How to remove scratches from a watch glass?

In any watch, glass is a necessary element. Not a single model of a wrist accessory can do without it. But it is this detail that after some time loses its attractive appearance, as small scuffs, bumps or chips appear on it. These minor troubles upset the owners, because the watch takes on a scruffy look. Therefore, if you notice the first signs of damage to the glass, do not disregard this. Minor and minor scratches can be removed at home. The only way is polishing the glass, but it can be done in different ways. Let's look at the most popular and effective ways to remove scratches from the watch glass at home.

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With toothpaste

The easiest and most affordable way to remove scratches from the watch glass is to use a regular toothpaste. For this procedure, you will need a regular white toothpaste without additives or colored granules and a soft cloth.

So, let's begin:

  1. Squeeze a small amount of toothpaste onto a cotton pad or soft cloth.
  2. Gently rub the product into the glass on the accessory in a circular motion in a clockwise direction.
  3. It is necessary to polish all the glass, and not one scratch separately.
  4. Do not press hard on the glass; it may not outlive your efforts.
  5. At the end of polishing, the remaining toothpaste should be removed with a damp cloth.
  6. If the surface appearance has not improved much, then the procedure can be repeated.

As a result of your efforts, the glass on the wrist accessory will become smooth, you just need to be patient.

Important! This method only works with minor damage and scuffs. If there are deep ones, it is better to turn the clock over to the workshop, where the glass surface will be restored using professional polishing.

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Paste GOI

In hardware stores, a special tool based on chromium oxide is sold - GOI paste:

  • If there are large scratches on the glass, polishing should be carried out with coarse paste GOI No. 4.
  • Put a little on a cotton pad and wipe the glass clockwise for a minute.

Important! Try not to press hard so as not to break the glass.

  • Remove any remaining paste with a damp cloth.
  • After such a “rough” treatment, scuffs decrease, but do not disappear at all. The process is repeated in the same order, but with medium-grained paste GOI No. 3.
  • In the end, in order to achieve perfect smoothness, it is recommended to grind with fine-grained paste GOI No. 2 or No. 1. If desired, at the last stage, you can use toothpaste instead of GOI paste.
  • Mineral oil will give a mirror shine to the glass. Put it on a cotton pad and gently wipe the surface in a circular motion without pressure.

Important! If the glass surface on an expensive wristwatch with anti-reflective coating has deteriorated, then you should not risk it, just contact the services of a watchmaker.

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Other polishing methods

How else can I remove scratches on the watch glass?

  • Every home has baking soda. Dilute it with water until a thick slurry is obtained, with this composition polish the glass surface of your watch. Put a little funds on a cotton pad or soft cloth, wipe your glass in a circular motion. Remove any remaining product with a damp cloth.
  • Another simple way to remove scratches from a watch is to polish them with sandpaper of the finest fraction. But for this it is advisable to remove the glass from the watch, wipe it with a soft cloth, moisten with water and only then proceed directly to polishing. This must be done very carefully, do not rub the surface hard so as not to damage the glass even more. Then you need to apply the tooth powder, dissolved in water to a paste-like state and leave to dry completely. Residues can be removed with soft paper.
  • If you have a car, it is quite possible that you will have car wax at home, which is successfully used to combat scuffs on windows. Instead of automotive, you can use furniture. Just apply a little of this product to a cotton pad or soft cloth and gently polish your glass. This compound is specially formulated to return the surface to its perfect appearance.
  • In the matter of how to remove scratches on the watch glass, polishing for copper or silver can help us. Of course, this is not the most common way, since not everyone in the house can have it, unlike soda or the same toothpaste, but if suddenly this composition is in your house, then put it on a cotton pad or rag, gently sand the surface of the glass. The result will delight you. You can repeat this procedure many times, it will not harm your watch.
  • You can try to remove scuffs with ammonia. Dissolve 15 g of ammonia in 500 ml of water, clean the scratches with the resulting solution until they disappear completely.
  • Hands polish long enough. If you want to do this faster, it is better to use hand-held electric tools, for example, a miniature drill with the appropriate nozzle. This will significantly speed up the process of polishing glass.

Important! Sometimes the glass is simply removed from the case. In this case, polishing is carried out a little differently. The fabric is moistened with water and polished, and glass is already driven along the fabric itself.

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When should you contact a professional?

It is not always necessary to solve the problem yourself, there are times when it is better to use the services of professionals:

  • If the scuffs are very deep.
  • If the glass already has cracks.
  • If the watch is valuable, made of precious metals.
  • When in doubt, your watch is waterproof.
  • If you have already tried all the methods available to you, but there is no result.
  • If your watch is still under warranty.
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In this article, we told you simple ways to remove scratches from the watch glass with your own hands. Use these tips as necessary, then your accessory will always look neat, emphasizing your irresistible image.

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