How to sew a blanket?

Sewing a blanket yourself is a great idea. Firstly - it is much more economical than if you purchase it in a store. And secondly - this is a huge flight for your imagination. You can easily do the thing of your dreams - beautiful, comfortable, practical, safe. And we will help you with this. How to sew a blanket? Now let's figure it out
to contents ↑Patchwork
Many people who decide to make a blanket make a patchwork model. In fact, everything is understandable, because this is the kind where you can realize the maximum of your ideas and creative abilities. However, it will take a little longer.
Important! To make the finished product look bright, do not cause a feeling of hostility, first make the layout of the shreds before combining them into one whole canvas.
A professional seamstress probably has a lot of leftover fabric. But if you are an amateur and you do not have them, buy rags at the sewing production or in a specialized store. The second option is somewhat more expensive, but they usually offer goods for sale that are already sorted by type of material and color.
to contents ↑Important! To sew such a thing with your own hands, it is not at all necessary to take meter cuts. The remnants of various fabrics, which, incidentally, come at a reduced price, will fit perfectly. This is just what we need.
Whatever you decide to sew the blanket with your own hands, it is incredibly important to make it in size. If your bed is not made independently, but purchased at the factory, then it can have one of the following sizes:
- For newborns - 120 * 120 cm.
- Euro. Two by two meters.
- For older children - 150 by 120 or 140 by 110 cm.
- Double - 210 cm by 180 cm.
- Single - 200 by 150 cm.
- One and a half - 215 by 155 cm.
Very often, deciding to sew a blanket with their own hands, people are not ready for the fact that it is not so simple as it might seem at first glance. Having made a product of the wrong sewing pattern, you may experience a lot of trouble with further use. That is why let's look at how to do it right.
to contents ↑How to sew a blanket from synthetic winterizer with your own hands?
Some believe that natural filler is the best, however, this is not entirely true, because synthetic also has advantages. One of them is that the same synthetic winterizer weighs much less than cotton and is better amenable to washing.
Prepare everything you need for sewing. You will need a sewing machine, fabric, thread, scissors, a tailor's ruler and, of course, a synthetic winterizer.
Then follow this algorithm:
- Cut a piece that fits your bed in advance, leaving seam allowances. You can make a multilayer, cutting a couple of pieces.
- Cut two pieces of fabric and sew them together, leaving one side unbroken.
- Insert the padding from the padding polyester into the duvet cover.
- Sew the product on the typewriter twice, grabbing the lining.
For newborns
How to sew a baby blanket on a padding polyester for a newborn?
- For the main fabric, you will need a polycotone.
- Holofiber can also be used as a filler.
- As for the thickness of the blankets and decor - it all depends on your preference.
Getting started:
- Decide on the size of the blanket - 1 * 1.5 meters is ideal.
- Cut one piece equal to two crib sizes.
- Pin the lace with pins.
- Stitch along the length of the lace ribbon.
- Loosen the presser foot mode and quilt the blanket, including the ribbon.
The most convenient sequence, how to sew a blanket from a holofiber with your own hands?
If you constantly have any difficulties while sewing, then follow these steps:
- Sew together all sides of the rectangle, leaving one side unbroken and twist.
- Insert a synthetic winterizer inside and secure it with pins.
- Sew the blankets in straight lines.
to contents ↑Important! You can frame the lines with a picture.
Quilt blanket
To create a stunning interior, you need to fill it with beautiful and stylish details. One of these is a quilt. Interior designers often use it in creating their masterpieces. Why not do this to you too?
Important! A quilt can fit into any interior theme, but it will look especially beautiful in a room made in such styles as Provence and Country.
As for materials, it all depends on your preferences. It can be either cotton or silk, but the most popular materials are linen and cotton.
How to sew a blanket - master class:
- Start by sketching and measuring future products. When cutting fabric, be sure to leave seam allowances.
- How to sew a blanket? Of course, there are many manufacturing techniques and you can choose any one to your taste, but the most popular is patchwork. Sew many pieces of fabric between them so that they are a single layer.
- Prepare a lining, place a synthetic winterizer or any other filler between the two materials, and then stitch. The lines must be made so that as a result, rhombuses form throughout the product.
to contents ↑Important! It is advisable to pre-outline the line of stitches in advance, so that the product as a result looks neat, with clear and even quilted seams.
Stock footage
Handwork has always been highly appreciated. Handmade things are very cool, because you can create an exclusive that no one will have. As you can see, it’s possible to sew a blanket from synthetic winterizer or using patchwork technology with your own hands. Follow our instructions and you will succeed.
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