How to sew a sheet on an elastic band on a mattress?

Mattresses that are produced today, as a rule, have a slightly increased width. For this reason, they become uncomfortable in terms of the use of bed linen of standard dimensions. Narrow sets constantly slip during sleep, which causes great discomfort. But there is a way out - you just need to make a sheet that is attached with an elastic band. This task is not easy, but if you try, you can even solve it yourself. In this material we will describe in detail how to sew a sheet on an elastic band on a mattress of a non-standard size.

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Features of manufacturing sheets on an elastic band

To make a bed beautifully, you will need bedding with an elastic band inserted. Due to this, it is well kept on the surface, does not slip and does not go astray. Such a sleeping place always looks like it was just laid down - neither children nor adults feel any discomfort. Of course, such a product can be purchased at the store, but still it is better to sew it yourself, thereby saving the family budget. For work, you will definitely need a pattern to perfectly repeat the rounded lines of any mattress.

Professionals know that it is necessary to consider the following nuances when sewing:

  • If you make a sheet from coarse calico with a standard width of 2.2 m, then for its production using rubber tape you will have to increase this parameter to 2.6 m.
  • You can’t do without a pattern, because you can spoil the material, do not fit the necessary corners, which makes the bed look ugly, constantly puffing.
  • Before creating a pattern and cutting calico or calico, you must carefully calculate each parameter.
  • It is better to make a pattern from paper or a thin newspaper, applying it to the mattress in order to most accurately repeat all its contours.
  • Be sure to pay maximum attention to building up the sides, because often the standard length of the material is not enough.
  • Buying fabric with a large pattern is not worth it, because when building the pattern may shift.
  • It is recommended to extend the fabric cut at the top so that the joint is under the pillows.
  • It is not worth doing too coarse bending, otherwise - you can get confused in the corners of the back door and cut.
  • It is better to process seams with an overlock, strong threads.
  • It is recommended to sew the braid with a zigzag using a special foot, using a wide step, otherwise it may burst.
  • The use of a wide elastic band will often wash the sheet without subsequent wear.

Let's look at the most popular sewing technologies together to achieve the desired result.

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Options for sewing an elastic sheet

There are some of the most successful ideas on how to sew an elastic sheet onto a mattress. It is appropriate to study each of them separately, to delve into all the nuances of sewing, to avoid the most common mistakes made by beginning seamstresses.

A sheet with an elastic band around the edge

Naturally, the easiest way is to sew an elastic band around the edge. To do this, you need to perform several actions in the following sequence:

  1. Measure the mattress, add to the width and length twice the height and allowances of 30 cm. This way you get a pattern from the prepared material. Mandatory allowances - 15 cm for length, 5 cm for width.
  2. Then you need to make a pattern and round the edges.That is, sections of the edges are folded with the front sides to the middle, sewn, the edges are processed in a zigzag.
  3. Now the seams are twice bent by 1-1.5 cm, ironed.
  4. Insert the tip of the braid into the seam, and fasten it with a vertical line using the machine.
  5. Further, the rubber tape is stretched and stitched around the edges.

Important! This traction option is suitable for adults and cots.


Sheet with elastic in the drawstring

An excellent sheet can be obtained when using a drawstring. The scheme of how to sew a sheet on a round mattress does not cause any special difficulties and looks like this:

  • First, the width, length and height of the mattress are measured. The size of the required fabric is calculated using special formulas:
    1. Fabric length = twice the height of the mattress + length + 45 cm.
    2. Fabric width = double height + width of mattress + 35 cm.

Important! Material before cutting must be erased so that it sits a little.

  • Next, a pattern is made according to the received dimensions minus 5 cm.
  • As a result, a rectangle is obtained, the corners of which must be rounded. Each edge is tucked 1 cm and ironed with a hot iron. Then the edges are tucked again and ironed again.
  • Having retreated a few millimeters, it is necessary to stitch the seams. You should not connect the line - a small area is left through which the braid is woven.
  • The length of the gum is about half the perimeter of the product itself.
  • A pin is attached to the tape, inserted into the drawstring. The edges are fixed.

Corner sheet

Instructions for sewing it in front of you:

  1. First of all, the dimensions of the mattress are measured.
  2. To make a pattern, 4 cm is added to its width, to a length of 3 cm. From this increase it depends on how tightly the sheet will fit the bed.
  3. To get the size of the sides, you need to add twice the height of the mattress to each side of the pattern.
  4. Then the corners are cut off according to the pattern, so that a peculiar cover is obtained that resembles a box in shape.
  5. Further, all seams are processed in a zigzag pattern.
  6. The edges are bent, swept away.
  7. At the corners, it is necessary to leave 20 cm not sewn in order to lay the rubber band in the hem.
  8. Then the tape is stretched and stitched.

Important! This option for sewing a sheet with an elastic band fixed only in the corners is ideal for making bedding for cribs, because the kids sleep particularly hectic, constantly fidget and spin.

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Interesting idea

It often happens that it is impossible to find clothes at an affordable price that fit perfectly. But this situation is completely solvable. If you already have an unnecessary sheet at home, the most common or with an elastic band, then you can try to remake it into a stylish, original, beautiful thing in your wardrobe. This master will help you with this, which tells you how to make a skirt out of an ordinary sheet.

This is easy to do, and you do not need any expensive materials and tools, just such a simple set:

  1. Sheet.
  2. Sewing machine or ordinary needle.
  3. Threads.
  4. Two sewing buttons.

The instruction for sewing a skirt on an elastic band is as follows:

  • First, find a sheet, preferably on an elastic band, because in this case you do not have to spend extra time on sewing on an elastic band. Enough products with a width of 135 cm or 150 cm - it all depends on the desired parameters of the future skirt and your size.

Important! Make sure that the fabric is not visible, it is comfortable and soft, that there are no stains or scuffs on it.

  • Find the corners on the sheet, determine the point where the seam begins. In a straight line, cut the fabric from corner to corner on those sides where there is no elastic.
  • Spread the corner seams, but the main thing is not to touch the gum. Set aside the cut strips of fabric from the sides.
  • Measure the distance from the waist to the bottom edge of the future skirt. If it’s difficult for you to determine the length, then the knee length will be an ideal option.
  • Cut the sheet along the double length of the skirt, on one side measuring it where the elastic is located.
  • Chip off its ends, make sure that it stretches enough to wear a skirt. The main thing is that it should not be too tight or spacious. If the result suits you, you can sew the ends of the elastic.
  • Sew a longitudinal seam on the sheets so that a long tube with an elastic band on one side is obtained from the fabric.
  • Tuck the fabric to make your tube two-layer. At the same time, make sure that the untreated cut is inside the tube. Align the top of the fabric along the line of the longitudinal seam.
  • Sew layers of fabric along the top edge while stretching the elastic.
  • Turn the skirt to the front side, try on it, make sure that its length suits you.
  • Take the second strip cut from the sheet and cut to a width of 12.5 cm, then fold in half. Sew along the longitudinal sections.
  • Put on the product, try on a belt around the waist line. Cut it according to the required girth, be sure to add another 5 cm.
  • Sew one end of the belt, then twist it to the front side. Turn the untreated slices inward to hide them. Sew a belt.
  • Sew two buttons to the free edge of the belt so that later it is convenient to fasten the skirt with their help.


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So we found out how to sew a sheet on a round mattress, for custom size beds, cribs. In addition, you will certainly find useful information on how to sew a wonderful skirt from a regular sheet. All these ideas are so simple to implement that you will be surprised to show your sewing talents in practice.


