How to remove scratches from a windshield?

When operating a car, scratches on the windshield occur quite often. Sand and small pebbles fall under the wipers, scratching it. It is impossible to completely prevent this process, but to eliminate small defects completely is real. In addition to the aesthetic component, removing scratches on the windshield is also a matter of safety for people in the car, because the driver needs to clearly see everything that happens on the road. So, consider the most common ways to remove scratches from the windshield and restore the clarity of the road.

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How to get rid of scratches on the windshield? - The easiest way

Many people use ordinary toothpaste to eliminate minor defects. This is a proven old method:

  1. Apply a little paste to the scratch and let it dry.
  2. Then wipe the surface with a soft cloth.
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Thorough measures

The method above is not bad, but it is advisable to use professional tools.

Preparatory work:

To prepare the site for processing:

  • Wash and dry it beforehand.
  • Then identify the problem areas. Often, defects are visible, as they say, to the naked eye.

Important! Sometimes an invisible defect is detected by touch (just swipe your finger across the glass surface).

  • Mark these places with a marker.
  • Now take a wiper and a piece of soft textile.
  • Moisten a rag in water and wipe the surface.
  • Next, clean the surface with a sponge dampened in a cleaner.
  • Now it remains to wipe the glass with a lint-free cloth.
  • The next point is to protect the car body from getting cleaner.


Which tool will you need?

Before you remove the scuffs on the windshield, prepare the necessary tools and safety features:

  • Polishing professional machine. It can be replaced with a drill with a felt nozzle mounted on a cartridge.
  • Masking tape.
  • Protective equipment (mask, respirator, goggles).

Important! Working with professional tools requires a certain skill. If you do not have the appropriate skills, there is a risk of serious glass deformation.


  • For polishing lobovuhi apply a special paste. Apply it to the scratch and polish it with a felt tip. After applying the paste, the polishing process begins. In this case, care must be taken to avoid pressure. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the glass, since excessive heating leads to cracking of the material. To reduce the temperature in the polishing zone, it is useful to use a household spray. The polishing area itself must be limited with tape.

Important! The grinder cannot be used, since the glass will become cloudy and change color.

  • To close up small defects, wax or paraffin is suitable. Apply to damaged areas and rub with a soft, dry cloth.

Important! Do not overdo it by applying the paste, as it dries quickly and ceases to be elastic.


  1. At the end of polishing, you need to wash off the rest of the paste with abrasive elements.
  2. Then remove the tape from the glass.

If after the polishing procedure there are individual defects or the glass becomes cloudy, you must repeat the procedure again. However, if you did everything right, the effect should be good.

Important! Polishing paste is suitable for eliminating minor glass defects. Large cracks cannot be repaired in this way.

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Solid cracks

To eliminate the "cobweb" of small cracks suitable diamond paste. CD tool perfectly eliminates defects from car wipers. However, it is best to consult with a specialist beforehand so as not to damage the windshield even more.

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Tips from the master, or is it possible to remove scratches from the windshield:

  • Before removing scratches from the windshield, consult a professional. It may be better to replace the glass with a new one than to spend time polishing it. Or maybe - it is better to entrust the elimination of defects “pros” than to do it yourself.
  • Do not grind car windows. In this case, the surface condition does not improve, and the risk of a lens effect is quite large. Gentle polishing, which removes a layer of material in fractions of a micron, is much preferable.
  • Before dealing with scratches, practice on a piece of old glass.
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Stock footage

Removing scratches on the windshield is possible if the defects are minor. You will not be able to cope with large cracks on your own. Replacing a windshield is an expensive and difficult procedure. In some cases, properly performed polishing will avoid unnecessary costs, but if there is no expected result, do not save, replace the auto part, because this is the key to your safety, and not only that!

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