How to remove mold from the wallpaper without stripping the wallpaper?

Noble mold happens only on cheeses, but in other places it is not very happy. If small black dots appear on the wallpaper, then you will not envy the owners of the house. They grow rapidly and after a while black and green stains cover significant areas of walls and ceilings. And you have to solve the question of how to remove mold from the wallpaper without stripping the wallpaper from the walls. First of all, you need to know that the policy of non-intervention is not suitable here, since molds pose a great threat to the health of all members of your family. Their spores can cause a variety of diseases - from allergic reactions to oncology. Therefore, if you notice even very small dots on the wallpaper, do not wait until they grow, and immediately begin to solve the problem. Before deciding on how to deal with mold, it is necessary to find out the causes of its appearance.
to contents ↑Causes of mold
The main factor influencing the appearance of mold is the increased humidity in the room, which can be caused by the following reasons:
- Lack of good ventilation. This may occur as a result of installing sealed plastic windows.
- Errors during repair or construction work.
- A large number of indoor plants requiring frequent watering in small-sized apartments.
- Excessive use of humidifiers.
- Insufficient air circulation, for example, if the furniture is standing close to the walls.
- Moisture rising from the basement, which is especially true in apartments located on the lower floors.
to contents ↑Important! In order to completely get rid of mold, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of its appearance, otherwise - the fungus will appear again each time.
What needs to be done to prevent mold from appearing?
In order not to think every time how to clean the wallpaper from mold, you need to take the following measures:
- Provide good ventilation in the house. To check the operation of the ventilation system, hold the lit match to the ventilation channel. If the flame does not move, then you need to think about how to improve your ventilation system.
- If you have sealed plastic windows, they can contribute to the appearance of the fungus. It is necessary to constantly ventilate the room, and even better - install ventilation valves on the windows.
- It is not recommended to put bulky furniture close to the walls, it is in such inaccessible places that a fungus forms.
- Paint the jambs of the window openings with a hydrophobic silicone-based paint, which prevents the formation of mold.
- Remove sources of dampness: replace faulty plumbing and leaking taps, try not to dry laundry in the apartment. In the kitchen, it is best to install a range hood.
- When you are not using the bathroom, keep the door open.
Important! The ideal temperature for the appearance and development of the fungus is 20-22 degrees. At a higher temperature, its development stops. Therefore, you can try to warm the room and make the air in it drier.
- On the focus of the fungus, you can act locally with a UV lamp.
- Go through the things in the house, throw away everything that is moldy: books, old things and magazines. Wash the most precious things to the heart, dry well and treat with an antiseptic.
- Carefully inspect the air conditioner filter, sometimes mold lives right in it. If so, you will have to replace the filter with a new one.
- Inspect the washing machine from the inside, look under the rubber seal, it may also have to be cleaned of fungus.
Important! Do not forget to leave the lid of the machine open so that it dries well after washing.
- If in the cold season the walls become damp and covered with plaque, it makes sense to insulate your apartment with polystyrene or other suitable material.
What to do if mold appears?
If black dots appear in your house, first of all, you need to inspect the walls, since a correct assessment of the situation will save you a lot of effort, nerves and time:
- Inspect the places of the greatest accumulation of mold, tear off a little wallpaper in this place and inspect, probe the surface under them. If the plaster is loose, dark and wet, then the fungus has reached it too. In this case, do not waste time cleaning the wallpaper.
- If the plaster is intact and mold only on the wallpaper, then you can try to clean them with folk remedies or professional fungicides.
Paper wallpaper
Mildewed paper wallpapers are easier to replace with new ones. Cleaning them for a long time and troublesome, besides, there is a high probability that stains will remain after cleaning. If there is no way to replace them and you decide to clean them, then stock up with a brush, iron or hairdryer and patience.
How to remove mold from the wallpaper without stripping the wallpaper?
- Dry the wallpaper well with a hairdryer or iron.
- When the paper dries, remove traces of mold with a brush.
- If the wallpaper has moved away, then the wall behind them also needs to be brushed, and then carefully glue the wallpaper into place.
- After the glue has dried, dry the wallpaper again.
to contents ↑Important! If you have removed all the foci of the fungus, then there is a possibility that the mold will no longer appear.
Non-woven, acrylic or washable wallpaper
These types of wallpapers are moisture resistant, but they are not designed for thermal effects. If there is a fungus under them, then it must be removed with a spatula or brush. And the wallpaper itself can be cleaned using the following tools.
Professional Tools
How to remove mold from the wallpaper in the room? This can be done using special tools. Modern industry offers a wide range of professional tools with which you can process any surface in the house, including wallpaper. They can be bought in stores or ordered online.
Important! If you chose one of these tools, then carefully read the instructions and act strictly on it. Do not forget about safety measures.
Folk methods
How to remove mold from the wallpaper without stripping the wallpaper using folk methods?
- Table vinegar neutralizes the fungus. Pour it into the spray bottle and treat the surfaces infected with the fungus. After an hour, wash the walls with water and remove any mold.
- Not bad copes with a similar problem and soda. This tool is in every kitchen, in addition, it is absolutely safe for all family members, including young children and pets. 2 tablespoons of soda are bred per liter of water and the wallpaper is washed with this solution. It does not need to be washed off.
- Hydrogen peroxide has proven itself in the fight against mold, especially in combination with soda. First, the walls are treated with soda gruel, and hydrogen peroxide is sprayed on top. The components enter into a noisy reaction, hiss and bubble, removing fungus and other contaminants. When the reaction is over, the remnants of the product along with the dirt must be removed with a damp sponge.
Important! Pre-test this product on a small piece of wallpaper, as it has a whitening effect. Instead of hydrogen peroxide, you can use vinegar, which also gives a reaction with soda.
- Mold can also help. ammonia, borax, saturated soap solution, grapefruit extract.
- It copes well with mold chlorine, so you can use any chlorine-based product, such as "White" or "Santry."The bleach is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10, the sponge is moistened in this solution and the surfaces affected by the fungus are treated. After this treatment, you will have to wash everything again with laundry soap.
- A solution of copper sulfate in water adversely affects mold. 5 grams of water is 50 grams of copper sulfate. This solution processes the entire surface, then it needs to be allowed to dry, and then the walls should be treated again.
to contents ↑Important! After processing, the walls may acquire a bluish tint, so it is best to pre-test the product in a small area.
Stock footage
Remember that fungi are not the best neighbors for humans, so if they decide to voluntarily settle next to you, hurry to get rid of them. How exactly to do this - now you know.
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