How to stitch liners in rubber boots?

With the onset of rains and “non-flying” weather, all people need suitable clothes and shoes. In the autumn and spring, almost everyone takes out rubber boots from the far shelves that can protect against moisture. However, I want to be not only dry, but also warm, so you have to buy shoes with inserts or make them yourself. Those who do not have such shoe heaters often wonder how to sew liners in rubber boots? In order to understand this issue, you need to find out about the purposes of using such products and materials for tailoring.

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What are shoe boots for?

Before you begin to sew stockings in boots, you need to understand why they are needed and why shoes are sold on the market without them?

  1. Protect the inside of the shoe from moisture.
  2. Create additional conditions of comfort (warmth, convenience).
  3. Do not constrain movement.
  4. Practical to use.

Important! Often they are sold separately, since in the kit their value is minimal, and the seller receives practically nothing from the sale. The cost of such felt boots is affected by the material from which they are sewn, so it happens that instead of one pair of boots with inserts, you can buy two pairs, but without any additions.

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What are shoe inserts made of?

For the production of shoe stockings, both natural raw materials (sheepskin, wool) and artificial (synthetic material) are used. Product quality directly depends on the material. For example, wool has excellent heat preservation properties and a maximum level of wear resistance. And with synthetics the opposite is true - the cheaper the raw materials, the worse the quality of the future product.

Important! Synthetic stockings do not allow air to pass through, poorly absorb moisture. From this we can conclude that they need constant care. And people who work as foresters and in road repair services are primarily puzzled by work rather than shoe polishing. Therefore, it is recommended to buy and sew insulation from high-quality, natural materials.

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We sew the warmed boots for boots

In order to sew the liners for boots with your own hands, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Sinteponovy lining.
  • Cuffs from an old jacket.
  • Fleece.
  • Shoe insoles.
  • Needle with thread.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Scissors.

We begin to create:

  1. We make a pattern, starting from the size and shape of the boot.
  2. We transfer the patterns to the fleece, then sintepon material.
  3. Cut the insole along the contour.
  4. Cut off the elastic from the sleeve of the jacket.
  5. Sew elements of future boots.
  6. We connect the front parts of the fleece and synthetic winterizer, sew them together.
  7. We turn the future product.
  8. Sew the insole to the resulting felt boot with a durable seam.
  9. Poke stockings in boots.

As it turned out, making simple, comfortable boots for a child’s boots is not so difficult. But now you can run through the puddles and not worry about the appearance of a cold.

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Additional recommendations

Fabric tabs, like many other products, cannot last forever. However, with proper use and familiarization with a few tips, you still manage to extend their life. Consider the recommendations in more detail:

  1. Sew additional pieces of fabric to the heels on finished products, since the heel is the most vulnerable spot on socks, felt boots, stockings.
  2. Sew the details of the pattern in a zigzag seam - it is the most reliable.
  3. Wash them with ordinary laundry soap without adding acidic compounds.
  4. After washing, dry under natural conditions (preferably outdoors).

Important! If your product is made from natural raw materials, it is recommended to wash it by hand or in a washing machine programmed for “gentle washing”.

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Stock footage

In this article, we told you about a simple way to stitch liners in rubber boots so that your child’s legs, even in the most slush, remain warm and dry.


