How to kill a fly 🥝 in an apartment quickly and easily

If a fly flies around your house, then of course it brings a lot of inconvenience with its presence: it buzzes, flies, interferes, annoys, and sits down on food. Before deciding how to kill a fly, take a closer look at the enemy.
to contents ↑What is the power of a fly?
The fly is the best flyer among insects. Musca domestica (home fly) has a powerful “motor” in its chest, which allows it to take off directly. Wings, making 200-300 flashes per second, provide the insect with maneuverable, fast flight and annoying buzz.
Thanks to all of the above advantages, the fly turns into a jet fighter. However, if you reduce the real plane to the size of an insect, then he will not have the slightest chance to defeat the annoying fly in an air battle. So chasing an insect with a twisted magazine, towel, newspaper is like trying to shoot down a fighter with a medieval catapult. To kill a fly, one must act thoughtfully, according to a carefully designed plan.
- The size and structure of the body of this pest provide a home fly rare survivability. You can often watch how, a second after you slammed it with your hand, the fly, as if nothing had happened, flies away unscathed. Mystic? “Not at all.”
- The complex faceted eyes of the insect consist of hexagonal eyes - ommatidia, which have their own lenses and receptors. As a result, each eye fixes appearing and disappearing objects in the field of view. Flies notice the slightest movement. Therefore, when it seems to you that you are acting as an ultrahigh-speed “superman”, for a fly you remain a barely crawling “snail”.
- A fly recognizes odors much better than we do, so it immediately smells spoiled food. Following the smell, the insect flies along an incomprehensible, bizarre trajectory that confuses us, and this prevents us from killing the fly on the fly.
What is the weakness of a fly?
Flies are not able to learn and gain practical experience of their defeats. Therefore, they can beat for hours in a closed window until they die, instead of finding an open space and flying out. You can play this very profitably in order to finally deal with the villains.
Insects are attracted to everything edible, as well as our food, rotting residues and excrement. Females are looking for suitable places for laying eggs, and for this they again select food and excrement. Of course, leaving the trash bin open to kill the fly is far from the most pleasant thing, but in the fight against the annoying pest all means are good. The main thing is to clearly adhere to the goal.
Flies fly to the light: by day through the windows, and by night at the lamps and fire. Therefore, by strategically manipulating the switch, you can lure the enemy into a trap.
to contents ↑How to kill a fly - general rules
Based on the above features of the insect and based on the work of Professor Michael Dickenson, studying the aerodynamics of flying flies, we formulate the basic rules for insect hunters:
- Do not try to kill a fly in flight, as it can change course in 30 thousandths of a second.
- Approach the insect slowly, since it is the slow movements that the fly does not notice.
- Approach the enemy from behind, as the field of view of the insect does not reach 360 degrees.
- Select a fly swatter according to the color of the walls so that it is less noticeable against their background.
- Guess the direction of flight of the insect and beat slightly forward in the direction of movement.
Kill the fly - 5 most effective ways
The housefly or Musca domestica gets tired very quickly. Therefore, in order to defeat the enemy, you can chase after him until he is exhausted. Although, this is not solid.
Method number 1. Advanced Newspaper Method
Resort to the following method:
- Sneak up silently. Shadow and sharp movements will frighten off a fly, therefore approach slowly, smoothly, facing the light, with the chosen weapon in hand.
- Attack suddenly and mercilessly. The impact must be delivered at a “supersonic” speed so that the shock wave crushes the body of the fly, even if it is not located on a hard surface. The most merciless and destructive weapon is a wet towel. Like a whip, the end of the towel reaches incredible speed, and in addition, creates a shock wave that kills the insect on the fly.
Here are a few more ways to deal with the enemy.
Method number 2. We use any spray
To kill a fly in this way, almost everything will do:
- "Mister Muscle".
- Furniture polish.
- Air freshener.
- Polish for hair.
- Window cleaner.
- Any aerosols from your cosmetics.
Go to the annoying enemy as close as possible with an open spray gun, and spray the product on the fly until it drowns in a toxic sea. Throw away the insect and clean the surface behind you so that the imprint from the product used does not remain on the wall or in another place.
Important! If you use air freshener as a weapon, then at the same time give the room a pleasant aroma.
Method number 3. With a rubber band
- Grip one end of the gum between your index finger and thumb.
- Pull the other end of the elastic with the same fingers of the other hand.
- Bait the fly in a place that is easiest for you to aim.
- Sneak up close and aim from a distance of 30-50 cm.
- Pull the gum in front of you toward the victim, and with the other hand, pull the gum toward you.
- Release the rubber band from your fingers.
- Repeat the hunt if the enemy is not defeated.
Method number 4. With a water gun
Use a water gun or spray gun for flowers. Come closer to the enemy and wet the fly so that it cannot fly and fall. Kill the fly with any object at hand: a slipper, a book, a keyboard, a foot (not necessarily your own), etc.
Method number 5. Fly tape
In any store, buy a special fly tape and hang it in the kitchen and other places occupied by flies. But be careful not to fall into this trap yourself. Otherwise, you will have to think about how to remove dead insects from the hair along with a tape adhered tightly. And this is also not an easy question.
Helpful hints:
- A weapon like a folded magazine throws a fly away without harming it. Perforated fly swatter is much more effective, since part of the air passes through the impact surface, as a result of which the air flow is separated, and it is much more difficult to dodge it.
- You can try to suck a fly with a vacuum cleaner.
- Good remedies for flies - essential oils:
- Cinnamon
- Nutmeg.
- Orange.
- Carnations.
But in the latter case, you have to wait a long time until the insects become stupefied and fall in euphoria.
to contents ↑Prevention methods
The entire listed military campaign, as well as household insect repellents, are only part of a long-term war. After all, you can’t chase insects with a wet towel for years, so for starters:
- Remove food and anything edible for flies from reach.
- Install insect screens on the windows.
- Arrange the peppermint essential oils in the places where flies can climb to scare away annoying, uninvited guests.
Stock footage
We hope that our recommendations have helped you win not only the battle, but also the war, and you play the game “Kill the Fly”, and not fight with them at home.
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