How to sew socks?

Of course, socks can be bought. But did you know that you can sew them yourself? Each of us has a lot of unnecessary things in the closet that are a pity to throw away, because any of them had its own story. We offer the best use of a knitted sweater, giving him a second life in the face of new socks. Socks can be sewn with your own hands from materials such as knitwear, fleece, wool and faux fur. You will learn how to sew socks in our article.

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How to sew fleece socks? Pattern

Do not be upset if you do not know how to knit, but really want warm socks. Such a product can also be sewn with your own hands, spending only 15 minutes of your free time. We offer you a simple version of the pattern, which even the most inexperienced seamstress can do. For work, we took fleece fabric, where on the one hand there is a small pile, and on the other, just a soft surface.

The sock pattern consists of the following elements:

  • The upper part is 1 part.
  • Heel - 1 piece.
  • Sole - 1 piece
  • Cuffs - 1 piece of fabric.

Important! On the pattern, be sure to consider seam allowances (5-6 cm).

Sewing Technique:

  1. We need to sew two parts: the sole and the heel. To do this, you can use both a sewing machine and an overlock machine, or just make a solid seam with your own hands.
  2. Now you can connect the finished sole to the upper part of our future sock.
  3. We begin to sew the cuff details. To do this, take the previously cut rectangle in your hands, where the length is your leg circumference, and the width is at your discretion. Fold it in half along the fold line and connect it to the top of the sock.
  4. We fill all the sticking strings and turn the product.
  5. We do the same actions with the second toe.

That's all the manipulations! Our new socks are ready to use!

Important! When cutting, it is very important to observe the shared thread. Before sewing, we recommend chopping, sweeping and trying on a sock, so that in case of the wrong size you can still fix the situation.

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How to sew warm wool socks?

It is very easy to sew socks from a sweater, since the material is very malleable and you can use a manual seam to process the edges. In such woolen socks, your legs will always be warm! So, let's begin to understand how to sew warm socks.

We will prepare the necessary materials and tools:

  • Woolen sweater (you can take any warm sweater).
  • Large needle with a wide eye.
  • Threads to match the sweater.
  • Well-honed scissors.
  • Chalk or remnant to outline.
  • Elements for decorating finished socks.

Step-by-step instructions for sewing warm socks:

  • To make woolen socks, we do not need the whole sweater, but only its sleeve, which we need to carefully cut with scissors. The seam connecting the sleeve and the shoulder armhole will remain on the old sweater - we do not need it.

Important! If desired, a beautiful hat or scarf can be made from the rest of the sweater.

  • Now we need to turn the sleeves inside out, fold them along the side seam, draw a contour of our future socks with chalk, leaving 1 cm for stitching. Keep in mind that any sock should have a shape - a rounded toe, a round heel and an expanded upper part.

Important! You choose the length of the sock yourself, as it can be completely different. So, if you use the entire sleeve, in the end - you get warm knee-highs, the elastic of which will be the finished screed in the sleeve of the sweater.

  • So, the two halves are ready, it remains only to sew them together. To do this, we recommend using a long and thick needle for hand sewing or a special needle with a large eye for working with knitted products. If your sock is too assembled and does not fit your leg well, then make a few tucks on the back from the wrong side to help deal with this small problem.
  • We cut off all the excess and flash the product again with a buttonhole, which will serve not only as a joint, but also as a decoration.

Important! For the sample, you can use your already “proven” toe - just put it on the bottom of the sleeve (the elastic should be on top of the toe), draw borders, add allowances and cut.

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How to sew socks from old things? Sweater pattern

We offer you to sew not just socks, very warm socks, slippers, which will become simply irreplaceable.

What do we need for work:

  • Sweater.
  • Thick thread (preferably woolen).
  • Thick needle.
  • Scissors.
  • Pins for chipping.
  • A piece of chalk.
  • Pen or pencil.

Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. We cut off the entire sleeve of the sweater, put a foot into it and draw the border of the upper part of the sock.
  2. Then we need to cut the sole from the main part of the jacket. To do this, you can use your shoe insole or put your foot on a sweater, circle the outline with chalk. Cut out the sole, taking into account the seam allowance (1.5 cm).
  3. We sew together the upper part of the sock with the sole with a dense wool thread over the edge.
  4. Now you can turn our socks on the front side and enjoy the result of your work in practice.

Important! If the socks do not fit the leg well and often fall off, we recommend sewing the gum to the upper part of the product from the wrong side. So you definitely can not lose your favorite home socks.

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We sew fur socks

How to sew socks from old things from other denser materials? Socks can be sewn from fur. Only when working with this material you need to adhere to a few rules, which we will talk about in the process.

We will need:

  • Faux fur (you can take a natural edge).
  • Thick threads for basting and grinding the product.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • Sewing machine.

Getting started:

  1. We cut out the sole and the upper part of the socks (you can use the above workshops). In order to avoid allergic reactions, we recommend using a respirator.
  2. With a sewing machine we make a stabilizing line around the entire perimeter of the prepared parts. This is necessary so that in the future the fur does not exfoliate and does not crumble.
  3. It's time to grind the fur with a regular seam. It is very important to do this strictly in the direction of the pile, so that in the future you do not feel discomfort. In this case, you can use the “seam out” or “butt seam” technique. They are almost invisible from the outside and do not create additional thickness to the socks.
  4. Such furry socks are universal - they can be worn with a fur part both inside and out. In any case, you will be very warm and very comfortable! If you have an old fur product lying around, take the opportunity to remake it on your house socks.
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How to decorate socks?

Despite the fact that your warm little socks are ready, you can always add new elements for decoration.

What can decorate socks?

  • Buttons
  • Applications.
  • Satin ribbons.
  • Lace ribbon.
  • DIY embroidery.
  • Tied pompons.
  • Knitted items.

As you can see, you can decorate socks with anything, anything, the most important rule - you should be as comfortable as possible, because this is a home wardrobe item.

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Well, now you know how to easily and quickly sew socks with your own hands. Products made with a soul are much nicer to wear than purchased. Wearing warm fleece or wool socks, you will forever forget what cold is. Let comfort and harmony always reign in your house!


