How to sew a Russian folk dress for a girl with your own hands?

The Russian national women's costume is associated with a wide colorful sundress, decorated with ribbons and embroideries. There are a huge number of similar outfits without sleeves, because in every Russian province the dress had its own special cut. Sundresses are slanted and deaf, with folding sleeves, on straps or have buttons or a seam in front. Colors and styles may also vary. If you want to learn how to sew a Russian folk dress for a girl with your own hands, then this material is especially for you. Even a beginner needlewoman can make a straight sundress.

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We sew independently a children's sundress in a folk style

Your little princess will have to visit a theme party or celebration, and you want to please her with a beautiful outfit? Then use this master class, which describes how to sew a Russian folk sarafan with your own hands quickly and at minimal cost.

Necessary tools and supplies:

  1. Satin, chintz, velvet or wool.
  2. Threads in tone of the main material.
  3. Sewing machine.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Tailor centimeter tape.
  6. Ruffles and ribbons for decoration.

It is time to learn how to sew a Russian folk sundress with your own hands for a beautiful woman, regardless of how old she is, quickly and without a pattern, because this instruction describes how to build it yourself. This pattern can be used to sew a sundress for an adult by applying his measurements.

Step by step, it looks like this:

  • Start by choosing the right fabric. Traditionally, preference is given to red, but in principle, you can experiment. A huge role is played by the brightness and quality of the material, because the sundress simply must be extraordinary, colorful.

Important! According to experts, it is better to make it monochrome or choose a discreet, small ornament.

  • Make a pattern. Measure your baby’s height from armpits to the floor. It is better to make a dress for a child not too long so that his hem does not reach the floor a few centimeters. Also measure your chest circumference, multiply this figure by 2 or 2.5. Thus, you get the required width of the skirt of the product. If desired, it can be flared down, for this it is enough to sew together 2 or 4 parts extended to the hem.
  • Uncover the rest of the details. To create a coquette, it is necessary to draw a strip so that its length is equal to the circumference of the chest, add 6 cm on each side. Its width should be 9-12 cm. The dress should have straps 7 cm wide, 45 cm long. If the fabric turns out to be superfluous, then it can be cut during fitting.
  • Since the product consists of several parts, it is necessary to overlay the edges of all of them with a zigzag seam or using an overlock, then sew the seams on the sides. The back of the seam is not completely sewn up, there should be an outlet for the fastener. Its edges are bent and stitched, departing from the edge by 1 cm.
  • Then, over the skirt, make a stitch with sufficiently large stitches, pull it well so that it is 4 cm shorter than the yoke.

Important! Make sure the folds are even.

  • After this, sew the yoke, try to align it to the center as much as possible. In this case, the joint should be in the zone of the fastener. Sweep the edges of the yoke.
  • Fold a strip of yoke several times to stitch its ends from the inside.Unscrew them, bend the free part, seize with the help of thread and needle with your hands. Then flash on the typewriter.
  • Sew and hem the hem. Sew a button on the yoke, make a loop on the opposite side.
  • Sew the straps from the wrong side, twist them. Sew to the sundress in such a way that the edge is hidden from the inside. Try on the baby product, cut off the extra length at the straps. Sew them close to the clasp so that they do not fall off the shoulders.
  • Beautifully decorate the outfit along the hem, on the straps with the help of a frill, embroidery, border or ribbons.

So you learned how to sew a Russian sundress for a girl with your own hands. These tips and instructions are sure to be useful to you.

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Making a Russian sundress with your own hands

This is the first time you want to take your daughter to a Shrovetide celebration, but you just can't find the right outfit? Then try your luck and take the risk to make it yourself. To do this, it is not at all necessary to spend a fabulous amount of money or go to cutting and sewing courses. It is enough to use the diagram below, then you will get a wonderful sundress for Shrovetide with your own hands.

You will need the following:

  • A piece of plain chintz and satin 110 cm wide and 2.5 m long.
  • A piece of colored material in a small pattern 2 m long and 90 cm wide.
  • Lace 10 m.
  • Tape measure.
  • Paper for building patterns.

The manufacture of the outfit occurs according to this instruction:

  1. First, measure the width of the back and chest of the baby.
  2. Then a pattern is built on paper according to the received sizes.
  3. Cut two identical elements of colored fabric, which will be used for the manufacture of yokes and straps.
  4. From the residual material, cut ribbons for decoration 10 cm wide.
  5. From a plain fabric, cut two trapeziums, determine their height, taking into account the required length of the product. Above the trapezoid can be different, and from the bottom equal to 110 cm. The cloth in front should go 8 cm in size, while the back one should exceed the width of the back by 5 cm.
  6. Sew the sides of the coquette, process its upper part with braid.
  7. Lay the braid along the seam, color tape in the front center, sew them together.
  8. Sew the sides of both sheets.
  9. Use the color ribbon to trim the hem along with the braid that has been laid along the seam. Iron it.
  10. Sew the top of the panel with a large stitch, collecting the lower parts of the yoke in width into the drawstring.
  11. Fold the straps in half, sew on the typewriter, lay the braid along the edge. Iron them, put on a child a sundress, adjust. Stitch the straps to the yoke.

So our charming Russian folk dress for the girl is ready. With your own hands to build patterns, as it turned out is quite simple, so you should not be afraid.

Important! Knowing how to sew a sundress on Shrovetide, and having tried simple models in practice, you can safely experiment with fabrics, decorative ornaments, and trim options.

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With such knowledge, you can sew such folk outfits even for your wardrobe, because such clothes will not leave indifferent any man. She always occupied a special place in the wardrobe of a woman and is now returning to fashion.

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