How to remove humidity in the apartment

The problem of high humidity is relevant even for individual panel rooms. How to remove humidity in the apartment so that it doesn’t come back, and your house is comfortable and safe again, you will learn from this article. There is no doubt that this problem must be solved as quickly as possible. Indeed, in such an environment, pathogenic mold develops, furniture and other things in the house deteriorate, and it is also not very useful for the building itself.
to contents ↑Why does damp occur?
The problem of how to remove the smell of dampness in an apartment can arise for several reasons:
- Miscalculations in the design and construction of a house.
- A large amount of laundry that is dried after washing.
- Poor ventilation and occasional ventilation.
- Low air temperature in winter.
- Flooded basement. It threatens with increased humidity, mainly on the first and second floors. With poor ventilation, dampness threatens floors higher.
- The use of cheap building materials. Low-quality false ceilings, inexpensive plastic windows, vinyl wallpapers - all this turns the room into a box where moisture accumulates.
- Incorrect arrangement of large household appliances and furniture in the apartment, which as a result blocks the exhaust openings and interferes with normal air circulation.
How does dampness and high humidity appear?
If such a nuisance occurs and you decide how and how to remove dampness in the house, you probably noticed the following manifestations of high humidity:
- Characteristic smell.
- Condensation on some surfaces.
- Fungal mold.
to contents ↑Important! Such signs can appear both individually and collectively. The more of them and the brighter they are - the more the problem is aggravated, how to remove humidity from the apartment.
How to find out why it’s damp in the apartment?
Before you begin, you still need to determine where the moisture comes into the house. There are several ways to find out:
- If you live in an apartment building, walk in the neighborhood. If they have the same problem, then the whole thing is in the design of the house and its incorrect design. If only you, then your problem is easier to solve.
- Take the glass and press it firmly against the wall. Leave it in this condition for the night. If in the morning water droplets formed on the glass from the side of the wall, then moisture penetrates from the outside.
to contents ↑Important! If you think that you can ignore the humidity, and it will pass by itself, then you are mistaken. It will give you a reminder of the many diseases and spoiled mood. Fungal mold promises headaches, problems with the respiratory system - and this is not a complete list.
How to remove moisture in the house?
You already know how to determine the source of the problem. Now, using this knowledge, begin to get rid of dampness. If the problem is of an external nature, then go in for the insulation of the building. What you need to pay attention to:
- Insulation of the outer wall.
- Sealing joints between panels, if the house is panel.
- Covering the walls with a heat-insulating layer inside the apartment.
- Carrying out antifungal surface treatment.
How to remove the smell of dampness in the apartment?
If the increased humidity is caused by internal causes, then you should take such measures to neutralize it:
- Pay attention to the ventilation system: check the draft and clean it.
- Ventilate your home as often as possible. It is better to do this in dry sunny weather.
- Inspect all radiators and pipes for leaks. If you find one, troubleshoot.
- Install air conditioning. It dries the air and in this case it may be useful to you.
- Every time during cooking, turn on the hood.
- Carefully consider the selection of indoor plants. Give preference to those that do not need frequent watering.
- When carrying out repairs in your apartment, give preference to natural materials. They are able to absorb excess moisture.
- Get a dehumidifier. It eliminates dampness quickly and efficiently. When buying, pay attention to the power of the device. If it is high, then optional round-the-clock operation of the device. It is enough to include it twice a week.
- You can install an additional heater in the apartment, but this is relevant only for the cold season or for cold houses. In a warm room, such an apparatus will only do harm.
- You can purchase some specialized synthetic products, such as Stop Moisture. They absorb excess moisture and are an excellent absorbent.
How to remove humidity in the house - folk remedies
Those who are interested in how to remove excess moisture in an apartment with folk remedies will find the following method useful:
- Take the containers. It’s better to be beautiful, because there is a chance that they will be in front of you.
- Pour salt and sugar into different vessels.
- Place around the perimeter of your apartment.
- Change the contents of containers from time to time.
to contents ↑Important! Salt and sugar perfectly absorb moisture. But this is not entirely practical and advisable. Eliminate the causes of excess moisture and the problem goes away. The main thing is not to back down and spare money for repairs, if necessary. After all, your health and the health of your family depend on this.
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We hope that now you have no questions left about how and how to remove the smell of dampness from the apartment, and you have successfully coped with the problem.
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