How to remove static electricity from clothes at home?

Probably, every person is familiar with an unpleasant feeling caused by an “electric” click when touching a car or a door handle. The “culprit” of this is static electricity, and it appears under certain conditions. In this article, we will try to figure out how to remove static electricity from clothing at home.

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What is static electricity?

This is an excess of free electrons, the ordered movement of which forms a current. Static electricity accumulates on the surface of a material with dielectric properties or throughout its entire volume. The most common cause of static electricity in everyday life is friction and an abundance of synthetic materials.

Important! Thanks to the work of the central nervous system, a person develops his own electrostatic field.

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Get rid of static on clothes

How to remove static electricity from clothes at home? If for some reason you do not want to purchase special antistatic agents, you can use folk remedies:

  1. Baking soda. Pour 0.25 cups of soda onto the laundry placed in the drum of the washing machine before washing. By creating a protective layer on the surface of things, soda prevents the formation of static electricity.
  2. Vinegar. After completing the washing program, pause the machine and pour 50 ml of table or apple vinegar into the drum. Then set the rinse and spin. Vinegar, like soda, works quickly and reliably. You can not be afraid of the appearance of static electricity on your things.
  3. Static charge almost does not accumulate on natural tissues. Therefore, when washing synthetics, put a piece of cotton cloth in the washing machine.
  4. "Blende". This method is as follows. It is enough to pin a metal pin to a thing. A metal with good electrical conductivity takes on all the electric charge that was on the clothes.

Now you will not be wondering how to remove static electricity from bedding.

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Useful Tips

Here are some more tips to get rid of “electrical” troubles:

  • The most radical way is to exclude synthetics from the wardrobe, replace it with cotton, linen, silk or cashmere fabrics. Natural materials are hygroscopic, and therefore do not accumulate charge.
  • An important point is washing the laundry. When washing, you need to add a certain amount of fabric softener to the laundry (according to the instructions), which has an antistatic effect.
  • If for some reason you could not get an air conditioner, it can be replaced with an anti-static spray. It is enough to sprinkle clothes with an aerosol.

Important! Do this manipulation in a well-ventilated area, since the smell of antistatic agents can not be called pleasant. After a while, you can put on a thing.

  • You can get rid of static electricity (albeit for a short time) using ordinary water. By slightly moisturizing your clothes, you will relieve yourself of discomfort.
  • Rubber-soled shoes prevent the formation of static charges on the body. Cotton insoles or antistatic strips on the sole of the shoes also save.
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Eliminate static charges in the apartment

Electrostatic charges are present not only on clothing, but also on interior items. To avoid discomfort, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Dust is a good storage device for static electricity, especially when in contact with a television or computer screen. The problem of charge accumulation can be solved by often wiping the screens with a slightly moistened piece of tissue.
  • The wetter the air in the apartment, the worse the electrostatic charge builds up. To do this, place water containers in the apartment, and then ventilate the room.
  • It is possible to reduce the amount of electricity in the house by reducing the number of synthetic interior items, replacing them with natural materials. Linen, cotton or natural silk guarantee no “electrostatic” problems.
  • Home plants not only purify the air and regulate the indoor microclimate, but also reduce the electrostatic field. Begonias, lemon, ficus, dracaena are just such plants.
  • If it is not possible to radically change the synthetic home furnishings to natural ones in order to remove static electricity from the bedspread or carpet, you need to periodically wipe it with a damp cloth or treat it with an antistatic.
  • One of the sources of the household electric field is electrical appliances. For this reason, they should not be placed close to each other, but rather evenly distributed throughout the apartment.

Important! When working with home electronics use special anti-static bracelets. The bracelet is put on the wrist and connected to the grounded part of the device.

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How to reduce the electric field of the machine?

By using a rubber antistatic strip, the electrification of a car body can be reduced. It is necessary to purchase strips with graphite, aluminum or wire inserts. The advantages of this tool include:

  • Safety at the gas station.
  • The machine does not “shock” the owner when exiting.
  • The car body is less dusty.
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As you can understand, the electric charge in the car is a rather dangerous problem. If you do not pay attention to it, the consequences can be disastrous. And similar phenomena in everyday life are simply unpleasant, but all this is in the past, because now you know how to solve all these problems!


