How to remove the wall between the kitchen and the hall?

Some people and architects, and designers, and builders, however, the majority have to become them because of a shortage of financial resources, space or because of the desire to realize their idea. In many cases, redevelopment of housing is necessary, or the option of partial demolition of the wall between the room and the kitchen. When such an idea comes to your mind - do not break walls in a hurry. Any layout should be made through the BTI, in order to avoid further problems with fines, home sales or even a collapse of the ceiling. If all issues with the documents are resolved, you can get to work, but first you need to learn how to remove the wall between the kitchen and the hall.

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What walls can be demolished? Determine the type

If you want to demolish the wall between the kitchen and the hall yourself, but don’t know what wall it is and whether it can be touched, then remember the important rule: “Bearing walls must not be removed.” Only partitions between rooms are subject to demolition and dismantling, and in order to determine the type of wall, it should be remembered that:

  • The carrier is the main wall on which the ceiling reinforced concrete slabs are supported. As a rule, such walls are located between blocks and apartments, and of course, these are external walls.
  • Visually determine the type of wall by measuring it, or see what material it is made of. For example, in prefabricated houses, interior partitions have a thickness of 80-100 mm, while load-bearing walls are 120-200 mm.
  • As a rule, gypsum concrete and reinforced concrete panels are the material for internal partitions.
  • In brick houses, usually the wall thickness is measured by the width of the brick + the thickness of the seam. Based on this, the interior partitions have a thickness of 80-120 mm, the interroom walls are 200-250 mm, and the thickness of the bearing walls is 380-640 mm.
  • In brick houses, both brick and plasterboard panels can serve as material for building partitions.
  • Monolithic buildings are considered the most difficult to understand, bearing wall or not, because during the construction different technologies are used - pylons, columns, beams. Unlike panel and brick houses, here the internal partitions can be thicker than 200 mm, since foam blocks are used in the construction. Based on this, if you want to remove the wall between the kitchen and the hall in such a house, then it is better to use an architectural project to determine the type of wall.

Important! In order to make the measurements more accurate, in the place where the measurements will be taken, the facing material (wallpaper, putty, plaster) should be removed.

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Phase compliance

In the process of changing the layout of housing, the intermediate goal is dismantling. It may seem to someone that there is nothing easier than to ruin, but a competent approach to this simple work is necessary, as well as compliance with some safety rules:

  1. Having de-energized the room in advance, you should get rid of the wiring in the partition. If you do not know which wire in the distributor you need to disconnect, then you will have to remove the switches and sockets. Make a plug under the wiring so that you can remove the electric cable. After removal, you need to cut off the wire, and the tail that remains, insulate.
  2. If there is a water distribution on the wall, which is planned for demolition, it is necessary to close the root tap in the apartment, as well as remove this wiring.
  3. Platbands and baseboards must be removed.
  4. The necessary equipment should be prepared: hammer, sledgehammer, grinder, chisel, nail clipper.
  5. All furniture that is in the room must be moved to another room. If this is not possible, then you can tightly pack it in a building film.
  6. If the room does not plan to replace the flooring, then before dismantling the partition, it should be protected from damage. For example, you can lay cardboard on the floor in a couple of layers. If the floor is not of particular value, and you are not afraid of noise, then this is not necessary, since this cardboard will only bother you in the process of cleaning construction waste.
  7. Also take care of your safety. Prepare a respirator, gloves, and goggles, as there are harmful substances in the cement mortar that become dust during disassembly and enter the body when inhaled.
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Demolition of interior partitions from different materials

The dismantling of any wall must begin from above or from the corner, but never start in the middle or from the bottom. The fact is that the top of the wall, especially if it is a brick wall, can crumble and cover you. Demolition of partitions from different materials is recommended as follows:

  • Brick. If you remove the entire finish, you can see the brick seams. First, a chisel should be inserted into this joint and worked with a hammer. Next, you need to obliquely knock out a brick or part of it.
  • Reinforced concrete. In this case, it will be more efficient to use a puncher and a grinder. Demolition of the partition is necessary in parts, in order to avoid the fall of most of it.
  • Drywall. This is the easiest option. To determine the location of the frame, you can use a magnet. If there is no need to work carefully, you can simply punch the material in some place, and then remove the sheets in parts.
  • Gypsum. For this material, it will be most appropriate to use a grinder and a puncher.
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So, in order to remove the wall between the kitchen and the hall, it is necessary to have certain knowledge. This will make it possible to correctly determine the functional load of the structure, as well as the possibility of its demolition.

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