How to remove the basket from the desktop?

Today, on all operating systems there is a “Trash” icon, depicted mainly in the form of a garbage can. It is located on the desktop so that the user always has quick access to it. However, many people want to remove the basket from the main screen of the monitor, since it looks very out of the general “feng shui”, especially if you follow the appearance of your display. People who are new to the computer will first try to remove the ill-fated shortcut as they do with others - using the Shift + Delete key combination. However, you may not even try - it still will not give any results. But how to achieve the desired, how to remove the basket from the desktop? We will deal with this issue separately for each operating system.

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Windows 7

The method for removing this shortcut on Windows 7 is quite simple if you know the correct algorithm of actions:

  1. Click on the mouse - with its right button, in the free space on the screen.
  2. In the menu that appears, we find “Personalization” at the very bottom.
  3. A window appears in which you need to select “Change desktop icons”, after which another window opens.
  4. Now you need to uncheck the box next to the “Recycle Bin”, after which it will immediately disappear from the monitor.

Important! This method also migrated without changes to the Windows 8 operating system.

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Windows XP

If you are the owner of XP, then the removal process will be a little more complicated than in the previous case. Follow the instructions below and you will understand how to remove the trash shortcut from the desktop:

  • Open the Start menu and select the Run link. After that, a window should open.
  • In the line we enter regedit and click “OK”. We will open the “Registry Editor”.

Important! Just in case, create a backup copy of the registry to return everything to its original settings without problems in case of unexpected problems. To do this, select the “Export” item located in the file menu and click “Save”. The registry backup is ready.

  • Follow the link below by typing it in the top line of “My Computer”: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Desktop \ NameSpace.
  • Next, find the following subkey: “{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}”. We have to remove it. You can do this by right-clicking on it and selecting the “Delete” option.
  • Now you need to restart your computer, only then the changes will take effect.


After rebooting, you will find that the desired shortcut has disappeared from the desktop.

There is a second method, easier, but not available in all publications. You can delete the icon through the “Group Policy Editor”. Here is the instruction for its use:

  1. In the “Start” menu, select “Run” and enter gpedit.msc and click “OK”.
  2. The Editor window opens.
  3. In the left pane, select the section “User Configuration> Administrative Templates> Desktop”.
  4. Next, double-click on the item “Remove Trash icon from the desktop”.
  5. Another window opens, where you need to find “Enable”, and then “OK”.

It remains only to restart the computer, and you're done!

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Windows 10

This method, how to remove the basket, almost completely repeats the first for XP, however, the difference is in the details:

  1. All the same, we right-click on an unoccupied place with other icons. Select “Personalization”.
  2. In the “Options” window that opens, we find the “Themes” tab. After clicking on it on the right, select the link “Desktop Icon Settings”.
  3. In the new window that opens, you must, as before, uncheck the box next to the desired inscription.
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As you can see, problems with deleting the recycle bin can occur only in the XP version, while later versions are all equipped with a rather convenient system that allows you to remove the built-in shortcuts.


