How to crochet socks?

Socks are an indispensable attribute of clothing for every person. They are present in the wardrobe of men, women and children. For the cold season, socks are the most relevant and often have to be purchased in stores. Having included creative imagination and possessing elementary weaving skills, each needlewoman is able to crochet hosiery on her own. Hand-knitted socks are warmer and more beautiful than in-store products. Quality hosiery based on natural wool in the store industry is very expensive. They can be connected quite easily and relatively quickly. In this article we will learn how to crochet socks, and the models considered are very lightweight and are suitable even for beginners.
to contents ↑Crochet Socks for Beginners
If this is the first time you decide to crochet your socks, then this step-by-step instruction will be very useful to you.
Materials for work
- It is best to use a thick hook for learning, in our case we use a hook for weaving No. 6.
- Also, we need 200 g of yarn of any color. A durable column will be a knitting pattern for our sock.
Consider the scheme for the manufacture of hosiery
First you need to make a chain of 5 air loops. The manufacturing process should start from the toe up:
- 1st p.: You need to knit for lifting 1 p., Then in the ring draw 12 p.;
- 2nd p.: Should be tied 2 tbsp. from each loop located in the previous circle;
- 3rd r.: You need to add one column through each loop;
- 4th p.: Knit like the 3rd p.;
- 5th r.: 1 art. from loops located in the previous circle;
- from the 6th to the 20th p.: it is necessary to knit according to the scheme of the 5th p.;
- 21st r.: It is necessary to divide all the loops in half in a circle, after which, from half the loops, you need to connect a chain consisting of air loops;
- 22nd r.: You need to skip half the stitches and continue to knit;
- 23rd and 24th p.: We must again knit according to the scheme of the 5th p.
After that, we proceed to the manufacture of the heel according to this scheme:
- 1st r.: Above the column of the previous circle, you need to tie 1 tbsp. hole for the heel;
- 2nd p.: You need to knit a pillar. without a crochet, while it is necessary to reduce 2 points in the corners from two sides;
- from 3rd to 9th p.: you need to knit like the 2nd p.;
- 10th p.: The remaining 4 tbsp. you need to tighten the thread.
The first sock is ready! Now you can start the process of crocheting a second sock.
to contents ↑Home women's woolen slippers on an adult foot
Linking this model is not difficult and takes a minimal amount of time. Proper adherence to all the recommendations for knitting socks, in the future will allow you to master more complex techniques of weaving hosiery.
In order to knit socks, it is necessary to prepare:
- Knitting yarn of the corresponding color, which consists of 100% wool. Yarn consumption is 100 g or 170 m.
- Knitting hook number 3.5.
How to crochet socks on the size 36-37:
- First of all, you need to determine the density of knitting. In our case, the main knit is a pillar. single crochet and equal to Pg = 1.54 p. in 1 cm, Pv = 1.8 p. 1 cm. Leg circumference, hereinafter (He) is 23 cm.
- We start knitting a sock from the toe.
- First, you need to make a sliding loop and tie into it 6 tbsp. single crochet along with 1 lift air loop.
Important! Then you need to draw a circle, while observing the main rule of knitting a circle. The number of columns that are added in each row is equal to the number of columns knitted in the first circle. In our situation, this is 6 tbsp.
- Product at the beginning of the next p. necessarily need to turn.
Important! If the work is knitted without turns, then the appearance of the pattern on the toe and the rest of the sock will be different.
- We continue to knit until the circumference is equal to the circumference of the leg.
Important! In order not to make a mistake with the size of the knitted product, it is necessary to calculate the number of columns. To do this, take a measure of leg circumference and multiply by the horizontal knitting density: He x Pg = 23 × 1.54 = 35.42. When rounding we get 36 tbsp. This means that it is necessary to knit the columns in a circle until their number corresponds to 36 p. According to the rule of the circle, in order to get 36 tbsp., It is necessary to knit 6 p. Sometimes a situation may arise in which in the last p. it is necessary to add fewer columns, in which case they need to be evenly distributed around the entire circumference of the knit product.
