How to erase a marker from a board?

Recently, WhiteBoard, the so-called magnetic whiteboards, has become very fashionable. They are very convenient to use both in the house for children and in the office for notes. They sell special dry erase tools. But what to do if accidentally mixed up special markers with the usual permanent? In this article, we will consider the most effective ways to erase a marker from a board.

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The easiest way

A dry erase marker is a marker on which WhiteBoard is written, that is, “for a magnetic board”. These products are perfectly erased with special sponges for such surfaces, we will use this fact:

  1. Take a fresh dry erase felt-tip pen and completely paint over the drawing / inscription from the permanent composition fixture. Moreover, the color of both devices is absolutely unimportant.
  2. Permanent ink solvent should be diluted with solvent with a dry marker. Therefore, it remains only to erase the inscription with a sponge for magnetic easels.
  3. If there are any noticeable patterns on the surface, repeat the operation until completely cleaned.

So if you were wondering how to erase a marker from a magnetic board, then the answer is very simple.

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We use available tools

There is not always a dry erase tool at hand, so here are a few more tips on how to erase a marker from the board:

  1. You can use alcohol or nail polish remover without acetone. Wet a rag or cotton pad with the selected product and wipe it with the painted surface. However, then you definitely need to remove the stains from alcohol or liquid polish remover with a clean dry cloth, otherwise it will be very difficult to write in this place in the future.
  2. If other methods have failed, try a regular eraser. But be careful, it can damage the structure of the easel.
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We remove old murals

If you ignore traces of felt-tip pens, it can be quite difficult to get them out. But many home remedies will help with this. So the question of how to erase a marker from a board should not worry you much.

We offer such solutions to the problem:

  1. A mixture of vinegar with water will help you quickly and easily get rid of all kinds of stains and stains from the surface.
  2. Coffee. Take the already used coffee filter with the remains of the granules and wipe it with contaminated places.
  3. Peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide copes well with drawings and inscriptions from ballpoint pens, which are similar in composition to permanent felt-tip pens. That is why peroxide will easily remove such impurities from your magnetic board. And since it is white, this pharmacy mix will not cause any harm.
  4. Margarine. Do not be surprised, but ordinary margarine can really help you. It is enough to rub it well into the pollution. Then you can observe that the margarine begins to darken. This means that everything works. It remains to erase the remains with paper towels and the easel will be like new.
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We hope our tips answered the question of how to erase a marker from a magnetic board. And now, even if you hurriedly forgot about the inscriptions left, or if the child quietly painted the magnetic side of the easel without your knowledge, you will be ready for such a situation and deal with it easily and naturally.


