How to sew a duvet with your own hands?

Downy products have long been famous for their good qualities. Duvets and pillows are popular today, but their cost is not affordable for everyone, and not everyone can afford to buy such products. The high price of duvets is only because the manufacturing process requires a lot of resources and energy. Many needlewomen wonder: how to sew a duvet with your own hands? Previously, our grandmothers were engaged in processing raw materials and sewing by hand, now everything is much simpler. In this article we will tell you in detail how to cope with such a task.

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The benefits of duvets

Down products are practical, convenient and light in weight, but these are far from the main advantages. There are much more significant advantages of blankets made from this raw material:

  • They have moisture repellent properties.
  • When washing and prolonged use, the fluff does not gather in lumps.
  • Keep their original properties for a long time.

Due to the fact that the prices are very high, it is recommended to sew a duvet at home. With a great desire and the availability of all necessary materials, tools, it will be possible to make a blanket in just a few hours. In addition, you get an original product that you will not meet anywhere else.

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We sew a duvet at home

In order to make a duvet with your own hands, you need to be patient and be prepared for difficult handmade work. Sewing involves several stages, and if you perform them in order of priority, then in the end you will get what you want.

Initially, make sure that you have the following tools and materials:

  • Sewing machine with threads.
  • Gauze bag and facing fabric.
  • Filler for future blankets.

If you have everything, proceed to the stages of manufacturing the product.


Since you will need fluff for tailoring, you must first calculate the right amount. Approximately you will need:

  • Double blanket - about one and a half kilograms of down.
  • One and a half blanket - about a kilogram of filler (+/- 200 grams).
  • Baby blanket - about 600 grams of fluff.

At this stage:

  1. The raw materials must be carefully sorted out, and garbage removed.
  2. Then place it in a bag of gauze and wash it several times in soapy water.
  3. Dry well under natural conditions, constantly mixing while drying.

Important! You can also treat fluff with antibacterial compounds. Make sure that the raw materials do not collect into lumps and do not remain wet.

Sew teak

In order to sew the outer layer of teak, it is better to choose fabrics that look rich - satin or satin. The inner layer should be made of a denser material - the usual cotton fabric is suitable. This is necessary so that the fluff does not crawl out. The base and the outer part should be free and fit the specified dimensions. As a result, you will get two bags that will later be filled with down.

Important! The finished blanket will be lined up on all sides. This fact must be taken into account, and the size of the matter must be increased by 4-5 centimeters.

Make markup:

  1. After you have sewn on the napkin, place the finished bags one on top of the other. A satin or satin bag should be on top, since this is the front of the blanket.
  2. Then you need to draw the transverse and longitudinal lines so that the same squares are obtained over the entire area of ​​the future product.

Important! It is recommended to draw lines evenly and accurately, because seams will be made on them.


Stitching lines

To bring the base of the future blanket to completion, you need to make seams along the marked lines. You need to sew carefully, without rushing, so as not to spoil the basis of the future product.

Fill the blanket:

  1. After the fluff has been processed and dried, it should be thoroughly kneading with your hands and a little pat, so that it becomes even softer and more airy.
  2. Distribute the raw materials in equal parts according to the number of stitched pockets.
  3. Each piece of bird fluff is evenly distributed in pockets - this is the main rule.

Important! In order for the filler not to look out, you can flash the pockets with a temporary seam, which will later be easy to remove.

The final step in creating a homemade duvet

  1. When all the pockets are evenly filled with fluff, you can proceed to stitching the longitudinal seams.
  2. Then, using the sewing machine, we make the final seams.

We put on a duvet cover and enjoy a soft and warm blanket.

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Duvet Care Tips

Despite the high quality of down products, it is recommended to follow several rules to maintain an aesthetic appearance and preserve the original qualities:

  • Wash the product by hand using special gel formulations.
  • You can wash the blanket in the washing machine while setting the “gentle wash” program.
  • Washing is carried out at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees.
  • It is better to dry the product in the wind or with a fan, as the air will penetrate inside and push the raw materials.
  • After drying, the blanket should be slightly patted with your hands so that there are no downy lumps.
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If you carefully follow the above instructions, then your homemade blanket will remain beautiful and pleasant to the touch for a long time.

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