- After this, it is required to continue weaving, but already without any increase.
- We knit out the required length of the toe, which is 14 p. or 7 cm.
- Next, you need to connect the middle part, which consists of 24 tbsp.
- Now we turn to the formation of the heel. To do this, it is necessary to divide all the loops into three parts. Since the number of stitches of the middle part corresponds to 24 p., Then ⅓ from 24 is 8 p.
Important! If the remainder is one loop, then it can be added to the middle part. If, in the residue, two loops are obtained, then they are added one on each side of the side.
- How to crochet a heel of a sock? The heel must be framed in short rows and knit from the wrong side.
- After this, the first part must be issued as 8 tbsp. single crochet.
- Next, the middle part is required to knit, like 7 tbsp. single crochet.
- Then you must skip the 8th Art. the middle part, and in the initial loop of the third part, you need to draw a connecting column.
Important! When designing the heel, the product turns out to be much more neat, if when designing the front side, the last connecting post was knitted in the usual way. In this case, the crochet hook is inserted into the loop in front, and on the wrong side, the hook is inserted vice versa - into the loop in the back.
- Work should be turned to the front side.
- When we proceed to weaving shortened rows, the first loop from the hook must be knitted with a column without a lifting loop.
- Then in the middle part again it is necessary to draw 7 stitches of st. without a crochet, and the initial loop of the side should be formed with a connecting column. The hook at this moment needs to be inserted into the eyelet in front.
- With further clearance of the heel, it is necessary to attach loops from the side parts.
- When the heel is ready, we proceed to weaving the product in a circle.
- Having knitted the necessary length of the sock, we finish the weaving of the product pillar. single crochet.
- The sock is ready, now you need to cut the thread and hide its end.
- In a similar way, you need to tie the second product.
Ideas for men
Consider how to knit men's socks 42 sizes. For the needlework process, the following materials must be selected:
- Plain woolen yarn of the corresponding color, which is used for knitting socks. If the structure of the yarn is thin, then it can be used in two additions.
- Knitting hook 2.5 mm.
Important! To tie one sock, on average, it takes about 3 hours.
How to crochet socks for men:
- To start manufacturing hosiery is necessary from the toe. To do this, dial 4 air loops, then close them in a ring and continue knitting in a circle with half columns.
- The last r. the cape is 52 p. In the first p. after the toe, add 2 turns out 54 p.
- Next, we continue to knit 20 circular p., In each of which 54 stitches each. The seam will be located on the sole.
- Now we turn to the manufacture of the heel. For this, the loops must be divided in half and continue to weave on 27 p. Of the sole.
- From the seam it is necessary to move back with connecting posts 13 p. The lower part of the heel is a triangle.
- Next, you should also knit with half columns.
- The triangle should be knitted by 27 p., And on each side of the finished row it is necessary to reduce one loop. To do this, knit 2 half-columns together until one p.
- Now you need to perform a lifting wedge and a back heel area together.
- On the edge of the triangle, you need to dial 21 p. On each side. Thus, on the front part, which was not in operation, you get 28 p., Which corresponds to the first circular row in the amount of 70 p.
Important! It should be noted that the triangle is the bottom of the heel, and not the entire heel.
- To form a lifting wedge, it is necessary to reduce the loops on both sides of the upper part of the future product. Reduce the eyelets by knitting 3 half-columns together.
- It should be reduced until there are 46 points in the knit circle. In total, 10 p. round.
- Now we turn to the manufacture of gum hosiery according to the scheme:
- 1st r.: In each loop you need to knit a pillar. with a crochet;
- 2nd p.: 2 aerial lifting loops, then repeat until the end of the circle - “one front relief post. double crochet, one simple post. with a crochet ”;
- from the 3rd and the 16th p.: 2 air lifting loops, then you need to repeat until the end of the circle - “into the relief post. the previous row should knit a relief loop with a facial loop. double crochet, one simple post. with a crochet. "
Our product is ready! It remains only in a similar way to make a second sock.
to contents ↑Simple socks for a child
Consider how to crochet small socks for a child (they are also called baby booties).
