How to sew a volume mat for a child?

Many craftswomen love to invent and sew interesting products for young children. It is so nice if the child has a thing done by himself, because it has a special warmth and energy. You can make not only clothes, but also pleasant accessories for the baby. A great idea is to find out and figure out how to sew a voluminous rug for a child. With your own hands, it is absolutely easy to make such a patchwork and textured canvas, however, you will need to stock up on time and perseverance.

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A little about the product

What is such a soft accessory for a child? The blanket or rug consists of a base fabric on which square flaps of fabric are sewn in a special way. They are filled with packing, and the mat takes on volume and incredible softness. This technique is called "bombing." In addition, it is also known under the terms “biscuit” and “ottomans”.

Important! To give the rug brightness and a children's theme, fabric cuts use various colors or ornaments.

The product can be used for a variety of purposes:

  • As a blanket.
  • A warm and soft mat for the games of the baby.
  • Decorative plaid on the crib.
  • Convenient and comfortable capes on a high chair.


Do-it-yourself rug from volumetric squares can be designed in the most diverse way - it all depends on your imagination and taste. Let us outline a few ideas for the execution of the rug:

  • Monophonic canvas of any color. If you sew such a rug for a newborn boy, you can make it gently blue, and for a little princess - pink.
  • Contrasting tones. Bright, catchy and fun.
  • Incredible rainbow mix. Some product models are decorated with colored stripes on the diagonal.
  • Mats in which two or three related shades are combined look very interesting and stylish.
  • Choose the colors that match the baby’s bedding, and then you get a single composition of textiles.
  • Fill the outer edge of the mat around the entire perimeter with a strip of puffs in contrasting color. You can continue the idea and make a rectangle of the same shade in the center of the product.
  • You can also arrange bombs of various shades and ornaments in different ways: randomly, symmetrically, diagonally, with a checkerboard.

Next, we will learn step by step how to sew a voluminous rug for a child.

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Preparatory stage

At this stage, you need to determine:

  • Mat design. Come up with a pattern and layout for multi-colored rags.

Important! The drawing made on paper helps a lot with this.

  • Applicable fabrics. Based on the idea, you need to choose the material from which the children's canvas will be made. It is necessary not only to choose the fabric, but also its shades, pattern and patterns. In addition, the material is used for different purposes: fabric for the base, fabric for poufs, if necessary - fabric for the lower base.

Important! For children's things, it is better to choose hypoallergenic and pleasant to the touch canvas. It is desirable that they be natural.

  • Material for stuffing. It is optimal to use a synthetic winterizer or holofiber.
  • The presence of decor and its execution.

Important! The original blanket can be supplemented with a beautiful ruffle along the outer perimeter of the canvas, a bright satin ribbon or an interesting braid.

Next, we bring to your attention a master class on how to sew a three-dimensional mat for a child.

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Tools and materials

So, before starting work, prepare the following materials and tools:

  1. Cotton for the top of the elements: 16 flaps 50 to 50 cm in size will be required.
  2. Cotton for the manufacture of 144 flaps 11 to 11 cm in size. The color of these elements can be anything, as they are not visible.
  3. Cotton for the base of the canvas measuring 90 by 160 cm. Choose a sufficiently dense material and not too easily soiled.
  4. Under the shade of the base, select a slanting inlay about 5 meters long.
  5. For stuffing poufs you need a holofiber.
  6. Threads, pins, needles.
  7. Sharp scissors.
  8. Sewing machine.
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Fabric preparation and pattern details

If you want the voluminous rug for your child to be even, symmetrical and beautiful, pre-decorate the fabric.

Important! This procedure consists of wet and heat treatment of the material, which consists in washing, drying, ironing cotton. These manipulations exclude the shrinkage of natural fabric, skew parts.

After that, we proceed to cut the details. We cut the front bright fabric into 144 squares measuring 15 by 15 cm, and additional cotton into the same number of elements, but measuring 11 by 11 cm.

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Stapling parts and stuffing

Next, we perform such actions:

  • We take two parts of different sizes: one square 11 by 11 cm, and the second 15 by 15 cm. On a large flap on each side, we create a counter fold of 2 cm in size. As a result of such manipulations, the parameters of the parts are equal. We fix the folds with pins.
  • We connect both parts face out, again we fix with pins. We sew on the machine, while leaving a small hole for stuffing.
  • We prepare 144 elements of the mat in this way. That is why in the beginning we mentioned some time costs, perseverance, since the work is rather painstaking.
  • We fill all the elements with holofiber.

Important! Do not fill the poufs too tightly, as during the assembly process the parts will be compressed.

  • After stuffing, we sew a hole on the typewriter.
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Product assembly

After you have prepared all 144 details, it remains to assemble a voluminous rug for the child with his own hands. How to do it? The technique is as follows:

  • Two finished squares are applied to each other with their faces, that is, the convex side.
  • We combine the details on one of the sides in the most thorough manner.
  • We fix with pins.
  • We sew elements on the machine on this side.
  • Gradually combine all 144 parts.

Important! Assemble in sequence, according to your product design.

  • We add the resulting convex canvas and the base under it facing each other.
  • Stitch on the machine around the perimeter, leaving a small hole.
  • We turn it on the front side, sew up the remaining gap.
  • We make a rug from volumetric squares with our own hands around the edge of the oblique trim.

And now the beautiful, bright rug is ready! The baby will certainly be delighted with such a wonderful soft canvas, will be happy to play on it or sleep sweetly, hiding in a blanket.

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Another sewing technique:

  1. The fabric for the base of the rug is drawn into squares.
  2. We cut out the corresponding number of squares for the bombons.
  3. We lay out the details on the base, grind horizontally. As a result, you get a kind of ribbon of squares.
  4. Next, the first such strip is applied face up to the upper line drawn on the base. We fix the parts with each other with pins.
  5. After that, we combine the other sides of the strip and line.
  6. The next step is to grind the top and vertical lines. In the process, you need to make folds on each square.
  7. The result was pockets.
  8. We fill them with sintepon or holofiber.
  9. The second strip is applied to the already sewn first ribbon with the wrong side up, fastened with pins.
  10. We flash it on a typewriter, forming the same folds as the previous time.
    We turn off the second strip on the front side.
  11. We correlate all its edges with the drawn diagram, fasten it with pins, sew it on a typewriter.
  12. We fill the pockets, repeat all the actions the required number of times.
  13. In the end, it remains only to draw the canvas with beautiful ruffles along the edges of the product.
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Here in these ways you can sew a wonderful voluminous rug for a child with his own hands. Of course, the lesson is long, but simple, not requiring any special sewing skills. But such a soft accessory will become not only an unexpected, pleasant gift for the baby, but also the most favorite attribute for sleep or games.


