How to sterilize the nipple?

Every mother strives to create the best living conditions for her newborn child. And the care of the baby plays a big role in this, since it is not yet capable of serving itself. Immediately after birth, the baby needs many items that not only allow him to develop and grow faster, but also significantly facilitate the everyday life of his parents. One of these items is a dummy that you must not only choose correctly. It is also very important to know how to sterilize the nipple. This is what we will deal with in this article.

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Do I need to sterilize the nipple?

The question of how to sterilize pacifiers arises today more often than a few years ago. And this is due, first of all, to the fact that modern technical capabilities are much richer than a couple of decades ago. In every house today you can find a lot of household appliances, which can be used not only for the purpose indicated by the manufacturer, but also for other purposes. And that is why the question arises, how to sterilize the nipple, and what can be used for this.

But before deciding how exactly to do this, you need to understand how important sterilization is. In this regard, the following facts are not subject to doubt:

  1. Newborn babies have very weak immunity and are susceptible to attacks of any viruses and harmful bacteria. And there are a lot of them in our everyday life. That is why it is necessary to sterilize a baby's dummy at least 3 months each time, preferably up to 6. Next, only new nipples before first use.
  2. New, just bought, nipples were subjected to long-term storage, transportation to various retail outlets. As a result of this, a huge amount of bacteria, dirt uniquely accumulates on them, and if they are still not sealed, various chemicals are deposited on the surface of latex or silicone. Therefore, you need to know how to sterilize a dummy before first use, and be sure to do it.
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Sterilization methods

Depending on how much time you have available, you can use faster or longer, but more effective ways. And another factor that affects the choice of sterilization is the willingness to expose the baby's nipple to processing in such modern technology, the safety of which has not been proven, as well as the danger.


Boiling is the safest way, which, in principle, will not require you and a significant investment of time. This method was used by our mothers and grandmothers to sterilize nipples and soothers.

The sequence of your actions in this case will be as follows:

  1. Fill an enameled liter cup or small pan with water. A lot is not necessary - up to 0.5 liters is enough.
  2. Bring the water to a boil.
  3. Immerse a dummy or pacifier in it.
  4. Boil for a few minutes - 3-5, on the smallest fire.
  5. Remove and place to dry on a clean towel. It is advisable to cover the products with them.

Important! The only nuance of using this technology is the accelerated wear of latex after heat treatment. Regarding silicone, it’s better to check with the seller whether it is possible to apply this method for the product you have chosen.

Steaming - when time is running out

Steam sterilization does not give a 100% result, but is suitable if the child already screams and requires food or a dummy to fall asleep, and you do not have another nipple.

To sterilize the nipple in this way:

  1. Boil water in a teapot - full dialing is not necessary. Even a small amount of water inside will do.
  2. Take the product with tweezers.
  3. Hold the steam jet so that it covers the dummy or pacifier on all sides.

Important! 1-2 minutes of such processing are enough for the product to be suitable for use and relatively safe for the baby.

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Double boiler - a modern solution

Using a double boiler for sterilization is very beneficial in terms of saving time and obtaining a guaranteed result, because this technique produces exactly what is needed to neutralize pathogenic microorganisms - hot steam.

In order to sterilize the nipple or dummy before first use or subsequent, you must:

  1. Pour water into the lower compartment of the appliance.
  2. Put the necessary items on one of the levels.
  3. Set the timer for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Turn on the device and wait for the cycle to complete.


Important! Since the steam boiler is powered by the mains, keep in mind that the energy consumption in the apartment will increase as the steam boiler is used to sterilize pacifiers and nipples. More precisely, it directly depends on the frequency of use of such a method.

Microwave oven - is it worth sterilizing nipples with this method?

Regarding the use of microwaves, not only for the sterilization of everyday items of newborns, but even for cooking food for adults, there are many opinions. Some of them are focused on the fact that too negative effects on human health are not proven when eating products after such processing. Others - on the fact that the electromagnetic field is still unsafe. Therefore, to use a microwave oven in order to sterilize the nipple at home, or not - it's up to you.

If you intend in this way to ease your daily work of caring for your baby, act in this way:

  1. Check with the manufacturer or retailer if it is possible to treat the product you purchased with this treatment.
  2. Place the pacifiers and pacifiers in a container suitable for use in a microwave oven.
  3. Pour a small amount of water there.
  4. Cover.
  5. Set the timer for 3-5 minutes.
  6. Remove the sterilized items and dry.

Sterilization in special equipment

The modern market provides a wide selection of not only clothes, cosmetics, but also all kinds of devices for caring for newborns. One of them is a special sterilizer, with the help of which you can make not only soothers and nipples, but also all bottles absolutely safe for your crumbs. The use of such household appliances does not cause any difficulties - just follow the instructions from the manufacturer.

Important! The only drawback that can be noted with this decision is the additional cash costs, because the unit will cost not so cheap. But the safety of your child, saving your personal time is sometimes worth it to purchase such a valuable appliance for the home. Especially if you do not plan to stay on 1 child, but think about the further continuation of a kind.

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Useful Tips:

  1. Even if you are constantly sterilizing nipples, do not exceed the recommended period of use. Change pacifiers and nipples as they wear out.
  2. Do not use agents of incomprehensible origin for a newborn. Buy only certified products from reputable manufacturers.
  3. Follow the rules of hygiene of your baby, not being lazy to perform the necessary procedures every day. Only in this way can you protect him from most diseases and enjoy communicating with a healthy and happy child.
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We hope that after reading the information from this article, you could make a decision for yourself on how to sterilize the nipples for the newborn. Now you will spend on it exactly as much time as you expected, but we hope, not to the detriment of the quality of the process and the final effect. We wish you and your beloved baby good health!

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