For this we need:
- yarn of any manufacturer, the color scheme can also be different. Yarn consumption is 25 g.
- hook number 2.5.
The size of the socks corresponds to the length of the sole and is about 12 cm. We will knit the socks on a pillar. single crochet. The sole will be oval with a length of 12 cm and a width of 6 cm.
Consider the process of manufacturing a hosiery for a child:
- First, you need to connect a chain consisting of air loops, which corresponds to a length of about 7 cm or 13 p., Plus another air loop of lifting.
- Once the sole has been tied, 56 p.
- Now we start weaving the upper part of the sock. The top is tied to a post. without a crochet, the product is constantly turning.
- For the manufacture of 1 r. apply a purl embossed pillar. single crochet.
- To rise, you need to tie one air loop. At the end of the circle, knit the connecting post, then rotate the product and begin to knit the next strip.
- Next, you need to knit another 7 p. single crochet. In total, the lateral part consists of 8 r. The height of the side is 2-3 cm.
- For weaving the toe, we use shortened rows. To do this, you need to find the center of the sole in front, which is taken from the calculation (13 p. Of the middle part are added to 7 p. Of the front and received 21 p. From the very beginning of the circle is the midpoint of the booties). Or you can simply bend the future product in half and thus find the middle point.
- From the center, five loops should be left and left. Thus, the number of loops, which is necessary for weaving the toe, is determined. The width of the toe is defined as the width of the sole or a little less. Our product is 11 p. Or columns.
- 9th r.: Pillar. without a crochet, 15 p. of the lateral part and 10 p. of the toe must be issued, then one loop must be passed through one connecting column.
- 10th r.: You need to knit 10 p. single crochet, one p.It is required to pass through one connecting column.
Important! Try not to miss the first step, since it turns out to be quite dense in a row.
- After this, you need to knit another 8 p. in exactly the same way as the 10th p. The toe has an approximate length equal to half the booties in length.
- 19th r.: You need to continue to knit a sock in a circle and close the row. The loops in this row do not need to be reduced.
- At the top, the bootie can be tied with a “crayfish” step.
The second sock needs to be tied in exactly the same way as the first bootie. For children, booties can be decorated with a classic bow, or you can show creative imagination and decorate as you wish.
to contents ↑Knitting socks by jacquard technique
This type of weaving is suitable for those needlewomen who for the first time decided to crochet their socks.
Important! Before starting the knitting process, you need to choose the appropriate hook. The choice of hook affects the thickness of the yarn and the density of knitting. The larger the hook number, the more dense and high-quality the bound product will be.
For crocheting, you can use the jacquard method, when a loose thread is placed inside the pillar. single crochet. With this method, the product does not thicken, if necessary, you can very easily change the color of the yarn. Thus, you can associate socks with patterns.
How to crochet socks for beginners:
- The sock needs to start knitting from the top of the product. To do this, you need to dial 42 air items onto the hook and tie the jacquard in a circle.
- When the height of the elastic corresponds to the required size, then you need to go to weaving the heel.
- The canvas must be divided in half, after which it is necessary to tie the rotary rows that correspond to the height of the heel.
- Thus the heel is formed. To do this, loop the heels to be divided into three parts.
- After this, the middle part should be connected, and at the same time, you need to grab the loops from the loops that were left on the side.
- When the heel is formed, it is necessary to proceed to weaving the sock in a circle.
Important! In order not to make a mistake with the size of the sock, you need to periodically try on the manufactured product.
- Next, you need to tie the sock to the appropriate length, after which you should begin to reduce the product. To do this, the fabric made needs to be divided into two parts. Then in each row from two sides it is necessary to knit one column of three columns. with a crochet.
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In this article, we offered you several master classes, focusing on instructions in which you can crochet socks for a woman, man and child. We hope that the work will be exciting for you and will not take much time.
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