.
  • Material for covering the mattress.
  • Foam rubber, sintepon, cotton wool or some other material for internal filling.
  • A centimeter or ruler that will help to measure all the details as clearly as possible.
  • Chalk or bar of soap for marking.
  • Sharp scissors for cutting fabrics and printing.
  • Threads in a suitable color.
  • Sewing pins.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Iron.
  • Decorative elements for decoration.

Important! As a decor, you can use anything you like, for example, decorate the cover and sides with delicate ruffles or a bright ribbon. Cute little flowers and bows also look original on such products. A good option is small toys that will attract the attention of a child when changing clothes.

Making a mattress

To sew a mattress on a changing table with your own hands, stock up on a small amount of time and effort.You have decided on the color, shape and size, chose the fabric, it's time to get down to business.

Stage of manufacture of the mattress:

  1. Make a canvas base.
  2. Take two pieces of lining fabric measuring 65 by 75 cm.
  3. Lay the packing right in the middle, stitch it several times to fix it.
  4. Prepare the basic fabric of the same size, lay the blank on top, and overcast to fasten all three layers together.
  5. Measure the sides to form the sides. To the obtained parameters add a few centimeters along the edges to the seams.
  6. Sew a strip of blank from two types of fabric.
  7. Fold the strip in half, lay the packing along the entire length. Keeping a distance of 8 cm, sew several times.
  8. Fasten all layers.
  9. Process the first edge of the strip, then sew the edge to the base, reaching the edge of the corner of the workpiece, try on the mattress to the table.
  10. After sewing, cut off all the excess, then sew.
  11. Sew the side in front, put the structure on the table, sew the corners of the sides.
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You will get a safe soft mattress if you do it right. It will turn out convenient for mom and baby. As you can see, no complicated techniques are used here - everything is extremely simple and clear. Any young mommy can cope with such a simple and interesting job if she has a great desire and imagination.


