How to remove scratches from the screen?

How to remove scratches from the screen? This question excites every modern person who has a phone, computer, tablet or TV. When used for a long time, scratches and various dirt often appear on the monitor. This significantly reduces the usability of the device, and in some cases it can even lead to its dysfunction. That is why, if you have such a problem, you need to urgently be puzzled by the appropriate method to fix the defect.

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Causes of Scratches

There may be scratches on the monitor for several reasons:

  1. Misuse. Many people put their phone in their pocket where various items are located, such as buttons, keys, metal coins, in a bag with other things or in the glove compartment of a car. You can’t do this. Carry your phone only in a case specially designed for it.
  2. Inaccurate handling. Try to rule out situations in which the phone falls or comes into contact with hard, sharp objects. Only touch the touch screen with your fingers, but never with your fingernails.
  3. Incorrectly selected cover model. If you decide to take the protective accessory “for growth”, various specks of dirt will fall inside, which, pressing down during movement, will scratch the screen.
  4. Improper care. Monitors must not be cleaned with rough sponges, powder cleaners, or other unsuitable substances. All this leads to damage to your gadget and its failure.
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Prepare your device for restoration

Before removing scratches, do the following:

  1. Turn off the device.
  2. Seal the connectors. To do this, take tape or masking tape.

Important! These steps are necessary to protect your phone or other types of devices from dust and water..

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How to remove scratches?

How to remove scratches from the screen?This job is not easy, so be patient. But you can choose the tool that will be more convenient for you, and thereby facilitate your work. See the list of products below and how to use them.


You can remove scratches from the monitor and other devices with an LCD monitor using regular toothpaste:

  1. Take the toothpaste.
  2. Apply to swab.
  3. Wipe your phone until scratches are visible.
  4. After the surface has been treated, wipe it with a soft cloth to remove excess.

Important! Also, furniture polish is suitable for removal. The principle of its use is similar.

Paste GOI:

  1. Take the pasta.
  2. Apply the product on a soft cloth or cotton swab.
  3. Wipe the screen with it.

Important! GOI paste is an excellent tool with which not only remove defects on screens, monitors, but also restore expensive jewelry. The main thing is to use a small amount of substance and very carefully.

Egg white and potassium sulfate:

  1. Take egg white and 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate.
  2. Connect them.
  3. Put on the screen.
  4. Polish it.

Important! This method, like others, is also suitable in order to remove scratches from the film on the screen.

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Helpful hints:

  1. If you don’t have time to remove scratches, get a special protective film in stores. It will reliably protect your monitor from any adverse effects and will give greater strength and durability to the entire device.
  2. You can also clean minor defects with a suede flap and a special tool to remove scratches from the discs. If you often have to face such a nuisance, perhaps the acquisition of such a tool will be the most rational.
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Stock footage

Without a phone, tablet and TV, our life would be boring. Therefore, in order not to spend a large amount every month on the purchase of a new gadget to replace the damaged one, carefully and accurately handle your improvised equipment.

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